This is the keyword documentation for Browser library. For information about installation, support, and more please visit the project pages. For more information about Robot Framework itself, see

Browser library is integrated with NodeJSand and Python. Browser library starts a node process, to communicate Playwright API in NodeJS side. It is possible to provide parameters for the started node process by defining ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_BROWSER_NODE_DEBUG_OPTIONS environment variable, before starting the test execution. Example: ROBOT_FRAMEWORK_BROWSER_NODE_DEBUG_OPTIONS=--inspect;robot path/to/tests. There can be multiple arguments defined in the environment variable and arguments must be separated with comma.

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If Take Screenshot keyword, without arguments, is register as run on failure keyword, then filename argument default value is not used as screenshot file name. Instead, ${TEST NAME}_FAILURE_SCREENSHOT_{index} is used as file name. If there is need to use the filename argument default value, use robotframework-browser-screenshot-{index} as filename argument value.

Can be defined as robot dictionary or as string literal. Does not reveal secrets in Robot Framework logs. Instead, username and password values are resolved internally. Please note that if enable_playwright_debug is enabled in the library import, secret will be always visible as plain text in the playwright debug logs, regardless of the Robot Framework log level.

I am working on automation using Browser library of Robot Framework. I have to scroll down the browser to check the links. I am using VSCODE, used python to install. I checked documentation: -browser/Browser.html#Scroll%20ToBut I dont understand. I see people using javascript but I dont think my company uses javascript(in with Selenium) in this case.

I would guess, that both libraries can exit in one environment. Selenium library uses available browser and driver installed in your environment, as browser library brings its own browsers and drivers.

If both are imported in a single suite (.robot file), you could open a page in both of them, but you cannot have one open a page and have the other library do anything on that page. You would have 2 browser instances that will be competely independent, one for SeleniumLibrary, one for Browser.

I have been using browser library for executing my web UI tests on chrome browser in the robot framework. But now I want to run them on Edge. Since Browser library is based on playwright. And in playwright documentation it is mentioned like

The default run mode with the RPA.Browser.Playwright library is headless (no browser GUI). The New Page keyword opens a browser to the given URL. If a browser is not already open, it will be opened first.

Playwright is becoming an important browser automation library and a serious competitor or challenger to Selenium.As part of my ongoing exploration, I wanted to understand the internals of all the components and protocols involved. In this article, I'll try to deep dive the architecture, at least to a point. I won't go into an extensive explanation of the library itself, its keywords, or comparison with other libraries such as SeleniumLibrary; however, I'll touch some of those topics where it may be relevant.

Before Playwright, Selenium was the main browser automation library and SeleniumLibrary (i.e. robotframework-seleniumlibrary) was the Python package you would install for assisting on web-based testing using Robot Framework along with some specific keywords.

Browser library, when initialized, launches a Node.js process implementing a gRPC server that will translate incoming requests to the Node.js Playwright library. Whenever using keywords of the Browser library, gRPC calls are made to the Node.js server.Messages are exchanged using Protobuf (i.e. Protocol Buffers) messages, on top of gRPC with a specific protocol/messages, which in turn works on top of HTTP/2.The Node.js gRPC server will talk directly to the browsers, using the Playwright API and specific browser protocols, such as CDP (to be discussed on an upcoming blog post).

First, and to understand better what lies under the syntax, concepts are different, and Browser library can be said to provide finer control over the browser.Tatu Aalto, along with Mikko Korpela, giKerkko Pelttari, Ren Rohner, explained this during RoboCon 2021.

In SeleniumLibrary, all happens on top of a browser instance. We create a new browser using the "Open Browser" keyword, which in fact launches a new browser and thus takes some time and requires considerable resources. If we want to have a clean session, we close the current browser instance and have to crete a new one.On the other hand, in Browser library there are 3 layers: Browser, Context, Page.

There's another interesting difference: in SeleniumLibrary we need to open and close browser and pages explicitly. Browser library handles some of this automatically: if a context or a page is created in the Test Setup/Suite Setup, then it will be automatically closed in the respective Test Teardown/Suite Teardown; the browser will be automatically closed at the end of test execution. There's a setting that allows us to finetune the behaviour of this whenever importing the library.

One difference that pops up, is that while SeleniumLibrary provides specific keywords for assertions (e.g. "Title Should Be"), while the Browser library approach is different: there are assertion operators (e.g. "==", "!=") that can be used for some keywords as long as they accept these as arguments (e.g. "Get Title == Welcome Page").Meanwhile, the assertion engine has been split to a separate library: robotframework-assertion-engine.

Robot Framework's Browser library is an interesting library that brings Playwright browser automation capabilities to RF users.This project uses a mix of technologies under the hood; that leads to additional requirements, including having a Node.js environment.I found out this mix interesting, as it involves different languages, frameworks, and protocols... and a workaround (using gRPC to communicate to a Node.js process) to access Playwright automation library.

The current architecture, as of v4.0.x of "robotframework-browser" package, could be eventually simplified in order to use the "playwright" Python package directly. As Kerkko Pelttari mentions, the current architecture allows to have greater control over the Playwright features available in the Browser library implementation. Depending on an upstream wrapper package for Python would add another dependency that could bring increased delays for releasing new versions; "wrapper libraries" have some lag from the main project (i.e. "playwright" NPM package in this case). Besides, changing the current architecture to use "playwright" package would also require significant refactoring. Anyway, we never know what the future brings, so it's always good to go over the release notes and the official documentation to be up to date.Playwright provides visible speed gains because it doesn't require starting new browser instances; we can simply create new contexts... and that is fast. In a simple scenario, I reduced the overall elapsed time by 50%.

After quite a bit of reading, fighting with various version/library conflicts and testing, I got nodejs, playwright, robotframework, robotframework-browser, robotframework-datadriver and robotmk working.

The Playwright based browser library uses bundled browser executables as part of its package to avoidbrowser version conflicts and to enable browser patches to maximize automation possibilities. In practicethis means that some extra steps are required to install it for use in a project.

Ensuring that web applications work seamlessly and reliably is an important step in software development. In this article, we are going to see how Robot Framework, a popular open-source test automation framework, and Playwright, a powerful browser automation library, create a dynamic duo for efficient web testing and browser interaction.

Playwright is a browser automation library developed by Microsoft that provides a powerful, cross-browser automation solution for modern web applications, enabling developers and testers to interact with web pages, perform browser-based testing, and extract data with ease and flexibility. Playwright supports automation in major web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. What sets this framework apart is its unified and consistent API that allows testers to write browser automation scripts that work seamlessly across different browser engines.

Before we can start developing tests with Robot Framework and its Playwright library (Browser), Node 18 is required to be previously installed. The framework and the library can then be installed by using pip:

Test Case Setting: These are the actions that define the steps of your test case. They use keywords to represent operations or interactions with your system, and they are provided by libraries (such as PlaywrightLibrary for browser automation). In this test, we use keywords such as New Page, Type Text, Click, and Take Screenshot.

See the documentation about Browser library keywords (currently 131), here.

Robot Framework is an open-source, Python-based automation framework. It is suitable for test and robotic process automation (RPA). The Robot Framework Foundation supports Robot Framework and is used in software creation by several industry leaders.

The Robot Framework is an open-source automation framework in general. It is suitable for test and robotic process automation (RPA). It is an open and adaptable framework that may be used with any other tool to construct strong and adaptable automation systems. It is available for free with no licensing fees.

However this is only half of the puzzle. Selenium is the core technology in browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks. To actually USE selenium you are going to need to pick an actual implementation. e24fc04721

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