The Rising Tides



Following the destruction of Antei, Grand Master Pravus’ rise to power has brought with it a tide of drastic changes within the Dark Brotherhood. It started with the purging of the Obelisk and Krath orders, but soon gained traction as the Grand Master set his sites on ridding the brotherhood of alien species of "lesser" standing. These groups would later come to be known as "Undesirables".

Karfur—long time home to Clan Taldryan—has been sacked by the Justicar of the Brotherhood, forcing them to flee to unknown space. Clan Arcona and Clan Tarentum worked through the aftermath of Wuntila Arconae’s betrayal and the subsequent end to the Krath Rebellion. The two old allies aligned with Clan Plagueis in an attempt to eliminate Darth Pravus, but were unsuccessful.

Plagueis has returned to their home system and looks to recover their footing as they rebuild their forces. Clan Scholae Palatinae waits patiently to determine their position in the larger scheme while Clan Naga Sadow works to remain isolated from direct conflict with the Iron Throne.

The rebel resistance—begun by the outcast Jedi of Clan Odan-Urr—has grown to include Arcona and now Tarentum as well as any who stand to oppose the will of the Grand Master and his “New Order”. The Lotus —as the rebels now call themselves—have struck a major setback to starship production by attacking a key manufacturing yard.

While the Grand Master has yet to retaliate, the seven Clans of the Brotherhood stand on the verge of violent conflict...


Keyword flags

fission technology”, “reactor overload”, “kamikaze technique” , “weaponized warheads”, “kyber crystal harvesting,”

Missing Persons of Interest

> Professor Oolong Var’ren - Award winning writer and researcher on theoretical warfare, history of warfare and tactics.

> Professor Amillia Sencha - Leading expert on fission technology, research, and development.

> Professor Jade Jian - Jedi historian and anthropologist

> Professor Goji White - Award winning scientist, doctorate in physics.


Objective A: Resistance

Your have been given a tip by a trusted source within the Lotus resistance about a key component to Darth Pravus’ alleged plans to launch a massive assault.

You are to form or ally with a team of sympathetic members to out and put an end to whatever it is that Pravus is planning. The clock is ticking, and Pravus could launch his assault at any moment. The Dark Council and its array of resources stand against you, but the Lotus are desperate to prevent a repeat of New Tython.

Objective B: Inquisition

You have been given a tip by the Voice of the Brotherhood that a rebel splinter cell is going to attempt to hit a key location to Pravus’ plans for an offensive assault.

You have formed, volunteered, or been assigned to a small team of fellow Inquisitors that must prevent any kind of rebellious attempts to thwart Pravus’ plans, ensuring that his machinations are able to bloom to fruition. The Dark Council stands by your side, and the Grand Master rewards his loyal followers, but the clock is ticking, and there are many who do not wish for Pravus to succeed.