nsan bioritmin uyun olaraq axam v gec vaxtlar istiraht v brpa n nzrd tutulmudur. Bu istiraht n qdr mkmml olarsa, o qdr d biz orqanizm resusrlarn brba ed bilrik, hyat faliyytimiz, i qabiliyytimiz, nticd - bizim salamlmz bundan asldr. 

Byk hrin ritmlri bizim bioritmlrimizi sxrlar. Vitaminlrin v mikroelementlrin xroniki atmazl hceyrlrin tam brpa olunmasna imkan vermir. Gn-gndn xroniki yorunluq ylr v gec-tez pozulur.

Ritm Zdorovyann gec formulas hceyrlrin brpa olunmas n lazm olan, orqanizmi n vacib mikroelementlr v bitki vitamin bnzr maddlrl tmin edn mrkkb fito-mineral mhsul preparatdr.

Ritm Zdorovyann shr formulasna tonusun v i faliyytinin brpasna imkan yaradan lazmi vitaminlr, hminin nadir bitki komponentlri daxildir. Bu eleuterokokun tbii adaptogenlridir v yal ay v gicitkan yarpaqlarndan hazrlanan canlandrc substansiyadr, karotinoid likopidin antioksidant tsiridir. Trkibi kapilyar protektor v dezintaksion tsirli digidrokvertsetin tamamlayr.

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Ritm Zdorovyann axam formulu - hceyrlrin brpas n lazm olan, orqanizmi n vacib mikroelementlr v bitki vitamin bnzr maddlrl tmin edn mrkkb fitomineral mhsuldur. Bu formulun trkibin yumaq sakitldirici v diuretik, brkidici, cavanladrc tsirlr malik olan xsusi fitokompleks daxildir.lav olaraq axam formulu istehsal zaman minerallarn v bslyici maddlrin xeyirli xsusiyytlrini qoruyan, malicvi faliyytsiz qurudulmu btv maya hceyrlrdn (Saccharmyces cerevisiae) v yksk dozal selendn, tbii qida formasnda olan molibdendn ibart olan nadir kompleksl zngindir. Maral buynuzlarndan hazrlanm toz immun stimulladrc tsir gstrir v metabolik prosesi gclndirir. Bellikl axam formulu gec bioritmlrin tdrici harmonizasiyasna imkan yaradr.

Objective of the study was to determine the type of heart rate regulation of younger schoolchildren as an indicator of adaptation to school loads, including physical exercises in physical education lessons and in sports sections.

Methods and structure of the study. The analysis of heart rate variability in schoolchildren aged 7-10 years was carried out, in which 156 schoolchildren (70 boys and 86 girls) took part. The study was carried out with the apparatus "Varicard" with the software "Integrated system of cardiointervalometry", version 6.2. Indicators of heart rate variability are objective indicators of the tone of the autonomic nervous system (its sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions). They also reflect an assessment of the severity of the body's adaptive response to external stimuli (training load, physical activity, living conditions, region of residence, weather and other stressors). The functional state was assessed using a 4-point system (4 types of regulation).

Results and conclusions. In the age group of 7-8 years, the third type of regulation predominates (moderate predominance of parasympathetic activity). The third type of regulation prevails in both boys and girls. The functional state is very good, the optimal state of the regulatory systems. These schoolchildren are shown physical education classes, motor loads without restrictions. A third of the surveyed schoolchildren in this age group has the first type of regulation, which indicates a moderate tension of regulatory systems. Schoolchildren with the first type of regulation are advised to limit emotional stress, physical education without restrictions. In the age group of 9-10 years, the third type of regulation also prevails in both boys and girls. In the general group, this is 60.5%. In this age group with the first type of regulation, there are twice as many girls as boys. As a result of the study, it was found that 81.4% of schoolchildren aged 7-10 years old can engage in physical education without restrictions. And 18.6% of schoolchildren are shown physical education classes in a health-improving mode.

Gribanov A.V., Kotsova O.N., Anikina N.Yu., Pankov M.N., Korelskaya I.E. Sezonnyye izmeneniya tserebralnogo energoobmena pri raznom urovne trevozhnosti u molodykh lyudey v arkticheskoy zone Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Seasonal changes in cerebral energy exchange at different levels of anxiety in young people in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation]. Chelovek. Sport. Meditsina. 2021. Vol. 21. No. 4. pp. 73-80.

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Sapozhnikova E.N., Shlyk N.I., Krasnoperova T.V. Vozrastnyye, polovyye i individualnyye osobennosti variabelnosti serdechnogo ritma u detey v vozraste 7-12 let razlichnykh grupp vegetativnoy regulyatsii serdechnogo ritma [Age, sex and individual characteristics of heart rate variability in children aged 7-12 years of various groups of autonomic regulation of heart rate]. Variabelnost serdechnogo ritma. Teoreticheskiye aspekty i prakticheskoye primeneniye [Heart rate variability. Theoretical aspects and practical application]. Abstracts of the International Symposium (Izhevsk, November 20-21, 2003). Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy universitet publ., 2003. pp. 36-37.

Shlyk N.I. Serdechnyy ritm i tip regulyatsii u detey, podrostkov i sportsmenov [Heart rate and type of regulation in children, adolescents and athletes]. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy universitet publ., 2009. 259 p.

Shlyk N.I., Baevsky R.M. Ritm serdtsa i tip vegetativnoy regulyatsii v otsenke urovnya zdorovya naseleniya i funktsionalnoy podgotovlennosti sportsmenov [Heart rhythm and type of autonomic regulation in assessing the level of health of the population and the functional fitness of athletes]. Proceedings national symposium. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy universitet publ., 2016. 608 p.

Shumikhina I.I. Osobennosti adaptivnykh vozmozhnostey organizma u studentov s uchotom analiza VSR [Features of the adaptive capabilities of the body in students, taking into account the analysis of HRV]. Izhevsk: Udmurtskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet publ., 2016. pp. 289-293.

Background: The relevance of the study is determined by the negative dynamics of the health of children groups in the Russian Federation, which necessitates the search for effective methods of health-improving and corrective effects in physical education classes in schools. The physiological substantiation of the individualization of the selection of physical activities is based on the differences in the functional state of schoolchildren with different autonomic regulation types of the cardiovascular system.

Results: At the beginning of the survey, the indicators of functional systems and heart rate variability in the selected groups of children: the experimental group and the control group were determined by the features of 4 autonomic regulation types: I, II, III, and IV. Of these, I, II corresponded to the predominance of sympathetic tonic destabilizing effects on the cardiovascular system, while in IV, parasympathetic effects on the cardiovascular system prevailed, manifested in the asthenization of the functional state of children. Type III refers to the physiological norm and manifested itself in the form of a balance of regulatory influences of the parts of the autonomic nervous system. At the physical education classes of experimental group schoolchildren, the training program included specially selected sets of exercises for children with autonomic regulation types I, II, III, and IV.

Conclusion: During the control examination, the indicators of adaptation and health of all types of schoolchildren improved, while no positive dynamics of physical strength, adaptation, and health indicators were observed in the control group. This indicates the effectiveness of individually typologically oriented physical education classes as having a health-improving effect on school students.

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