Business Education

High school is there to help prepare you for your adult life. Business classes prepare you for job opportunities as soon as you graduate. In these classes, you will learn valuable tools for work as well as your personal lives.

Practice. Learn. Absorb. Practice. Fail. Win. Persevere. Practice.

Get better at something every day.

Rick and Cindy

Year 36 at Brewster

I graduated from Grandview High School in 1978 and then attended CWU for the next five years and earned a BS in Business Education in 1983. I worked in multiple fruit warehouses growing up and basically did everything--night cleanup in cherries, forklift, stacked boxes in cold storage, loaded trucks and train cars by hand, and worked in the shipping office.

I was hired in Brewster in 1985 and have never looked back. What an incredible place.

Don't get to looking so far out that you don't see what's right in front of you.


