Somewhere between images, words and sounds, I reside.

Oh my, which way to go, why can't I decide? 


Rishika Bhagwatkar

I am a research master student at Mila and UdeM, Montreal under the supervision of Prof. Irina Rish. My main research interests are multimodal representation learning and continual learning. 

Previously, I was a research intern at ALMAnaCH, Inria, Paris under the supervision of Dr. Djamé Seddah. My work was focused on studying the interactions of various modalities in real-time game sessions.  

I also worked on the conjunction of self-supervised and continual learning with Prof. Christopher Kanan at the Rochester Institute of Technology, New York. As a DAAD WISE Scholar, I worked on appraisal-based emotion recognition from social media data under Dr. Roman Klinger and Dr. Carina Silberer at the University of Stuttgart.

I completed my bachelor's [thesis] in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, India. Also, I am actively mentoring projects on understanding and improving language (and multimodal) representations at IvLabs.

Besides research, I like to spend my time quilling, reading and visiting new places.


All news


Contrastive Learning-Based Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation

National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2022

R. Bhagwatkar, S. Kemekar, V. Domatoti, K. Khan, A. Singh

In this work we hypothesize that real-world images and their corresponding synthetic images are different views of the same abstract representation. To enhance the quality of domain-invariant features, we increase the mutual information between the two inputs.

Challenges in scene understanding for autonomous systems

International Conference on Advancements in Interdisciplinary Research (AIR), 2022

R. Bhagwatkar, S. Kemekar, V. Domatoti, K. Khan, A. Singh 

In this work, we present various limitations and drawbacks faced by current autonomous pipelines along with solutions to mitigate the same.

Enhancing Context Through Contrast

NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Pre-registration in Machine Learning

K. Ambilduke, A. Shetye, D. Bagade, R. Bhagwatkar, K. Fitter, P. Vagdargi, S. Chiddarwar 

We posit that languages are linguistic transforms that map abstract meaning to sentences. We attempt to extract and investigate this abstract space by optimizing the Barlow Twins objective between latent representations of parallel sentences.

Paying Attention to Video Generation

NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on Pre-registration in Machine Learning, PMLR 148:139-154, 2021

R. Bhagwatkar, K. Fitter, S. Bachu, A. Kulkarni, S. Chiddarwar 

Just like sentences are series of words, videos are series of images. Inspired by the success of large language models in predicting language, we attempt to generate videos using a GPT and a novel Attention-based Discretized Autoencoder. 

A Review of Video Generation Approaches

International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC), 2020

R. Bhagwatkar, K. Fitter, S. Bachu, A. Kulkarni, S. Chiddarwar 

In this work we study and discuss several approaches for generating videos, either using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to sequential models like LSTMs. Further, we compare the strengths and weakness of each approach with the underlying motivation to provide a broad and rigorous review on the subject.


Code coming soon!

Medical VQA

Video Generation

Neural Machine Translation

Language Modelling

Variational Deep Learning

Landmark Retrieval

Real-time Digit Classifier

Detection & Tracking

Email: rishika (dot) bhagwatkar (at) mila (dot) quebec