Associate Professor (Adj.) Rick Siow Mong GOH

Designation & Company: Senior Principal Scientist and Director of Computing & Intelligence at A*STAR's Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC)

Current Academic/Research/Service Positions:

Email: gohsm @



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One-sentence statement of the most important economic/societal impact achievement: Rick Goh’s department of 80 staff has secured over S$45M in industry cash and in-kind contributions, trained 150 researchers at the postdoctoral, master's, and bachelor's levels now working in academia or industry, spun off a startup that secured S$26M in investments and created over 30 new jobs, saved 6,000 hospital bed days resulting in S$6M in cost savings through a healthcare solution, and received the Singapore National Award (COVID-19) Commendation Medal.

Research Interests:

Shorter Bio:

Associate Professor (Adj.) Rick Goh is Director of Computing & Intelligence at A*STAR’s Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Associate Professor (Adj.) at Duke-NUS Medical School, Co-Director of A*STAR-EVYD Joint Lab, Senior Principal Investigator (Adj.) at Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), and Co-Director of SERI-IHPC Joint Lab. He represented A*STAR to co-organise the inaugural AI Health Summit in 2022 with SingHealth and Ministry of Health. Rick has co-authored 150+ peer-reviewed papers in renowned clinical journals such as Nature Aging, Nature Genetics, The Lancet Digital Health, and top-tier AI and computing journals and conferences such as Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, IEEE TPAMI, TNNLS, TPDS, Computers, Cybernetics, Transactions on Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis, CVPR, CACM, AAAI, IJCAI, MICCAI, and Supercomputing Conference (SC). He has recently won multiple highly-competitive AI Singapore Tech Challenge and Grand Challenge grants, best paper awards, Healthcare AI project awards, and has been recognised with a National Award (COVID-19) Commendation Medal.

Long Bio 1:

Dr. Rick Goh is the Director of Computing & Intelligence Department at A*STAR’s Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), an Adj. Assoc. Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, Adj. Senior Principal Investigator at Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), Co-Director of both A*STAR-EVYD Joint Lab and SERI-IHPC Joint Lab. He chaired the organising committee of HPC AI Innovation Challenge 2023-2024, organised by National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC), AI Singapore (AISG), and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA).


Leading a team of 80 scientists and engineers, Dr. Goh focuses on world-leading scientific research, advancing technology commercialisation, and fostering industry collaborations. His dept specialises in Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Computing, including high performance computing using GPUs, FPGAs, quantum technologies, and decentralised computing like blockchain, secure multi-party computation and privacy-preserving federated learning. He has published 150+ peer-reviewed papers in prestigious healthcare journals including Nature Aging, Nature Genetics, The Lancet Digital Health, and top-tier AI journals and conferences such as Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Comms, IEEE TPAMI, TNNLS, TPDS, Cybernetics, TMI, AAAI, CACM, CVPR, IJCAI, and MICCAI.


Under his leadership, his dept has won multiple highly competitive AI Singapore Tech Challenge and Grand Challenge grants, best paper awards, Global Challenge for Safe and Secure LLMs 2024, Singapore Blockchain Innovation Challenge 2024, RePSS Challenge 2024, and Singapore Healthcare Management Awards. His dept has secured over S$45M in industry cash and in-kind contributions, trained 150 researchers now working in academia or industry, spun off a startup that raised S$26M in investments and created 30 jobs, deployed a telehealth solution that saved 6,000 hospital bed days resulting in S$6M in cost savings, and was recognised with the Singapore National Award (COVID-19) Commendation Medal.

Long Bio 2:

Dr. Rick Goh is the Director of Computing & Intelligence (CI) Department at the A*STAR’s Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC). He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School, Adjunct Senior Principal Investigator at Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), Co-Director of A*STAR-EVYD Joint Lab, and Co-Director of SERI-IHPC Joint Lab. 

Dr. Goh leads a team of more than 80 scientists and engineers in performing world-leading scientific research, developing technology to commercialisation, and engaging and collaborating with industry. His department's core capability areas are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Computing. For AI, his team focuses on physics-based, efficient, multimodal, autonomous, safe and robust AI. And for Advanced Computing, the focus is in high performance computing using GPU, FPGA and Quantum, and decentralised computing such as blockchain, secure multi-party computation and privacy-preserving federated learning. 

His team has coupled these areas to collectively solve many real-world challenges in domains such as Digital Healthcare/MedTech, FinTech, Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering, Smart Nation & Digital Economy, and Food & AgriTech. Two of his recently launched research to industry translational healthtech programmes are (1) as team Principal Investigator of AIMx: AI for Medicine Transformation, and (2) Co-Investigator of the Digital and Precision Community Screening Platform for Ageing Diseases: Vision, Metabolism and Heart.

Dr. Goh has contributed to various committees both internally and the rest of ecosystem, such as Chair of the HPC AI Innovation Challenge 2023-2024, the A*STAR's ITSS Steering Committee, A*STAR Conflict of Interest Policy Task Force, Coordinating Committee for Smart Nation, Singapore Data Science Consortium and IMDA's SDE Technology Roadmap for AI, Data, Blockchain. He received his PhD and Bachelor degrees in Electrical and Computing Engineering from the National University of Singapore. He also received certificates in Technopreneurship, and Commercial Law and Technology Transfer. He is the author or co-author of more than 140 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious journals and conferences such as Nature Aging, Nature Genetics, The Lancet Digital Health, and also top-tier AI journals and conferences such as Nature Machine Intelligence, IEEE TPAMI, TNNLS, Cybernetics, Transactions on Medical Imaging, Medical Image Analysis, AAAI, CACM, CVPR, IJCAI, and MICCAI. He had also organised several international scientific conferences as general co-chair, and has several patents granted. He received Singapore's National Award (COVID-19): The Commendation Medal, for he and his team's contribution to Singapore’s fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, with his leadership, and the excellent researchers under his care & mentorship, his department had won many awards such as two project awards at Singapore Healthcare Management 2022, 1st Prize (Operations Category) at the Singapore Healthcare Management Congress 2021, SingHealth Quality Service Award SHQSA 21 Best Team (Special Mention) Award, and the NSCC Outstanding HPC Innovation Award 2017, among many others. 

We are hiring people in FinTech, blockchain, web3, artificial intelligence (AI), machine / deep learning, multi-party computation, quantum computing, high performance computing (HPC), decentralised computing, federated learning, MedTech.

Please send me your CV today!


Grant/Industry Projects:

Patents Filed:

Individual / Department Awards:

Published Journals

Conference Papers / Proceedings

Book Chapter(s)

Industry Whitepapers:

Media Release

Professional Services & Talks:
