Hi, welcome to my website!

I am Runnan Wang, a Ph.D. candidate from Department of Economics,  The Chinese University of Hong Kong.  

Before I joined CUHK, I obtained an M.Phil. degree in Social Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2019 and B.A. in Economics from Zhejiang University in 2017.

My research topic mainly focuses on economic history. I am also interested in economic geography, political economy, and development economics. 

I am on the 2023-24 job market.

Email: rwang@link.cuhk.edu.hk

Google Scholar Profile

 Working Papers

"State and Spatial Distribution: A Thousand-Year Analysis of Salt Industry in China." Job Market Paper. [Draft]

"Ideas Mobilize People: The Diffusion of Communist Ideology in China." (with Ying Bai and Ruixue Jia)  [NBER Working Paper] [SSRN]

"The Social Cost of State Monopoly: China’s Salt Monopoly System and the Rise of Secret Societies, 1640—1910." Under Revision. [SSRN]


Wang, Runnan. 2023. "Technology Transmission in Pre-modern China: Evidence from a Chinese Clan, 1400 1800." Asia-Pacific Economic History Review, Vol.63 (2): 225-248. pdf