Upper Bound Workshop
Theory of reinforcement learning workshop, May 24th-25th 2023
Wednesday 24th May @ Edmonton Convention Centre:
10:30-11:30pm, Panel Discussion on Theory of Reinforcement Learning. Csaba & friends talk theory of reinforcement learning.
1:15-2:15am, Open Problems in RL Theory. Audience participation! This is the session to highlight your open problems and start discussions.
3:00-4:00pm, A New Look at Nonstationary in Bandits and RL. Talk by Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori.
Evening entertainment: 8pm-ish dinner, venue to be confirmed, please RSVP on the Google form emailed out by David Janz.
Thursday 25th May @ Computing Science Centre at the University of Alberta, room CSC 3-33:
9:00-9:45, Offline Primal-Dual Reinforcement Learning for Linear MDPs. Talk by Matteo Papini. [Video] [Slides]
9:45-10:30, Does Sparsity Help in Learning Misspecified Linear Bandits? Talk by Lin Yang. [Video]
10:45-11:30, A general class of surrogate functions for stable and efficient reinforcement learning. Talk by Sharan Vaswani. [Video] [Slides]
11:30-12:00, Operator Splitting Value Iteration. Talk by Amin Rakhsha. [Video] [Slides]
13:00-13:45, Instance-Optimality in Interactive Decision Making: Toward a Non-Asymptotic Theory. Talk by Andrew Wagenmaker. [Video] [Slides]
13:45-14:30, Variance-Dependent Regret Bounds for Linear Bandits and Reinforcement Learning: Adaptivity and Computational Efficiency. Talk by Quanquan Gu. [Video] [Slides]
15:15-16:00, Taming Logistic Bandits: A tale of non-linearity. Talk by Marc Abielle. [Video] [Slides]
16:00-16:45, Distributional Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Time. Talk by Harley Wiltzer. [Video] [Slides]
Friday 26th May: 10am-2pm hike along the Edmonton river valley. Meet at Computing Science Center enterence downstairs of CSC3-33 (where morning Thursday talks took place) at 10am.
All times in Edmonton, AB timezone, GMT-6.