Riverside Neighbors Opposing Warehouses

Riverside Neighbors Opposing Warehouses (R-NOW) is a group of concerned residents who formed to oppose The Grove Warehouses,  the March JPA plan to build industrial warehouses on the 800 acres of open space surrounded by our homes. The plan would increase traffic, noise, and pollution, as well as threaten local wildlife, encroach on our open spaces to bike and walk, and negatively impact public safety. If you feel helpless and angry about warehouses taking over our community, join our fight to preserve our neighborhoods.

The community showed up in a HUGE way during the Public Hearing on June 12, 2024, and the Commission agreed to table this project. However, under threat of litigation, the Commission is considering whether or not to un-table the project at their next meeting March 5, 2025. If they un-table it, we will need to be ready to flood the room and speak out again!

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To watch local news coverage on the Public Hearing and its result, click here.

As a 501c3 we do not endorse any particular political candidates, but we invite all candidates to support our cause!

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