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18-year-old Beth was excited. She was flattered to have finally been chosen to join the school Senior Netball team. Whilst she knew she was quite good, she was a little bit surprised at being asked to join the very successful team, and immediately jumped at the opportunity. This would open up a new world of trips and contacts that she simply didn't have at the moment. Now that her exams were over, she knew she could concentrate on sport a bit more, and it would keep her in shape.

The only thing that stood in the way of her being accepted onto the team was the medical. Whilst she didn't think there was anything that would stop her from passing this, she didn't want to chance anything. She knew the school nurse was a stroppy pedantic woman and so she decided to impress with a good first impression. Subsequently, she was dressed in her smartest school uniform: Black blazer, short black pleated skirt, black shoes, crisp white blouse, and to give an air of sophistication, she covered her legs with white hold-ups instead of the white socks option.

She knew the medical was mainly an interview consisting of a question and answer session, with a couple of minor readings required such as blood pressure, so she didn't expect to need to undress or anything, just look smart. As she approached the school's medical rooms at the appointed time, just as school was ending, she straightened her blazer and knocked on the door and went in asian porn videos

The suite consisted of a small waiting room, followed by a larger nurse's office and examination room. Finding no-one there, she sat herself neatly on a chair in the waiting room for a minute before the adjoining door opened. She was surprised to see, not the school nurse, but a young male doctor appear in the doorway.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Sanders. You must be... Bethany, here for a team medical?" he asked, consulting a letter. When Beth nodded in affirmation, he continued. "Nurse Carter is on training today. I'm here to fill in for her. Please come through." He held the door open and ushered her past him.

Beth was slightly taken aback at his unexpected appearance. She was not expecting a handsome man to be conducting the medical, but stood obediently and walked past the young doctor through into the office. The young doctor looked her up and down as she brushed past him, smiling to himself as he noted her curves and her tight bottom, before closing the door and gesturing at a chair, indicating that she should sit.

Beth sat neatly, slightly nervous. After picking up a clipboard, Doctor Sanders sat on another chair and tried to put her at ease. "Don't worry. I don't bite." This teased a slight smile from Beth, despite the bad line. "Now I understand that you are here for a sports medical. Netball. Is that correct?"

Beth nodded "Uh-huh".

"Good. Now it will be slightly different from a normal medical which addresses general health, in that today I will be assessing your fitness to determine your physical suitability to join the team. OK?"

Again, she nodded "Uh-huh".

"And you understand that in order to be accepted on the team, you must pass this medical? Yes?"

"Yes" she replied. 'Oh, God don't let me fail this, please' Beth thought to herself.

"Good. Well I'm sure you'll want to be going home as soon as possible, so let's get started. We'll start with the questionnaire. I must stress that everything you tell me will be kept in strict confidence and you must be as honest as possible in your answers."

"OK". He started going through a long list of practical, health, dietary and physical questions on his list, mainly requiring yes/no answers. Beth sat there looking pretty, but she was nervously fiddling with her fingers before moving her hands to the edge of the chair and fiddling with the hem of her short skirt. The Doctor kept glancing at her as he went through the form, not necessarily at her face.

After a few minutes, he declared "Right. That's the questions done. Now let's move on to the physical section, shall we?"

"Uh, physical section?" Beth asked, starting to get a bit worried.

"Yes. I need to do some basics tests and checks to confirm your health."

"Er,...OK" Beth hesitated. She hadn't counted on this; she hadn't dressed for it, and she certainly didn't expect a man to be examining her.

"Please slip off your blazer and sit on the side of the couch over there and I'll start with your blood pressure." Beth got up and slid her blazer off and folded over the back of her chair. She couldn't be sure but she thought she glimpsed him checking out her shapely bust in the short-sleeved blouse, before she turned and moved over to the "couch" which was in fact the examination table to one side of the room.

She hopped up to sit on the side, as he watched, careful not to let her skirt ride up. The doctor fetched his apparatus and sat next to her. He held her arm softly and attached the pad to take her blood pressure. He could feel her trembling slightly at his touch as he pumped up the testing bladder which squeezed her arm. After watching the read-out for a while he declared "That's fine" and jotted down the results on the clipboard.

