Homepage of Frank Röttger
Welcome to my homepage!
I am a mathematician working in mathematical statistics, especially in graphical models, multivariate extremes, optimal design, and algebraic statistics. Furthermore, I am interested in topics in probabilistic combinatorics. Please find my publications below. You can reach me at f.lastname@tue.nl (with ö replaced by o).
Since September 2023 I am an assistant professor in the Statistics group at TU Eindhoven. Before, I was a postdoctoral researcher with Sebastian Engelke at the University of Geneva, Switzerland and in the nonlinear algebra group of Bernd Sturmfels at MPI MiS Leipzig. From April 2017 to March 2020 I was a PhD-student at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg as a fellow of the research training group MathCoRe. My advisors were Thomas Kahle and Rainer Schwabe. A detailed CV is available on request.
News and Activities
With my PhD student Ignacio Echave-Sustaeta Rodríguez we extended our previous conference contribution to a paper on "Latent Gaussian and Hüsler--Reiss Graphical Models with Golazo Penalty".
Together with Ignacio Echave-Sustaeta Rodríguez, Mariana Vargas Vieyra and Piotr Zwiernik we organize a workshop on Graph Laplacians, multivariate extremes and algebraic statistics in Eindhoven (at the Eurandom workshop center) in November 2024.
Together with Carlos Améndola, Jane Coons and Alex Grosdos we were Oberwolfach research fellows for two weeks in Juli-August 2024.
Together with Sebastian Engelke, Manuel Hentschel and Michaël Lalancette we wrote a review article on graphical extremes for an upcoming handbook.
Ignacio Echave-Sustaeta Rodríguez, Frank Röttger, Latent Gaussian and Hüsler--Reiss Graphical Models with Golazo Penalty, arXiv:2408.12482
Sebastian Engelke, Manuel Hentschel, Michaël Lalancette, Frank Röttger, Graphical models for multivariate extremes, arXiv:2402.02187
Frank Röttger, Jane Ivy Coons and Alexandros Grosdos, Parametric and nonparametric symmetries in graphical models for extremes, arXiv:2306.00703
Frank Röttger and Quentin Schmitz, On the local metric property in multivariate extremes, arXiv:2212.10350
Frank Röttger, Thomas Kahle and Rainer Schwabe, Optimal designs for discrete choice models via graph Laplacians, arXiv:2208.08926
Published Articles:
Ignacio Echave-Sustaeta Rodríguez, Frank Röttger, Latent Gaussian Graphical Models with Golazo Penalty, Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, PMLR (2024), arXiv:2408.12482v1
Gloria Buriticá, Manuel Hentschel, Olivier C. Pasche, Frank Röttger, Zhongwei Zhang, Modeling Extreme Events: Univariate and Multivariate Data-Driven Approaches, (EVA 2023 data challenge contribution), Extremes (2024) arXiv:2401.14910
Frank Röttger, Sebastian Engelke and Piotr Zwiernik, Total positivity in multivariate extremes, Annals of Statistics (2023), arXiv:2112.14727,
Tobias Boege, Thomas Kahle, Andreas Kretschmer and Frank Röttger, The geometry of Gaussian double Markovian distributions, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2022), arXiv:2107.00134
Tobias Boege, Jane Ivy Coons, Christopher Eur, Aida Maraj and Frank Röttger, Reciprocal Maximum Likelihood Degrees of Brownian Motion Tree Models, Le Matematiche (2021), arXiv:2009.11849
Fritjof Freise, Ulrike Graßhoff, Frank Röttger and Rainer Schwabe, D-optimal designs for Poisson regression with synergetic interaction effect, TEST (2021), arXiv:2006.04656
Ulrike Graßhoff, Heinz Holling, Frank Röttger and Rainer Schwabe, Optimality regions for designs in multiple linear regression models with correlated random coefficients, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2020), arXiv:1911.05538
Benjamin Brück and Frank Röttger, A central limit theorem for the two-sided descent statistic on Coxeter groups, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2022), arXiv:1908.07955
Thomas Kahle, Frank Röttger and Rainer Schwabe, The semi-algebraic geometry of saturated optimal designs for the Bradley-Terry model, Algebraic Statistics (2021), arXiv:1901.02375
Frank Röttger, Asymptotics of a locally dependent statistic on finite reflection groups, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2020), arXiv:1812.00372
Geometry of Optimal Design and Limit Theorems, PhD thesis (2020) at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg.
Geometrie optimaler Versuchspläne, mit Thomas Kahle und Rainer Schwabe (2020), Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 28(2), 71-76.
Research brief Geometry of Optimal Design, MPI MiS Leipzig research briefs (2020)