In the Foyer

As Sarah enters the foyer, she hears the front door swing shut behind her. The only light is from the street outside that shines diffusely through the frosted glass panes of the front door and through the archway to the parlor on the right, creating a stream of yellowish light pointing to the stairway.

She hears small feet scurrying and wonders whether she has disturbed a nest of mice or rats. She no longer hears the cat mewing or the baby crying that caused her to foolishly open the door, and she is about to turn around and go back outside to wait on Marcus, when she hears a creak directly overhead. If she didn't know better, she would swear it was a foot stepping on a loose board or coming down the stairs.

Using the light on her phone to show the way, Sarah slowly moves ahead. She has no idea what she will encounter. Only you can decide: