Rhino Rush Stampede is a runner game where you help the little blue Rhino make his way through a dangerous jungle to find the most delicious fruits. You must collect as many fruits as you can, so you can spend them on fun and powerful upgrades such as gadgets, vehicles, pets, companions, and even improvements to your rhino such as double-jumping. Supercharge your stampede with the temporary buffs like the super hot chili pepper that lets you bash through obstacles and make this adventure fun! Make sure to share your high score with friends and see if they can beat you!

The MoE gives his whole squad full rerolls to hit if their melee targets is under starting strength. Pair that up with khorne chosen and that's a rerolling 5s vehicle slaying beast. So my idea was to maximize the chosen punch and use 30 chosen and 2 rhinos and a land raider to project threat all over the battlefield.

Rhino Rush

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The rhino is quite hungry and wants to collect lots of tasty fruits on his way to a new high score! Make your blue friend jump with the up arrow and use the space bar or the down arrow to speed up especially or make an attack.

Run with the rhino as long and fast as you can, punch through boxes, throw enemies over the top and sometimes turn the rhino into a dinosaur or dragon to move forward more effectively. Let balloons carry you through the air, sit on the back of a flamingo or become a power rhino with the right power ups. Collect as much fruit as possible so that the shaman can keep cooking you new power ups between levels.

Rhino Rush Stampede is a free endless runner game. This game is a ballistic, horns to the wall, side-scrolling, endless runner escape where you are the rhino who runs and scores. Get ready to smash, splash, and overcome where you collect, smash, and overcome. the world is full of obstacles and you as a rhino must smash them to steal all the gold you can. This is the noblest of all pursuits and it is one we think you'll enjoy, we know we enjoy it. So step up, strap in, and charge it through endless levels of different challenges, obstacles, and a fast-paced endless runner style game where you need to survive for as long as you can. As a humble rhino, you'll try and roll your way to victory by smashing many obstacles in this fun, free racing game. This is a game all about durability and survival. The winners will be those who are able to smash, jump, and avoid the pitfalls, to stay on track toward a glorious rhino future. The game only gets faster and harder the longer you play, so, don't expect any reprieve from the suffering until after you die. Such is existence in a jungle world where smashing is the only escape and there is no end.

One of the many animal games to grace the gaming world, Rhino Rush Stampede takes it to another level with its unique concept and incredible graphics. You play as a little blue rhino hell-bent on collecting as much fruit as possible while charging headfirst into a variety of vibrant and dynamic landscapes.

In conclusion, Rhino Rush Stampede stands out among other animal games, delivering exhilarating gameplay that never feels repetitive or stale. If you're seeking a fast-paced arcade game that's both fun and challenging, give this rampaging rhino a run for his fruits!

Introduction:  Allergen immunotherapy is an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis. Conventional immunotherapy takes at least 5 to 6 months to reach the maintenance dosage; nonetheless, rush immunotherapy accelerates to reach the maintenance dose several months earlier. However, the safety and efficacy of this treatment has not been widely investigated. The objective of the present study was to determine the efficacy of subcutaneous rush immunotherapy in the patients with perennial allergic rhinitis after a year from treatment.

Materials and methods:  This study was carried out on a total of 15 patients with allergic rhinitis who received rush immunotherapy and were evaluated for the quality of life and clinical symptoms improvement with Sino-Nasal Outcome Test Questionnaire (SNOT-22) and Mini Rhino conjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) before and after a year from treatment. Moreover, specific weed mix Immunoglobulin E (IgE) was measured before and after a year from treatment. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 16) (P

The International Rhino Foundation said it hoped the next rhino captured in Kalimantan would be sent to the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary on the island of Sumatra, where it could be cared for in a permanent facility.

A giant new hydro project on the Congo River is only the latest in a rush of massive dams being built across Africa. Critics contend small-scale renewable energy projects would be a far more effective way of bringing power to the hundreds of millions of Africans still without electricity.

Six white rhinos were captured recently at a reserve in South Africa for eventual relocation to neighboring Botswana, which has lost its entire rhino population to poaching. E360 contributor Adam Welz joined the operation and produced a photo essay that documents the harrowing process.

