Rocketbirds' single player campaign opens with Hardboiled Chicken fighting a barrage of Penguin army soldiers. His mission is to find and kill the corrupt Penguin dictator, iL Putzki, in order to set the citizens of Albatropolis free. Hardboiled's jetpack runs low on fuel during his flight, dropping him into the woods where a nearby building is being guarded by penguins. Elsewhere, Putzki himself finds out about Hardboiled's whereabouts, going into a panic until Brno Albatross, Putzki's bodyguard, ensures him that Hardboiled is only a one-man army fighting against millions. Hardboiled soon enters the building, later getting himself trapped in a cell where he is then tortured by Brno. It is then revealed through a series of flashbacks that Hardboiled, alongside various others, had been initially captured at a young age and forced to serve for the Penguin army, after a failed attempt to cook him at birth led to him still being alive years later. The army's black star symbol was imprinted onto his head during training, where he was made to obey the dictatorial rules set by the Penguins. Hardboiled's reasoning for rebelling is implied in the third of these flashbacks, where during his time serving under Putzki, an adult Hardboiled spotted a younger chicken from Albatropolis who looked very similar to himself when he was young. This caused him to regain some sense of humanity and immediately turn against his own fleet, first by attacking one of his former colleagues after seeing the child being threatened with death if Hardboiled didn't follow orders. Having been rescued afterwards, the young chicken gave Hardboiled a grey bandana to cover the black star on his forehead.

In 2000, Sian Yue Tan and James Anderson made the Flash animation Albatropolis: 'Pilot'.[4] A parody of an 80s trend started by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the video featured chickens and penguins violently fighting against each other in a snowy field. The concept stuck around with Yu Tan for a while until he formed Ratloop Asia the same year, using the characters as a way of practicing game development. Nine years later, Rocketbirds: Revolution! was launched online in 2009 as a browser-based game, with a free playable demo for the first chapter and the remaining ten being paid for as long as the player had an account. This early version was later nominated for three awards in the 2010 Independent Games Festival for Excellence in Audio, Excellence in Visual Art and the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, losing out only to Closure, Limbo and Monaco in each category respectively.

Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken Download


When entering a prison cell, he can't believe that he fell for that trap and sees that it must be a way of himself being old. Behind him, a buzzing TV screen flashes with an appearing Agent Brno, and finds out that he's still wearing the black star. Brno then tries to find a way to make Hardboiled talk by shocking him. While being shocked, his past shows him being borned, he survives while being boiled as a fetus. After waking from his rest, he sees upon another chicken like him, who's named Bud. The resistance knows of his mission to kill Putzki and Bud is willing to help his escape. Hardboiled receives Brain Bugs by Bud, which are able to control Penguins. Upon wishing him luck, Hardboiled proceeds to control the Penguins, so he and the resistance can escape.

After freeing the chickens, they go forward to attack the Penguins. Upon using the card on the cell, one of the chickens from the resistance lets him enter the secret hatch, which leads to the outside of the prison. Leaving the prison, Hardboiled gets more past memories of himself as a child - running away from a city after it gets terrorized by Penguins. He gets captured, mind controlled and is given masterful training by the Penguins.

Hardboiled, a chicken prisoned by the penguin army (lead by the dispicable Putzki) and brainwashed into their ways of killing innocents, escapes the penguin army after killing one of his leaders, which threatened to kill an innocent child.

So what makes Hardboiled so successful as a soldier?

Through the game, you discover (via fully voiced cutscenes) that HC was brainwashed as a young chicken by the very penguins he now rebels against and, through vigorous and seemingly extreme training, turned into the super soldier he has become.

Head back to the Mexiverse in this long-awaited sequel to the smash hit Guacamelee! Uppercut your way to victory across stunning new hand-crafted levels. Featuring a dense and colorful world, new luchador moves, sassy new bosses, twice the enemies, and 300% more chickens!

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken is a port of an indie PC game developed by Ratloop Asia that follows the adventures of Hardboiled Chicken, a renegade soldier trying to overthrow an oppressive penguin army and bring freedom back to the land of Albatropolis. Should we be interested in the adventures of a chicken fighting a bunch of penguins? You bet.

Another best thing about this game is that. It has many characters. and each character is capable of doing things based on their skills. Groovy Gamer is the main character of this game. and leads his team. and the most funniest thing about this game is the story line. Their are some small clips come after a few missions. and they are hilarious as they presented a war between penguins and chickens. You can say that it is a shooter game. and it has blood in it. So it is recommended that the player should be above 17 year. They also made that requirement so funny. This is an addictive game and you will love the facts that you will learn as you will continue playing this game. 2351a5e196

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