Rheanna Mainzer

I am a Postdoctoral Biostatistician at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI).

I am a member of the Clinical Biostatistics and Epidemiology Centre (CEBU). My current research examines methods for handling missing data in large-scale longitudinal studies. I also collaborate on research investigating the health and development of infants born preterm over the life course.

Prior to working at MCRI, I was a Melbourne Early Career Academic Fellow in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at The University of Melbourne. I completed my PhD in Statistics at La Trobe University, under the supervision of Paul Kabaila and Davide Farchione, and a Bachelor of Finance / Bachelor of Science (honours) also at La Trobe University.

I have also taught university courses across all year levels, and been involved with various outreach events.

Contact: rheanna dot mainzer at mcri dot edu dot au



I have lectured and coordinated:

I have coordinated:

I have guest lectured:

I have tutored:


I wrote a fun little Christ-maths article for The Conversation. Read it here: https://theconversation.com/merry-christmaths-the-statistics-of-secret-santa-127730?fbclid=IwAR18uBghCjPTTgd0t2WYphhfM1S6mhniZ1LpdMSHuc1jS33ib-nnxcXqAWM .

I am the Vice President of Membership for the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA).  Find out more about SSA here: https://www.statsoc.org.au.

You can read about my experience lecturing and subject coordinating for the first time here: https://fyimaths.weebly.com/fyi-blog .

I was the main organizer of the public lecture "Is this your card?" and the math puzzle night for the University of Melbourne Science Festival in August, 2018.  You can watch the recording of the public lecture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJWcHmbfJCY.

I was on the panel of speakers for the ACE forum on Women in Research and Higher Degrees in the Mathematical Sciences.  You can read more about this here: https://www.austms.org.au/Publ/Gazette/2017/Sep17/ACE.pdf

I've been involved with the teaching of a LaTeX workshop for undergraduate students.