Ricard Ferrer i Juli

Ricard Ferrer

Ricard Ferrer was born in 1946. During the 60’s he was influenced by the artistic movement Dau al Set. Members of this Avant-garde group included Antoni Tàpies, Modest Cuixart and Joan Ponç, who had a friendship with Ferrer and guided him in his early days on art.

Ricard Ferrer made exhibitions all along the Mediterranean coast from Alicante to Barcelona until early 70’s, when a U-turn in his work forced him to restate his painting and to space the exhibitions.

Ferrer rediscovered the ancient Fresco technique and made many Fresco decorations. Most important frescoes are situated in Santa Maria’s Church in Blanes and El museu del rellotge (the clockwork museum) in Figueras.

Since the year 2000 Ricard Ferrer is presented on many exhibitions by The Italian art-critic Italo Tomassoni. Also in the year 2000 Mª Lluisa Borràs, art-critic of La Vanguardia newspaper, presented him on a great exhibition in The Empordà Museum in Figueras.

Ferrer is still working on mural decorations with Fresco technique and also easel works on canvas or wood panel, mostly painted with egg-tempera and oil. To complete his work, Ricard Ferrer uses many different techniques on paper, from Ink to Pastel.





(...) La seva posició és la d’un gran solitari, convençut del mite de l’etern retorn, que amb tota la tossuderia del visionari ha anat acumulant una obra sòlida i responsable, volgudament marginada i que va ser com un intent de recuperació de la gran memòria pictòrica, amb una aventura que pel que té de personal i insòlita se’m fa cada cop més apassionant.

Ricard Salvat – Madrid 1976

" Je suis très conquis par vostre Christ, et par les références à Fragonard que je devine dans vostre peinture à travers les reproductions".

Carta del professeur Fumaroli a Ricard Ferrer. 2011

Altar de Sant Miquel Arcangel, Catedral de Girona. Còpia a l’aquarel·la.

“Vorrei aver avuto pennello angelico, o forme di paradiso per formare l’Arcangelo, o vederlo in cielo; ma io non ho potuto salir tant’alto, ed invano l’ho cercato in terra.

Siché ho riguardato in quella forma, que sull idea mi sono stabilita.”

Paraules de Guido Reni que marcaran l’art del seu temps fins els conflictes del segle XX.



Xarxes Socials:


Ricard Ferrer i Juli

Per consulta de les obres escriure al mail RicardFerreriJuli@gmail.com