"Now let's check out your lungs. Please turn that way so that I can listen through your back." Beth presented her back to him as he pressed his stethoscope to her back. He gently pressed it to her back and she felt him moving it around, his hand pressing against her as he noted the quality straps of her bra. He grunted and then said "Well I think you're OK but I can't be sure from the back. Do you mind if I listen to your chest for a second?"

"Uh, OK" she answered before realising the potential implications, and regretting it. She turned to face him as they both looked down at her chest. She was breathing quicker now from nerves. He asked her to undo the top two buttons on her blouse. As she did so, she felt that it was getting hotter in there, or was it just her blushing arisa misato porn movies

Then, holding the end of the stethoscope, he placed it just under her neck and moved her blouse aside a little as he listened lower. He pushed her blouse further open and caught a glimpse of her white lace bra and the top inside swell of her lovely breasts as he pretended to listen lower. Beth was trembling and she felt that he was taking a little too long to check her out.

Finally, he seemed to be satisfied and leaving her blouse open a little he placed the scope to the side and changed direction. "Right. Now let's test your reflex actions. Please slip off your shoes and perch on the edge just there." Beth shuffled closer to the edge taking care not to let her short skirt ruck up.

Doctor Sanders looked about for his little hammer, but not finding it declared "I must have left it in the outer room. Don't move. I'll go and get it". He went out and took the opportunity to lock the outside room, and as he closed the office door, there was a click as that too locked.

"Found it!" he cheerfully announced as he took a second to admire the beautiful young woman sitting on the side of his examination table in her short skirt and nylons, with her blouse still open a little, her breathing making her full teenage breasts rise and fall.

He knelt down in front of her and explained that he was going to tap her knee to see if her leg reacted. He brought down the little round hammer onto her knee and Beth yelped slightly as her calf kicked up. This reaction had the effect of lifting her skirt as her leg jerked, and from where he was positioned in front of her, the doctor caught a tantalising glimpse of the lacey hold-up stocking tops under the hem of her skirt.

He tapped her leg again, watching more carefully this time, then tested the other, making her other leg jerk up and out and opening her legs slightly, giving him another glimpse up her inner thighs at the stocking tops. 'So, not tights after all' he thought.

He then got her to stand up and perform some simple stretches with her arms before asking her to stand in the middle of the room and touch her toes, and to hold that position. Beth looked at him in a funny way, knowing that her skirt was quite short, but faced him and bent right forward to touch her toes.

"Right hold your ankles just there for a second" he called. she duly complied. Pretending to fetch another clipboard from the other side of the room, the doctor moved behind the bent over girl. The view that was presented to him was glorious. Her pert bottom was just visible clad in dainty white lace panties framed by the deep lace tops of her white hold-up stockings. Her creamy thighs looked smooth and soft. He could see the bulge of her pudenda between her legs. After a good while of surreptitious ogling, he came back round to her front, pretending not to have noticed her, even though she was blushing.

"Good. Now can you hop back onto the table and I'll check your muscle tone and flexibility" he instructed free live sex

"Muscle tone?" she queried as she straightened up and went back over to the table. "Haven't you just tested my flexibility?"

"Only partially" he assured her. "I need to check out some other things". She shrugged and hopped onto the table. "Sit lengthways near to the bottom with your feet fully on the top please" he asked.

Beth swung her legs round, conscious that her skirt swished up a little as she did so, hoping that he wouldn't spot that she was wearing stockings. She sat up and smoothed down her skirt as he approached and stood beside her. She was nervous as he looked down her front at her cleavage, still showing between her slightly open blouse. He moved to her legs.

"Now can you bend one knee up please, and move your foot close to you?" he asked her. She leant back, supported on her arms as she bent her nearest leg up, causing her short skirt to ruck up a little. "Good. Now the other one." She straightened her first leg then bent the other one up. This time, because of the new angle of the rucked-up skirt, he could see a tantalising glimpse of white stocking lace high up on her creamy thigh.

