
When Sarah saw a shadow outside the front door, she had dashed up the staircase, past the first landing and to the second floor. Her eyes must have adjusted to the dark because she hadn't even bothered to turn on the light on her phone again. However, once she was upstairs, she noticed a faint glow coming from what she thought was a bedroom where she had seen a light from outside.

She thought it could be the light of a candle, but that didn't make sense. Yet the light shimmered and seemed to to move across the wall. She was not one to believe in ghosts, but after researching ghost stories for her history class, she suddenly had to wonder.

The ghosts in all those stories were of people who met a tragic end: they may have died of a broken heart or died of a dread disease; they may have been murdered in cold blood or committed suicide. Sometimes the ghost was a child, but usually they were a young person pining away for their lost love or coming back to avenge a wrong that was done to them in life.

Of course, those stories were silly, but when you're alone in an abandoned house and a strange light is slowly coming towards you as if it is floating in mid air, they are much easier to believe!

Who is this ghost?