basically you need to change the security configurations of your firefox browser through about:config in the URL Search box in Firefoxthere change the full-screen-api.allow-trusted-requests-only to false

Firefox differs only in -fullscreen command line option. The option for F11 mode is missing as well. But consider to use Firefox and Rkiosk extension -US/firefox/addon/r-kiosk/?src=search or the Fullscreen extension -US/firefox/addon/full-fullscreen/

R-kiosk Firefox Download


Try to use mKiosk firefox plugin - - Public Firefox Kiosk Mode with optional Tabs Guides for Access Point. Complete solution. Block downloads/addon, bookmarks, reset kiosk inactivity, retry on errors, restricted interface, show favorites as buttons and more...

I want to build/install an Arch system to use it for a kiosk-like utilisation. The ultimate goal is to auto-boot into a Firefox in full-screen (using a firefox extension -US/firefox/addon/r-kiosk/ ).

Did someone performed this on Arch? Do you have some advices, how-to`s, package selection?

+If there is only one user, what is above is probably adequate. To block access by multiple users to settings systemwide, it is necessary to create a mozilla.cfg file in the folder with the Firefox program (usr/lib/firefox in 12.04). The syntax is a little different than the prefs.js and user.js file but the concept is the same. Names of the preferences vary by Firefox version. I will attach an appendix of a sample mozilla.cfg for Firefox 18 after further testing.

+This mozilla.cfg file must be referenced in a file placed in the usr/lib/firefox/defaults/pref folder (same location as channel-prefs.js) in Firefox 18. Create a file using Leafpad called local-settings.js that simply contains:

pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0);

pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg");

Save the file and these settings will be applied on the next run of Firefox.

Since the iceweasel respective soon the firefox-esr package is updated to new upstream releases once in a while in Debian and hence also in Raspbian, it might occur that the xul-ext-fullscreen package becomes incompatible with the packaged version of Iceweasel/Firefox. In that case a manually installed extension per user might be the better solution.

Since you cannot access any settings, you can only uninstall the add-on using safe mode - another reason why you should set up a separate profile for R-kiosk. Start Firefox with "firefox.exe -safe-mode" and uninstall the add-on if necessary.

The menu options can be customized in your sources by modifying some XML files.If you use the default menus, then you should edit mythtv/themes/defaultmenu/library.xml.If you use the classic menus, then you should edit mythplugins/mythnetvision/theme/menus/netvisionmenu.xml.(If you aren't sure which one you use, then it doesn't hurt to edit both).You can add new menu options for different web pages.Just copy those lines and change the type and text and description to whatever you want.The action line should start with EXEC /usr/local/bin/ /usr/bin/firefox and then include the URL for your desired page.

I then went on an adventure for solutions, tried various noVNC docker containers with hit and miss issues on each, finally settled on -vnc-xfce-firefox-g3 as it ran a light system, was about 500MB, and already had noVNC running.

I tinkered with getting firefox to open to my phishing page automatically on docker run via a Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml but... I'm shit at docker and the clock is ticking. So lazy way it is and this is all I'm running to get all the containers up and running with the phishing page already open and in kiosk mode:

With the added /user1 path added, noVNC is RIP and the session refuses to connect now over proxypassed connection at ip/vnc.html. Checking the dev console in firefox tells the story, Failed GET request to ip/websockify... meaning my request to /user1/fhlipzero.html is still hitting the root path to send the websocket upgrade request noVNC needs to do what it does. I played with different ways to proxy the connection and finally came down to this mod_rewrite instead of using the ProxyPass:

Some OPSEC considerations - kiosk breakout is very possible, you can easily get into the firefox settings and then start roaming the system as the docker headless user. I was able to pop the browser console open by hitting ALT + SHIFT + J, then hit right click the menu bar and "Minimize all other windows". From there its a desktop right click and "Terminal" away from desktop access here.

Click on the "Processes" tab and then locate the "firefox.exe" file. Click on it and click the "End Task" option in the task manager. This ensures that any Firefox windows or processes running in the background are shut down.

(I used a while ago an adblock proxy who do that, but it's really slow, whith something directly coded in firefox, this will be great ! No more forum witch crap animated smilets if we can change them on client side)

Why not opening FileZilla, ChatZilla, etc... in a tab : it's kind of firefox suite ... but the programs are installed separately to avoid one heavy program and get several light ones. Firefox could become an interface for any Mozilla program installed by opening it in a tab.

With web browsers becoming the de facto application launchers in desktops and several web applications (e.g. gmail) being used continuously, it is very important that an ill-behaved web site is not able to crash the entire web environment. At most, it should crash itself, without affecting the other web sites showing on other windows/tabs or requiring firefox to restart.Mrcgran 19:34, 27 October 2006 (PDT)

Consider sourcing out several hundred open source fonts and embedding them into firefox. Everything one might need, nice serifs, nice sans-serifs some modern, transitional, and old fonts & some funky fonts. Some major typographical tools for creating stunning, flexible, fast loading pages. 2351a5e196

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