"Good" he breathed. "You can put your leg back down again. Now I want you to lie flat on the table and stretch your arms up in the air. Yes, like that." Beth wasn't quite sure what these exercises were trying to show him, but she desperately wanted to pass this medical, so followed his instructions. She knew her breasts were thrusting up against the blouse, held in her underwired lace bra, and that her short skirt only just covered her stocking tops.

He then asked her to stretch out her arms to the sides and then straight up over her head where they stuck out beyond the top of the table. The doctor went around to the top of the table and gently held her wrists. "I'm just going to stretch you a little OK?" She nodded meekly as the doctor tugged gently, testing her arms' muscle tone presumably.

While he was there, he took this engineered opportunity to look down the length of her young prone body. He noted the swell of her cleavage, her generous breasts pushed up slightly because the position of her arms made her back arch a little, and the nice shapes of her legs laid out on the table. He stretched her arms upwards until her elbows were level with the edge, the bent them down over the edge.

Beth was suddenly feeling very self-conscious and a little exposed as she lay on her back with her bust thrust upwards by the upstretched position of her arms.

Suddenly she felt something leathery tighten around her narrow wrists, gripping them firmly.

"Hey! What's that?" she cried out in protest, trying to tug her arms free to no effect. She craned her neck to try to see over the edge of the table and tried fiddling with her hands, but the loops of leather were too tight around her wrists and she couldn't slip her hands through. "What are you doing? Let me go!"

The Doctor replied calmly as he moved to her side. "I'm just keeping your arms stretched up while I stretch your legs a little, that's all. You do want to pass this medical, don't you? Nothing to be worried about."

But she WAS worried. Worried that her arms were stuck and worried that her skirt was riding higher up her legs. He moved down the side of the examination bed and she watched in horror as he went down her legs to stand beside her knees. He glanced up her legs to her short, pleated skirt. It had ridden up a little further with her arms pinned above her head. He could see the enticing lace at the tops of her stockings peeping out from under the hem. Beth squeezed her legs together tightly.

He reached out and softly held her far ankle with his right hand and lifted her knee with the other, bending her leg up like before. Beth bit her bottom lip in embarrassed frustration as the skirt rode higher. Then, as he placed it back down, he laid her knee to the side a little, and repeated the exercise for the near leg.

She looked straight up at the ceiling hoping this part would be over quickly, as he manipulated her nylon encased legs, her breaths coming quicker now. Once both legs were flat again, her thighs slightly parted, he could see some bare thigh above the tops of her stockings. He went to stand at the foot of the table and glimpsed up her skirt where he could glimpse the white shape of her lace panties teacher jav

He moved back up to her waist. She snapped her head to look at him in anguish as his hand came down on her nearest knee and started sliding inward and up her thigh.

"Um. Is this part of the exam?" she asked meekly, realising her potentially vulnerable position.

"Not strictly speaking. But I do want to check you out. Thoroughly."

Did she image the emphasis on the words 'check you out'? Or even 'thoroughly'. Either way she was becoming even more uneasy with each passing minute. Especially when his hand gently stroked its way up to the top of her stockings and traced across the lace. She closed her eyes and trembled as his hand explored the lace, then moved further up her thigh, pushing the skirt out of the way as his palm came to rest on the smooth skin of her upper thigh.

He stroked his warm hand over the smooth skin of her thigh. But as he slid round to her ultra-soft inner thigh, she squeaked and closed her legs tightly, trapping his hand.

"No! stop you can't do that! This isn't right! This can't be part of the medical! Let me go!" she cried out to him. He pulled his hand free.

"Young lady. You are making too much noise and it's spoiling my concentration."

He reached under the table and pulled out something and went up to stand beside her head. Beth turned to see what he had and gasped in horror as she realised it was a ballgag!

"Nooooo!" she shrieked just as he thrust the ball between her lovely lips and pushed it firmly into her mouth. As she was trying to spit it out, he lifted her long brown hair and ran the strap around the back of her head before securing it on the near side. Beth mumbled frantically into the gag, but it effectively stopped communication from her.

