Roee Shraga 

Assistant Professor


My name is Roee Shraga (רועי שרגא) and I am an assistant professor in the CS department and the DS program at WPI

Before that I was a Postdoc at the Data Lab at Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. I received my PhD in 2020 in the area of Data Science from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.


📢 [Apr. 24] I will present my work on Semantic Version Management in Data Lakes in the upcoming NEDB Day~!!S !

🎉 [Mar. 24] Our paper "Gen-T: Table Reclamation in Data Lakes" was accepted to ICDE 2024. Joint work with Grace Fan and Renée Miller from Northeastern University.

🎉 [Feb. 24] Our paper "SC-Block: Supervised Contrastive Blocking within Entity Resolution Pipelines" was accepted to ESWC 2024. Joint work with Alexander Brinkmann and Christian Bizer from University of Mannheim.

📢 [Dec. 23] I am co-organizing HILDA 2024. CFP is out on the website.

📝 [Dec. 23] Our paper on "The Battleship Approach to the Low Resource Entity Matching Problem" is out and will be presented at SIGMOD 2024

📁 [Jun. 23] The WDC Block Benchmark is available online

📝 [Jun. 23] Grateful to join the DEI@DB initiative

💬 [Jun. 23] Invited to the PC of RecSys 2023 (Demonstration Track)

🎉 [Jun. 23] The FIRST edition of PACMMOD is out with our papers

📝 FlexER: Flexible Entity Resolution for Multiple Intents

📝 SANTOS: Relationship-based Semantic Table Union Search

We will present them soon at SIGMOD 2023, see you in Seattle 🍻

📝 [April 23] Check out our new article on Computer Magazine describing our vision on "One Algorithm to Rule Them All" in Data Integration

📢 [March 23] Aamod and Grace will present some of our recent works in NEDB Day, good luck!!

📝 [March 23] Our DKE paper in available online

🎉 [Feb. 23] Our demo "DIALITE: Discover, Align and Integrate Open Data Tables" was accepted to SIGMOD 2023

🎉 [Jan. 23] Our paper on "Explaining Dataset Changes for Semantic Data Versioning with Explain-Da-V" was accepted to PVLDB  and will be presented at VLDB 2023  (paper, github, technical report)

💬 [Jan. 23] Invited to the PC of SSS 2023 (Distributed Databases Track)

💬 [Dec. 22] Invited to the PC of SIGIR 2023 (Full & Short)

🎉 [Nov. 22] Our paper on "Integrating Data Lake Tables" was accepted to PVLDB  and will be presented at VLDB 2023  (paper, github)

🎉 [Aug. 22] Two new papers accepted to SIGMOD 2023 

📝 FlexER: Flexible Entity Resolution for Multiple Intents (preprint)

📝 SANTOS: Relationship-based Semantic Table Union Search (preprint)

💬 [Jun. 22] Invited to the PC of VLDB 2023 (Demonstration Track)

💬 [Jul. 22] Invited to the PC of RecSys 2022 (Demonstration Track)

💬 [Jun. 22] Invited to the PC of ICDE 2023 (Demonstration Track)

📝 [Jun. 22] Presented my paper on "HumanAL: Calibrating Human Matching Beyond a Single Task" at HILDA 2022 (preprint, video), co-located with SIGMOD 2022

📢 [May 22] Gave a talk for Michael Cafarella's group at MIT CSAIL.

💬 [Feb. 22] Invited to the PC of HILDA 2022 (Including an exciting and unique mentorship process)

💬 [Jan. 22] Invited to the PC of SIGIR 2022 (Short Papers)

Older Updates:

💬 [Dec. 21] Invited to the PC of SIGIR 2022 (Full Papers)

📢 [Nov. 21] Gave a colloquium talk at the Data and Web Science Group ( at the University of Mannheim (invited by Han van der Aa).

📝 [Nov. 21] Our paper "From Limited Annotated Raw Material Data to Quality Production Data: A Case Study in the Milk Industry" was presented at CIKM 2021 (paper, technical report, video)

💬 [Oct. 21] Invited to the PC of VLDB 2022 (Demonstration Track)

💬 [Sep. 21] Invited to the PC of ICDE 2022 (Demonstration Track)

📝 [Aug. 21] Our paper "PoWareMatch: a Quality-aware Deep Learning Approach to Improve Human Schema Matching" was accepted to  ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Special Issue on Deep Learning for Data Quality (preprint)

📢  [Jun. 21] Gave a talk at the Data Managment Seminar at Tel Aviv University (hosted by  Daniel Deutch).

📢  [May 21] Gave a talk for the Roi Reichart's NLP group, Technion.

📢  [May 21] Gave a talk for the AI and People (APPL) group, Technion (hosted by  Ofra Amir).

📢  [Apr. 21] Gave a talk at the Computer Science Faculty, Technion (hosted by Benny Kimelfeld).

📢  [Apr. 21] Gave a talk at the Cognitive Robotics Lab, Technion (hosted by Erez Karpas).

🪑  [Apr. 21] Chaired the Indexing session at ICDE 2021.

📝 [Apr. 21] Presented our paper "Learning to Characterize Matching Experts" at ICDE 2021 (paper, video).

📢  [Apr. 21] Gave a guest lecture in the Data Modeling and Database Design class at the University of Toronto.

📢  [Mar. 21] Gave a talk at the Data Lab Seminar at Northeastern University.

📝 [Mar. 21] "ADaMaP: Automatic Alignment of Relational Data Sources using Mapping Patterns" was accepted to CAiSE 2021

📝 [Dec. 20] ACM SIGMOD blog posted our vision on Humans' Role in-the-Loop.

📝 [Oct. 20] Presented our paper at ICPM 2020 (paper, video).

📝 [Aug. 20] Presented two papers in VLDB2020:

📝 Research Paper (paper, video).

🎓 PhD Workshop (paper, video).

🐄 [Aug. 20] Presented at the FoodIoT Big Data Seminar. Check out the video (it is in hebrew, sorry...).

📝 [July 20] Presented our paper at SIGIR 2020 (paper, video).

📝 [June 20] Presented our demo paper at SIGMOD 2020 (paper, video).