I used to play Goldeneye as a kid and my favorite SFX was she rocket launcher. I know Rare used sound libraries, andam as a result the same sounds show up in other media (anime, other games, movies) so I'm wondering what the source of the sound was if anybody knows off hand. Googling rocket launcher royalty free sound effect doesn't show anything, and I tried bazooka and missile launch SFX too.

I've always found sound editing amusing, and have done this since I first figured out how to do it.My first soundcard was a MediaVision Thunderboard and bundled with it was an early version of Sound Forge.Whenever I got a new game I would check the content structure just to see how easy it was to edit the sounds.To this day I still edit game sounds.Although not the gamer I used to be; I mostly play classic games now.However, one game I've never changed the sound effects for is Doom.

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The Doom sounds are just too much a part of the game and by changing them the spirit of Doom would be lost.Being sampled at only 11 kHz, the quality of the Doom sounds is quite bad, so I have over the past couple of years tried to gather/remake as many as possible of the original Doom sounds in high quality.Many of them are from the Sound Ideas sound effect library.

Finding the Doom sounds proved to be difficult and time consuming; a sound effect can be a tiny little part hidden within an audio track and it can have a different frequency, be time stretched, reversed and mixed with other sounds.Some of the sounds will probably never be properly recreated or found as they are recorded by Bobby Prince and not stock sound effects.

So far I've whipped up 77 more or less accurate replicas of the 107 original sound effects.I've tried to keep the volume fairly equal to the Bobby Prince originals, but some sounds are fattened up a bit.The new and old sounds do blend quite nicely together.

This was another construction process and by listening to the original, I divided it into three parts:

1. A initial short thump

2. A second bigger thump

3. The rocket flying swoosh sound

Then it was just to mix them together approximately close to the original.My rocket launcher sound is slightly quicker than the original, but it works.

That's basically it.Some of the remaining sounds could be remade without using the original material I suppose, but the sounds wouldn't be true to the originals.The only hope for a complete package is that Bobby Prince/id Software still got the original sound effects material...

But for some reason, after playing Quake remastered, I feel that Doom's sound effects are better than Quake's sound effects. It's hard to describe it perfectly, but for some reason, Quake's sound effects feel weaker, softer, and more blurred than Doom's sound effects even though Doom's sound effects are compressed pretty heavily.

In some cases, it's weird because some sound effects are used in both games, but Doom's version sounds much better in general. For example, Doom's super shotgun sound effect is used in Quake also. But for some reason, Doom's super shotgun sounds much stronger and much more satisfying than Quake's.

Most of the sounds in Doom came from commercial sound libraries, with some tweaks and edits. Likely Quake did too. Both the original sounds were the same quality as well. If you simply like Doom's effects better then well, that's just subjective taste. Personally I think Quake has always sounded at least on par with Doom as far as it's sound palette goes.

I generally prefer quake sound effects to doom ones. The grenade bounce, the nailgun firing, scrag active noises, the gib sounds, doors and lifts, monsters landing on the floor, the various player pain sounds... these are all great imo.

I have to disagree. I think Doom's sound effects, even though legendary, can sound off as bland at their worst, for example, the pistol/chaingun sound is just so very lame. The enemy sound effects sound much better, though, but I still like Quake more.

The Id guys were also involved in the sound design, for that extra dose of personality. I recall something about the grenade launcher sound incorporating elements of a recording of illegal fireworks being launched off of American McGee's roof...

Yeah, from what I remember from reading both The Masters of Doom and several interviews, American McGee was actually the one who was behind the bulk of the sound design for Quake. He created some of the sounds at home and heavily-edited heaps of other stuff from sound fx library CDs he could find similar to what Bobby Prince did for Doom. Besides the music and the iconic Ranger screams/grunts/"Hup", Trent Reznor is often incorrectly credited for doing all of Quake's sound effects.

Quake sure has some wierd sound effects. The "chainsaw scraping on the ground" from the Ogre sounds nothing like what it's supposed to ;D

Ranger's screaming, I've always found his slime/lava pain sounds a bit wierd. "huawei, huwaei, ahh ahh" hehe

Yeah, here's the interview I remember reading where McGee talks about him fucking around with the sound effects. He even mentions that he got told off for spending too much time on it instead of making levels more than a few times hehe. He was having too much fun!

I have to concur with the points some others have made and agree that although I prefer Doom as an overall game, I've always felt that Quake has some of the best sound design ever. Everything in Quake just sounds... brutal. The weapons in particular are just fantastic - unleashing with Quake's SSG or super nailgun really feels like you're dishing out some serious devastation, particularly when you add on the quad damage powerup. Or the combination of sounds as you gib a low-tier enemy with a direct rocket launcher hit? Fantastic.

Doom's sound effects are very harsh, with lots of high frequencies and compression artifacts. This makes them in a way more "clear" sounding despite the very low sample rate. Quake's sounds have a bit more bass and less compression, and are thus less harsh. I'm reminded of why I prefer the Sega Genesis soundchip over the SNES; because despite the latter having more channels and fidelity, the former's grit introduces high frequencies that make the attack of each note or hit very clear.

That said, if I had to pick absolutely one over the other as a subjective, opinionated thing, I'd personally go with Quake's sound effect package. Considering the game was a move to full 3D, its sounds complement its environments better overall and makes it a more compelling 3D experience. Certain guns have quality reverb effects, distant audio is handled much more convincingly, and many enemy sounds have smooth fade-ins and outs, which allows its sound package to feel a lot more organic than DOOM's.

An unique library of sounds for game developers. The Missiles and Rockets FX sound library includes 24 sound effects of different missile, rocket and grenade launchers. Such as BM-21 Grad MLRS or M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System, M203 Grenade Launcher, Mortar, Surface-to-Air and Air-to-Air. And one set of rocket launch sounds from the cockpit.

{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@id":"https:\/\/www.asoundeffect.com\/first-man-sound\/#arve-youtube-w4gtjb5walq65999639c8d80019367010","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\/embed\/w4GtJB5WAlQ?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1","name":"First Man - Official Trailer #2 [HD]","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/i.ytimg.com\/vi\/w4GtJB5WAlQ\/hqdefault.jpg","uploadDate":"2018-11-09T14:35:52+00:00","author":"Universal Pictures","description":" I can\u2019t imagine anything scarier than being shot into space inside a hand-made metal can that\u2019s attached to a rocket, with only toggle switches and knobs at my fingertips and a tiny window to look out. You\u2019d have to be equal parts brave and crazy to agree to do that. I can\u2019t imagine what thos"}There are so many intense, experiential moments in this film, from replicating the effects of G-force in the multi-axis machine to replicating the experience of being strapped to a rocket and shot into space. How did you prepare for this? Where did you find inspiration for recreating these experiences from a sound standpoint?  006ab0faaa

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