She tugged at the wrist straps again and started scrabbling her feet across the table surface to try to gain purchase to wriggle sideways off the table. He countered by going down to her legs and holding her knees still. He reached under the table at her waist and brought up the long, loose end a solid leather strap, passing is over her body and to the other side. He went around, pulled it tight and fastened it under the side, holding her body pinned down to the table top at her waist.

Beth mumbled and struggled meekly in her bonds, but could still kick her legs out. Next the doctor held her left knee and pulled her leg out to the side towards him, bending the knee. Holding her thigh spread out to the side near the edge of the table, he looped a leather strap over her thigh just above the knee. When this was tightened over the edge of the table, it held her leg down to the tabletop and out to the side, spreading her thigh wide.

As he came back around the foot of the table to the other side, he smiled as he looked down at the way her skirt had ridden up, the naked flesh of her inner thigh was exposed, and the white shape of her lace panties was uncovered. She tried to resist him by kicking out at him with her remaining free limb, but he managed to grab her ankle firmly and easily wrestled it into position, spreading her thigh wide, before securing it to the side of the table just above the knee.

Both her thighs were spread wide now with her knees bent and her feet pointing inward at the sides of the table. Her short skirt was spread wide, exposing her white lace top stockings, the tender flesh of her inner thighs, and most of all, the lovely soft shape of her pussy, clad in the white lace panties stretched tight between her legs.

Beth squealed in protest and squirmed in her bonds, trying to free herself. This just had the effect of thrusting her partially exposed bust up and out, and making her skirt ride higher up her hips. The good doctor stood beside her waist, gazing down on his captured prize.

"Now, let's test that muscle tone shall we?" he asked rhetorically. He placed his hands on her stocking clad calves, bent towards each other. He stroked and squeezed her legs as he worked his warm hands up to her spread knees, then up her shapely thighs. Beth closed her eyes, helpless to stop him, knowing that this was going way, way too far. But in the back of her mind was the thought that he had the power to fail her, and she needed to pass this medical none the less.

His hands reached her stocking tops and stroked around the soft skin, sliding from side to side. She trembled under his soft touch. He circled his palm over the soft skin on her inner thighs, creeping closer and closer to her panties and she opened her eyes and whimpered as he approached her there.

Then his left hand went up and placed on her chest and slid down under her blouse, to stroke the exposed flesh of the tops of her lovely breasts. He could feel her body trembling under his touch. Then he gently but firmly placed his right hand on her pussy.

She gasped into the gag and her head snapped back as his warm hand closed over the soft shape of her panties and pressed in, feeling her womanhood through the thin lace. He started to explore and stroke her there. Beth blushed with shame as she couldn't prevent him fondling her pussy through her panties.

Meanwhile, he slid his left hand lower over her lacy bra-cup and firmly cupped a warm, round breast in his large hand, and squeezed. At the same time, he pressed his fingers into her spread pussy, delving between the soft lips and pushing the material of her panties into her. She squeaked as she felt him molest her breasts and pussy at the same time. He rubbed her breast and pussy gently, working his fingers over the sensitive flesh for a while.

He paused from fondling her breasts and pussy, but only to undo the remaining buttons on her blouse. He spread the sides wide, exposing her tummy and her lovely firm breasts which heaved against the delicate lace of her push-up bra.

His hand came down onto the nearest mound and he squeezed it more firmly, his fingers seeking the shape of her nipple at the tip. Once he found it, he squeezed it in his fingers, making her jolt in surprise. He tweaked and fondled it into a hard, throbbing little nubbin. He tugged at it through the lace, then moved on to repeat with the other nipple until he alternated between the two, making them both ache with sensitivity and pulsing blood swelling them hard.

Meanwhile, his right hand slid up her abdomen, pushing the skirt up to her waist, and his fingers found the top edge of her delicate panties. He slipped his fingers down under the lace and she closed her eyes and groaned as his fingers grazed over the hood of her clit and found the warmth of her pussy and dipped down through her spread lips. His fingers traced down through her sensitive gash to the bottom, before pressing in and sliding their way back up to her clit.