
Time table


14:00~14:45 Y. Chino, Recurrence vs transience in RWCRE

15:00~15:45 Y. Nakayama, A review of the conformal bootstrap approach to three-dimensional critical Ising model

16:15~17:00 C. Bourne , Wannier bases and topology of aperiodic Schrödinger operators


10:00~10:45 B. Fukushima-Kimura, Simulated Annealing for SCA: Results and new perspectives

11:00~11:45 D. Croydon, Generalized hydrodynamic limit for the box-ball System

14:00~14:45 K. Shiozaki, Topology of matrix product states with onsite symmetry

15:00~15:45 Y. Tanaka, Supersymmetric Index for Non-unitary Quantum Walks with Gapless Time-evolution

16:15~17:00 C. Matsui, Nonequilibrium physics of the XXZ model and spin-flip non-invariant conserved quantities


10:00~10:45 K. Hayashi, Derivation of a stochastic Burgers equation from stationary square lattice polymers

11:00~11:45 S. Ito, The projection theorem in information geometry and the entropy production

14:00~14:45 H. Katsura, Onsager's scars in non-integrable spin chains

15:00~15:45 N. Shiraishi, Proof of absence of local conserved quantity in some nonintegrable models

16:15~17:00 R. Sun, The two-dimensional continuum random field Ising model


10:00~10:45 T. Yoshimura, Universal thermal transport in TTbar-deformed conformal field theories

11:00~11:45 Y. Goto, The Maximal Excess Charge in Reduced Hartree-Fock Molecule