
nine nights to honor mother godess

Navratri (nine nights) fast and rituals:  It occurs twice a year- beginning summer (March-April) and beginning of winter (September-October).  The rituals are similar.   Fasting is a discipline and reminder.  There is a different goddess with different chraceristic and story for each night.  But I try to focus/meditate upon different aspects of divinity and group them in three sets for the sake of simplicity. 

I also grow wheat and see it grow daily.

During the first three nights, I try to remember goddess Kali -the destroyer of demons.  I ask for destruction of my demons of ego, selfishness, ignorance and depression.  destruction, letting go symbolically creates space.

The following three nights I try to remember goddess Lakshmi who is the goddess of wealth.  I express my gratitude for my financial security and ask for generosity and good luck.    

The last three nights are devoted to goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge.   I ask for guidance, clarity and wisdom for self-realization.

Ya devi sarvbhooteshu----rupen sansthita. namastasa

goddess is in everyone in the form of sleep, hunger, greed, confusion, memory, consciousness, intelect, peace, power, kindness, beauty and mother.  I bow to her. 

shailputri: daughter of montain begins the journey. Grey. 

brahmacharini:  follows strict deciplined path for enlightenment. orange

chandraghanta: watches over war/negativity within and outside. white.

kushmanda: united with shiva carring the seed (anda). red

skanda mata: becomes mother of 5 elements and mind. blue 

katyayani: reborn to destry the undefeatable evil 'Mahishasur'. also blesses to go beyond material world.  yellow

kalratri: becomes fierce and represented as dark. She wears and carries thorns and sits on donkey. that tells there is nothing unholy.

mahagauri: pure white and light.

siddhidhatri: gives blessing to achive victory

Tenth day is Vijay Dashami september/october Ravan burning.

For goddess: beautiful stotra