Rocío Díaz Martín

I'm an Argentinian mathematician working as a Postdoctoral Scholar at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA. 

rocio.p.diaz.martin at

Curriculum Vitae

My interests in mathematics are broad, and I enjoy both research and teaching. 

My research in mathematics is grounded in the field of Mathematical Analysis. My mathematical journey commenced with an in-depth study of Fourier Analysis, particularly Abstract Harmonic Analysis. Currently, I'm primarily focused on Frame and Sampling Theory, and Optimal Transport Theory applied to Machine Learning. For Frame and Sampling Theory, my emphasis lies on "Dynamical Sampling", and due to its connections with "Observability," I'm also interested in Control Theory. 




Other monographs

PhD Thesis

R. Díaz Martín. “Matrix spherical analysis on nilpotent groups”. Advisor: Linda Saal. (December 2018). 

Undergraduate thesis to obtain the degree of Licenciada en Matemática (M.Sc. in Math. equivalent)

R. Díaz Martín. "Ejemplos de pares de Gelfand fuertes".  Advisor: Linda Saal. (2014) 

Math Education Articles




Undergraduate thesis to obtain the degree of Licenciada en Matemática (M.Sc. in Math. equivalent): "De Fourier a Wavelets: un breve recorrido por el análisis tiempo-frecuencia"