Would Your Partner Prefer Sexy Lingerie or a Sex Toy for Valentines?

We are all becoming more open in our view to sex and the activities we participate in the bedroom, so if you purchased your partner a sex toy for valentines would this be accepted, or thrown in a draw never to be taken out of the package? Or should you just treat her to some sexy underwear or a sexy outfit?

Sexy Lingerie

For the men there is no question that we all love to see our woman in her favourite sexy underwear, whether this is sexy bra and knickers, a Basque or maybe a sexy costume. I know that if my partner puts on her sexy outfit she feels good because of the effect on me and what it will lead to Riley Reid stroker.

We all have our preference for sexy lingerie or sexy underwear and we should forget that just a sexy night or chemise will also have the desired effect on both partners.

If you are at the beginning of your relationship you may not need sexy underwear or lingerie to spice up your sex life, and you don't have to buy a sexy outfit for your partner just because it's valentines.

For the blokes out there that do not like to go to shops and buy this intimate piece of clothing, or just don't have the time, then the choice on-line is endless. In fact the choice of sexy underwear, lingerie, sexy nightwear and sexy costumes is so vast; the question becomes what is your budget and can you stick to it or will you just blow the budget completely and treat your partner more than you intend?

Sex Toys

The sex toy market has exploded in recent years. So much so that the traditional vibrators which were initially just a vibrating piece of latex in the shape of a penis are a little boring when you look at what else is on offer.

If you think the choice of lingerie and sexy underwear is vast, then prepare to have your mind blown when you look at the range of sex toys.

The early days of the sex toy market was focused on the women who needed a little something extra when not in a relationship or while the partner was working away.

Nowadays the sex toy market is not just for women on their own, but men can get sex toys that they can use if not in a relationship, and is a more stimulating solution than masturbation alone.

The more liberal we are becoming in our sexual attitude and endeavours see's the choice of adult sex toys that can and are used by both female and males.

If you are using or going to use a sex toy for the first time, whether male or female then I would advise the use of some oil or lube to start with. Not only does the oil or lube enhance the feeling, but it also make for more fun when rubbing into your partner.