RMS Bear Band

 RMS Bear Band:

Riversprings Middle School is located in Crawfordville, FL in the Wakulla County School District. RMS Band is made up of around 120 students in three main band classes and an extra curricular jazz ensemble. RMS Band members are held to a high standard of performance, behavior, and attitude. Any student of Riversprings Middle School is welcome to join the band.

2022-2023 Accomplishments:

 Message from Mr.Spindler:

"Thank you so much for allowing your student to participate in the largest organization in the school. These students work hard and you are able to see the fruit of their labor in the performances at football games, concerts, and other school and community performances. If you or your student is not part of the band but interested please send me an email at Matthew.Spindler@wcsb.us and I will ensure your student is in Band class."

-Matthew Spindler, Band Director

Link to Handbook and printable calendar list

Permission slips and other forms

About Mr.Spindler

Matthew Spindler is a graduate of Florida A&M University. He also studied at Florida State University. He works at the FSU Summer Music Camps as a teacher and a counselor during the summers. He began teaching at Riversprings in 2021.