Mythology and Folklore Portfolio
Hello readers! For my portfolio I have chosen four of my favorite stories I have written over the semester. These are all stories that I have written with significant differences from the original texts we read in class. The four stories are...
Fox and Coyote- based on the Atsuwegi tribe's creation narrative titled "How Silver Fox Created the World," but with an added element of tragedy.
Darwyn and Shea- based on the Biblical tale of Samson and Delilah that is located in the Book of Judges, but with a gender swap and medieval update.
The Troubles of Mr. Fox- based on the tales of Brer Rabbit and with an added character, the bartender.
The Diary of Arviragus- based on the "The Promise of Dorigen" but written from a different perspective.
Please enjoy!
Background image: "Old Map of Zurich" located here.