
My adventure started with the plan to make myself a vision board for my home office.

A vision board is something you can decorate with your ideas, hopes, dreams and most of all, your goals. It's like creating a scrapbook of your future and displaying it where you can see it. This way you are never far from your goals, should you need fresh inspiration or encouragement. A vision board is a practical solution to self-support but it can also be creative and fun.

My vision board was going to be a magnetic white board I could write on and stick things onto (with magnets). This way it could double as a calendar for events I didn't want to forget. Seemed like a good combination for my mini home office.

I bought one of those magnetic whiteboards. I found one which was priced for my budget, seemed sturdy enough, came with accessories (like dragonfly magnets) and looked the right size for what I wanted. I would have liked bigger but space was an issue. (My home office is one half of my bedroom).

I unpackaged my whiteboard. It came with stickers to attach it to the wall. The claim was the stickers would mount the board without leaving a sticky mess if you wanted to move the board later. Well... they were right about one part of that. The board did not leave a sticky mess any of the four times it fell off the wall. The first time I had to look around to figure out what had made the noise. I found the board on the floor, one dragonfly magnet missing, and not yet found.

Nothing bonked into the board on the wall. I don't have pets or children. The whiteboard just falls off the wall, all on it's own. I would stick it up again, adding extra pressure to the sticking points and yet... down it would fall a couple of days later.

This was not what I wanted. You can't see your vision board if it keeps falling off the wall and losing parts.

Eventually, the board was left down then moved around from one bookshelf to the dresser to somewhere else when it got in the way. The great whiteboard vision board quest seemed like a bust. Well, not every adventure goes as planned. I pretty much forgot the whiteboard for awhile. One day I moved the dresser and only noticed the whiteboard when it fell in behind the dresser. It has been there since, giving the dust bunnies visions of whatever dust bunnies dream up. Dust bunny world domination?

Then I got the idea... another idea for the vision board plan.

Why not mount it on a standing display? Like an artist easel, a drafting or craft table, something like that! I found very nice easels... some which were cheaper and seemed to be too cheap (flimsy) and others looked great but were far over my vision board budget. I found my dream vision board on eBay! It was so perfect and yet so very, very impractical. It could double as a room divider and would take me until next year to pay off on the credit card. So the easel idea was not seeming to work out so well. I did try a few other searches and found a few other options which I ruled out due to budget, flimsiness or made for children and looked it!

You may be looking up at the top of this post and see the magazine rack up there. THAT was my solution!

Not only sturdy enough to hold something the weight of a few magazines, but open ended so my whiteboard would fit right in there. True it won't be free standing on the floor or nailed to the wall and out of the way. But, it won't be lost behind the dresser, part of the dust bunny world domination plot either.

So I am ordering the magazine rack which this post shows at the top. I found you could get a lot of magazine racks which were not open at the ends. This would be fine if you measured your whiteboard and knew it could fit inside. I'm not even going to try that. I like the open ends because it will be easy to slip the board out and add new dreams, goals and visions to it. The magazine rack will keep it standing upright without requiring hardware or hammering nails into my walls. I can set it on my desk or give it space on a bookshelf or the top of my dresser.

So, the adventure will all work out. You could also use a letter holder. I do have one of those but it is already stuffed with stuff-to-do.