
Rituals are significant only if they are meaningful to the person performing it.  Vivek finds them meaningful.  So, I am creating this page for him. 

In Indian system, many rituals are designed to mark the significant stages of life.  They are called ‘sanskaar’. Throughout the ages, the method to perform a sanskar were modified with the changes in the society as well as the number of sanskars have changed too.  Between forty to thirteen sanskars are mentioned in different scriptures.  I’ve witnessed only 8 of them without understanding the deeper meaning behind them.  The priest chanted Sanskrit mantra and instructed set of actions without explanation and people followed them mechanically. The appreciation and respect develops with understanding.  They make us mindful and add meaning to the transitions of life.

In ancient time, havan (offering to fire) was performed with specific mantra for each sanskaar and for son or daughter.  Keeping in mind, today’s busy lifestyle and changes, I am listing some of the major stages of life. Interested person may select their own intentional actions.

Before conception: in past, a ritual was performed that is called Garbhaadhaan that prepared couple. It was performed within 12 days of woman's period. They mindfully set intention to bring a good human being to continue the creation. Physical, mental purity and love for each other was essential.  Some texts mention that the husband cooked kheer for the wife and fed her which symbolized the expression of his loveTraditionally, in old india cooking is women's' duty.

This very important sanskaar is lost.  While growing up, I had never heard about this.  

During the pregnancy:

a.       Punsawanis performed with the mindset to nurture the physical development of fetus.   It is recommended in or just after 3rd month.  Smelling herb is recommended to help with the first trimester difficulties such a nausea and vomiting.

b.       Seemantonnayan – is recommended in 5-8 month for a healthy mental development of the fetus and safe delivery.  One cute ritual is mentioned that the husband parts wife’s hair and makes Urad khichadi for her.  To cheer her up, friends and family members gather.  They bring gifts of nuts, flowers, sing, dance, play games and bless for the safe delivery. In modern days, this is called godbharaii (filling up the lap) which is like the baby shower.   

c.       Towards the end of 8 month, a room for delivery is prepared.

I’ve only seen the godbharaii/baby shower aspect of pregnancy and room setup.  In my family coconut water, milk, milk products, almonds, ghee, dates, figs, raisins, sour pickles and eating frequently were encouraged for a pregnant woman.  They made sure that the pregnant woman had proper rest and did not lift heavy items or used stairs specially during the first three months.  It was considered a good deed to satisfy the craving of a pregnant woman.

At Birth ritual is called Jaatkarman: scriptures mention that before cutting the cord with golden stick, honey/ghee are applied on the lip/tongue of the baby.  then baby is bathed with milk and water.

My family emphasized on special food with turmeric, ginger power, nuts and ghee for the mother.  The baby and the mother were massaged several times a day. Only selected people were allowed in the room after they changed their cloths and washed hands.  People sang sohar continuously.  The fire was kept at the door of the room and some offered mustard seeds and herbs in the fire.  Kalash filled with water was kept near the head of the mother for 10 days.  The baby was massaged with mustard oil, mustard paste and chiraunjee paste which is small nut that grows in mirzapur.  Homemade kajal was applied to baby's eyes.

Birth to 3rd year

a.       Sixth day (chatthi) and twelfth day (barahee) were important in my family but scriptures mention 11th day.  The mother takes complete shower on 6th day. on 12th day after a small puja, the priest suggests some names or the letters based on the time of the birth.  Meaningful name is selected which is believed to create harmony with the universe.  This is called Naamkaran which means giving name.  the priest also creates a birth chart (kundali)

b.       It is not recommended to expose the baby to the outside world for the first 2-3 months.  A ritual called Nishkraman (to come out) is performed to bring the baby outside. The recommendation is to first show sun and/or moon or bring to temple.

c.       In or after 6 months or when the first teeth show up, a ritual called Annprashan (first introduction to grain) is performed.  The baby is fed solid food cooked rice pudding (kheer).

d.       During the 1st or 3rd year, Choodakaran/mundane/Karnvedhan are recommended.  This is the first hair cut which is held in a roti by the sister of the husband.  She receives gifts for that the hair is wrapped and offered to the goddess.  Some believe that it helps keep the head cool during the teething period and makes the hair growth healthier. 

-Karnwedhan or ear piercing is believed to activate the gateway of listening and has some relationship to stomach ailments such as hernia.

e.       During the 3rd or 5th year prayer to saraswati specially on vasant Panchami marks the beginning of education which is called VidyaarambhIn front of her picture people chant ‘Ya kundendu’ and help the child with holding pencil and write.  Some also spread many items and determine the tendency determined by the item the child grabsthe child pick up up from a book, pen, weapon or toy. 

Later years

Yagyopaveey or upanayan is one the most important sanskaar.  this is similar to bar mitzwah. it is recommended between 8-12 years of age specially 9th year.  This is considered rebirth to become adult, learnand come closer to teacher/guru. The child takes some vows and learns gayatri mantra.  The hair is shaved and the meaning of 3 threads are explained. He wears thread as a constant reminder on his shoulder.  in ancient days he left to study and live with the guru in his gurukul.  now a days many combine this with wedding.  

keshant and ritusuddhi are for first shaving and first period around 13th year 

samawartan is graduation when student returns home from gurukul at 23rd or 24th year

vivah marriage is recommended at 25th year.  see modified wedding
