Typically the location of the trading post would allow people from one geographic area to trade in goods produced in another area. In some examples, local inhabitants could use a trading post to exchange local products for goods they wished to acquire.[1]

A trading post could be either a single building or an entire town.[2] Trading posts could be established in a range of areas, including relatively remote ones, but were most often near the ocean, a river, or another natural resource.[3]

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The Roman Empire could control such a large amount of land because of their efficient systems for spreading information, goods, and other supplies across large distances. Goods specifically were vital to fueling outposts in distant territories, like northern Africa and western Asia. Trading posts played a large part in managing these goods, where they were going, and when. Some goods exchanged at these trading posts and other parts of the Roman trade system were precious stones, fabrics, ivory, and wine. There is also evidence that they traded cattle at the Empries trading post, established in the 6th century BCE, on the Iberian Peninsula.[8]

Eric Jay Dolin's Fur, Fortune, and Empire provides some historical context on events and the origins of trading posts in North America. One of the first examples given is that of the Kennebec Trading House, established in 1628 by the Plymouth colonists. This trading house was strategically stocked with goods that the native Indians would trade furs for; some of these goods included clothing, blankets, and corn.[9]

The next event from Dolin's book features early conflicts between the French and Plymouth colonists. This occurs in 1631 when the French go to the Plymouth Penobscot trading post. With the masters and most of the crew gone to get supplies, this left only a few servants to attend to the French. When the Frenchmen learned that this was the case, they decided to feign interest in a few of the guns available at the trading post, which they turned back onto the servants. They ordered for all things valuable, leaving with 500 of goods and 300 in beaver pelts.[10]

A good portion of Fur, Fortune, and Empire focuses on the journey of John Jacob Astor, who founded the American Fur Company (AFC). One of the great feats achieved by the AFC was the establishment of a trading post in the native Blackfoot tribe's territory, located in modern-day Montana along the Rocky Mountains. The Blackfoot tribe had killed many Americans and, up to this point, only traded with the Hudson Bay Company. In order to erect a trading post in Blackfoot territory, they would need an inside contact to establish contact on their behalf. Jacob Berger, a trapper, offered Kenneth McKenzie to serve as this contact and get the AFC into negotiations with the Blackfoot. The talks were successful, and McKenzie was able to build a trading post in Blackfoot territory, adjacent to the Missouri and Marias rivers, naming it Fort McKenzie.[11]

Noochuloghoyet Trading Post: This is an American trading post established in the last 19th century, located in central Alaska adjacent to the Yukon River. This was an important trading post for the fur trade, though it has historically gone by different names and the level of involvement varied greatly while active.[12]

Between 1828 and 1867, Fort Union was the most important fur trade post on the Upper Missouri River. Here, the Assiniboine and six other Northern Plains Tribes exchanged buffalo robes and smaller furs for goods from around the world, including cloth, guns, blankets, and beads. A bastion of peaceful coexistence, the post annually traded over 25,000 buffalo robes and $100,000 in merchandise.

Trading post is great place to get what you need. I've been using them for 23 yrs. The first time was a small used dining room set. Back in July of 1998. Long story why I remember that.. the table is still being used to this day. Chairs not so much.. over the years we have gotten bedroom suits, washer, dryers, refrigerator, living room set. The owners are great folks. The folks who work there are always busy so be patient with them. They will help you out and get you what you need.

Another point of info: I think I abandoned the quest to visit it when I first got it. Usually in MMOs you can get the quest again by visiting the quest giver, so I hope I didn't permanently lose the trading post.

If you come to visit the Singing Horse Trading post we offer a great variety of fun and adventure. Come with us on a memorable riding experience enjoying the breathtaking landscape on horseback. Or learn about Lakota artwork in one of our workshops on how to make an original powwow drum, how to bead or how to make an original dreamcatcher. We also offer guided tours on the Reservation and help with sightseeing places and events.

The Gingras Trading Post State Historic Site preserves the 1840s home and trading post of Mtis legislator and businessman Antoine Blanc Gingras, northeast of Walhalla, Pembina County. Mtis, meaning "mixed blood" or "mixed race," is a term used by people of combined Indian and European ancestry to describe themselves. Gingras was a prominent fur trader, who in 1861 claimed a net worth of $60,000 and later increased his holdings to include a chain of trading posts extending across northern Dakota Territory and southern Manitoba. Gingras's hand-hewn oak log store and home are among the few tangible remains of the fur trade in the Red River Valley.

Both buildings on Gingras State Historic Site have been restored to their original appearance. While the logs are exposed on the two-story trading post, clapboard siding covers the log structure of the house. The siding was added soon after the house was built. The house has been painted in its original historic colors, as determined by study of traces of the original paint. The exterior is deep red with white trim, and the interior reproduces the original color scheme of blue walls, yellow floors, pink ceilings, an green and brown trim. Interpretive panels and exhibits about Gingras, Mtis heritage, and the fur trade are located in the restored house. Authentic reproductions of fur trade goods are sold in the Gingras store.

Welcome to the Trading Post.

Sell your unwanted items and find better prices than anywhere else on a wide variety of things. If you don't find exactly the price you want you can post an order and we'll try to find a seller at your price. To get started browse the categories on the left or choose one of the options below.

The Trading Post (TP) is part of the Black Lion Trading Company panel (default O) that allows players from all worlds (NA and EU) to trade with each other. The Trading Post can be considered a physical representation of the Black Lion Trading Company and its functionality within the game. Trades are anonymous and autonomous: players post offers to buy or sell without having to locate a trading partner.

I know this is a minor thing, but I feel like this map could really use essential services to give it some use, aside from the nighttime meta, during daytime there isn't much to do other than very minor events. Since its a city I can understand there not being huge events but, at the very least we could then have other things such as a bank and trading post. In fact, in the Minsistry Headquarters Point of Interest there is a huge golden vault with npcs behind stands on one side, and on the other side some other npcs. This looks like it was originally intended to be a bank and TP, but never made it in.

Yeah, that would be great. I mean, even Crystal Oasis has that service and it's not a city. Same for the starter maps of each race and a few other maps like Sparkfly Fen (even though it only has crafting stations) and Mount Maelstrom. They have at least a bank and/or trading post as well. 

However we've got Arborstone for that too but you'll have to unlockl it through masteries first. 

New Kaineng being desplayed as a metropolis and such doesn't really make sense if they have no access to a bank or let alone a trading post.

I thought it makes sense that there's no black lion trading post and bank since Cantha has been "cut off" from rest of Tyria, and crafting stations include bank tab too. One reason why they added Arborstone and the mastery track for it, to make it a hub for players.

Hadn't had a chance to notice there wasn't either available in Kaineng. I suppose there's the lore excuse of being isolated from Tyria preventing access to Tyrian banks and trading posts, but as was previously stated Amnoon has both despite also being separated from mainland Tyria. Yeah I'd like to be able to access these basic services without having to go all the back to Tyria.

I was wondering that too, yes. With all the jade tech and industry 4.0 stuff going on the city really misses a bank, a trading post and a "resting xp" inn as in Arborstone. It just feels off and not very lore wise to have all this in a gothic cathedral ruin amidst a bunch of towering trees. Even the mastery line would make more sense in Kaineng City, especially given their names like "Globalisation". Hell, it's mainstream Cantha that wants to open up to Tyria etc. and not the remnants of the Kurzicks. ff782bc1db

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