Rogues on Roofs

Rogues on Roofs: En Techo with the Community

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Our mission:

To not let another day, week, or month go by until homes damaged by Maria are protected from the daily rains of Puerto Rico. Through our work, we hope to not only repair homes so that they are stronger than before, but to continue to fill peoples’ hearts with the hope that their lives may return to normal.

The Down and Dirty:

Techo means roof in Spanish, and our work will primarily be done on the roof! Although hurricane cleanup has been happening all over the island, there is still an incredible amount of work to do. Many people still have tarped roofs, or no roof at all, and are resigned to watching their homes get wet from daily rain because they don't have the funds to do anything about it. Floors are rotting, mold is growing, and homes are falling into states of disrepair. Our goal is to make the damaged portions of homes stronger than before in order to withstand the inevitable next major weather event.

We are a small crew of volunteers who want to put roofs (and walls) on as many homes as we can. The labor is free, we just need money to buy the materials. That's why the "as many homes as we can" depends on you! Your donation will allow us to purchase sheets of metal roofing, and other associated building materials. We know these materials are available and we already have the tools and equipment needed. We have contact with people in need, we just need the financial means to make it happen!

As you know, we are just regular people helping people. Because we are not an "official" organization, your donation will not be tax deductible. Given what we have seen following Maria, there is no day too soon to start rebuilding homes. With your donation we have the means of acting now, without jumping through any hoops. So, let's do it!

Donation options:

For electronic donations via Venmo or Paypal please contact us directly:

Venmo - contact Lisa Howard at or 717.773.1516

Paypal - contact John Tilitz at

Mail check to:

Ben Chase

52 Elm St.

Newmarket, NH 03857

Please email Ben at with the amount that you have sent.