Discovering GIS. Knowing our rivers and analysing impacts and resources.

Short-Term Joint Staff Training Event - Palermo 8-12 October 2021


D1 - 8 October 2021 

Opening Ceremony. (Great hall)

Registration activity.

Official greetings by local authorities. 

Presentation of the project and partnership. During the meeting will be a moment to share ideas and strategies to use to develop and disseminate in the best possible way the project considering its agenda.

kickoff meeting (ISS Mario Rutelli – Topography/Cad Laboratory)

Presentation of GIS results for Romania and Portugal team

Workshop about GIS and technical management of a research including the analysis of rivers and how to interact with the geographic information system to manage maps and data. The activity will be oriented to design dossiers, bottom-up strategies and how manage data coming from GIS activity as well. 

D2 - 9 October

Guided visit of Oreto river in collaboration with the association WWF Sicily

Guided visit of Sant’Elia river in collaboration with the Forum Oreto River and local associations. 

Workshop about Environment and Cultural Heritage in terms of resources to be preserved in order to impacts coming from human activities.

D3 - 10 October

Guided Visit into the Unesco Geopark Gole di Tiberio with local guides

D4 - 11 October

Partner group will visit the city of Palermo. During this walking tour it will be possible to visit the areas where the ancient rivers “Papireto” and “Kemonia” were flowing and understand how their putting underground influenced the growing of the city. A debate about advantages and disavantages of this human action will be carried out

Presentation of GIS results of partner: Greece, Spain and Slovakia  

Workshop about GIS and technical management of a research including the analysis of rivers and how to interact with the geographic information system to manage maps and data. The activity will be oriented to design dossiers, online magazines, ebook, shoot and edit movie, and how to organize the local fair.

D5 - 12 October

Visiting the “Cascata delle due Rocche” following a local guides

Guided Visit of. C.I.D.M.A. 

Meeting Point