Riddhi Pratim Ghosh

Welcome to my homepage! I am currently an Assistant Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Bowling Green State University from Fall 2021. Prior to this position, I worked as a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania mentored by Dr. Ian Barnett, from October 2019-August 2021. I did my Ph.D. in Statistics from the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University advised jointly by Dr. Bani Mallick and Dr. Mohsen Pourahmadi from Fall 2014-August 2019. I hold a Bachelor of Statistics (Honors) and Master of Statistics degrees from the Indian Statistical Insititute (ISI), Kolkata.

Research Interests: Covariance estimation, Graphical model, Bayesian statistics, analysis of high dimensional and correlated data, longitudinal data analysis, network science, Mobile health (m-Health) data

Collaborations: I collaborate with Dr. Kristy Abrogast and her team at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (https://injury.research.chop.edu/), and Professor J-P Onnela (https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/onnela-lab/) at Harvard University.

Contact information: 432 MSC, Bowling Green, Ohio-43403, Email: rpghosh "at" bgsu "dot" edu

Recent news and updates

  1. A new paper titled "A Generalized Estimating Equation Approach to Network Regression" is submitted (joint work with J-P Onnela, and I. Barnett)

  2. Upcoming talk (Dec 2022) at CMStatistics, King's College, London on Bayesian Correlation Estimation

  3. Our work on Bayesian Variable Clustering is accepted in Genetic Epidemiology

  4. A new paper titled "Selecting a significance level in sequential testing procedures for community detection" is archived