The Sanya facility does not appear to be Longhui's only rhino-horn farm. Last year, at least 16 white rhinos from South Africa were imported to Yunnan province in southwest China, according to provincial statistics. A February announcement from the Yunnan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau declared that Hawk Group head Zhang "has an ambition: to establish the largest rhinoceros industrial base in China. He is planning to import at least 40 rhinos this year and hopes to expand [the Yunnan] population to 200 within five years."

In June 2010, China's patent office published a curious patent application. Zhang claimed to have co-invented something called a "self-suction living rhinoceros horn-scraping tool." The online business plan, which appeared on a district government website, states that Longhui's "live rhino-horn grinding technology research has been approved by the State Forestry Administration." But under current CITES regulations by which China is bound, trading in rhino horn for medicinal purposes  whether from live or dead animals  remains illegal. (See pictures of 10 species near extinction).

Harvesting horn from live rhinoceroses is largely unknown territory, although biologists estimate that a rhino's horn naturally grows around 3.9 in. (10 cm) a year. (Like fingernails or hair, rhino horn regenerates.) In many parts of the world, confining wild animals for their body parts is taboo. But China has a history of harvesting bones from caged tigers and bile from moon bears, all for purported medicinal benefit. Jia, the scientist who has been involved in setting up both of Hawk's rhino farms, says his research shows that one live rhino can supply 1 kg of powdered horn annually. "Farming rhinos in China for their horns will definitely be allowed eventually," he says. "It's just a question of when."

Jia contends that rhino farming will help protect wild animals that might otherwise be poached. The live horn-grinding technique, he says, ensures that the farmed specimens aren't killed. Some prominent African wildlife experts also advocate rhino farming as the only practical way to cut down on illegal hunting. Hawk Group, which Jia says spent 1 million yuan ($154,000) to import each animal, presumably hopes to corner this lucrative market in China. But while countries like Japan put aside some of the profits made from legal animal-part sales for conservation, China does not have such a scheme. In fact, it hasn't even publicly admitted to any plans to farm rhinos for their horns.

Conservationists also point out that endangered-animal economics are complicated. What will happen if demand in China  and elsewhere in Asia  is rekindled by the availability of legal rhino horn and the farmed material can't meet the rush of orders? In 2008 a legal auction of 119 tons of ivory didn't halt elephant poaching in Africa; in fact, some believe the influx of tusks catalyzed further slaughter of elephants as more people developed a taste for ivory. "The natural world is scarred with the unintended consequences of good business plans," says Traffic's Milliken. "The scale of the Chinese market is potentially so awesome, one miscalculation and we potentially could lose entire species."

 Blood in the Bush  

 John Bassi banks his bell jet ranger up the side of a mountain, turns and sweeps back into the valley below, skimming the acacia trees that are a favorite rhino snack. Behind him, Charlotte Moueix leans out the helicopter door, gun ready. Below them is Pilanesberg National Park, in South Africa's northwest. A mother black rhino and her baby trot past. As the chopper hovers above, the calf, perhaps a year old, swirls around, plants its feet on the ground and snorts, ready to charge the strange flying beast above. Moueix fires. The baby takes off but begins to totter and stumble, burying his nose  and tiny horns  in a thornbush.

Bassi touches down some 50 yards (45.7 m) away. Moueix jogs toward the animal and extracts the dart. Then another colleague takes a hand drill and bores holes in the baby rhino's horns. Microchips with identifying codes are inserted so that if the animal is poached, its horns can be traced. Soon Moueix injects the calf with a reviving agent, and in three minutes the animal is trotting away, a bit dazed but unharmed. The team will dart and microchip three more calves that day. They work from dawn until dusk. "I can't remember what happened two days ago," says Bassi, his eyes bloodshot. "I'm so tired. And I'm so sick of finding dead rhinos. I'm sick of the smell of them." Until last year, Pilanesberg park had never lost a rhino. But a dozen were poached in 2010. In the wild, the stench of death is never far away. But with humans slaughtering rhinos for their horn, even more blood will run in the African bush. 

   With reporting by Jeffrey T. Iverson / Lyon and Jessie Jiang / Beijing  17dc91bb1f

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