Download Xampp Server For Ubuntu

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Remember to replace the dummy values shown with your actual Gmail address and account password. If you don't plan to use Gmail's SMTP server, replace the SMTP host details with appropriate values for your organization or ISP's SMTP server.

Backing up databases... Backing up configuration, log and htdocs files... Calculating checksums... Building final backup file... Backup finished. Take care of /opt/lampp/backup/

After it installed and ran ok for a couple of months, I now get the famous XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running. error while starting XAMPP.Now I've googled extensively and can rule out the following:

I have killed the ubuntu-geoip-p service and couldn't find a way to kill the tcp service, but I don't think the tcp service must be killed in order to start apache. Anyway, after this I still got the same error.

looks like tntnet (another web server, this explains it) process was binding port 80. You have to stop it (I guess service tntnet stop does it, if NOT kill the tntnet process may be kill -9 pid to kill it). Also you can uninstall by complete the tntnet package.

Next, assuming that you have followed the initial server setup instructions and enabled the UFW firewall, make sure that your firewall allows HTTP and HTTPS traffic. You can check that UFW has an application profile for Apache like so:

Now that you have your web server up and running, it is time to install MySQL. MySQL is a database management system. Basically, it will organize and provide access to databases where your site can store information.

PHP is the component of your setup that will process code to display dynamic content. It can run scripts, connect to your MySQL databases to get information, and hand the processed content over to your web server so that it can display the results to your visitors.

When using the Apache web server, you can use virtual hosts (similar to server blocks in Nginx) to encapsulate configuration details and host more than one domain from a single server. We will set up a domain called ___________, but you should 1______________________________________. To learn more about setting up a domain name with DigitalOcean, see our Introduction to DigitalOcean DNS.

Spin up a Linux virtual machine with Apache, MySQL, and PHP pre-configured and attached in one simple click with DigitalOcean. Let us spin up a LAMP stack server for you in seconds, so you can focus on building a great application.

XAMPP stands for cross-platform(X), Apache(A) server, MariaDB(M), PHP(P), and Perl(P). It is built by Apache Friends and basically serves as a local host or a local server. Through this local server, you can install this software on your system and test the clients or your website before uploading it to the remote web server or computer. Windows users most widely know XAMPP, but there are XAMPP packages for Ubuntu Linux as well. In this article, we will describe a step-by-step method for installing this application stack on your system. You can then verify the installation by using a few URLs. You can also go through the uninstall process that will help you uninstall the software if needed.

Hello community,

I just create my VPS on IONOS and I want to use SSL on my public IP without a domain. I asked them but they told me that: "the SSL certificates included in the contracts can only be configured on domains that use our Name Servers".

In few words, I have to buy a domain.

I'm not a super expert of server but I can manage linux CLI if I am well instructed.

Thanks 9peppe, I'd like to ask you few questions.

What happens if, when the Certbot process asks: "Please enter the domain name(s) you would like on your certificate ...", I use my DNS host name ? Would it be valid?

Do I need to provide a real email during the process or it could be optional?

2_________________: Xampp comes with Proftpd as ftp server which is configured by this config file /opt/lampp/etc/proftpd.conf. Reading the file I realized that it considers the server is running under ownership of "daemon:daemon". My wordpress directory is running under nobody:nogroup so I changed this line into proftpd.conf :




Maybe its my OS that is at fault? I am using Ubuntu MATE 32-bit and I notice that the files I downloaded were : xampp-linux-x64(is this 6______________________)

The XAMPP server is ideal for software development or prototyping because it is relatively easy to set up and doesn't require much configuration. However, note that XAMPP is not recommended for use as a production server because it compromises some security issues in order to make setting up your development environment easier. For example:

To check if the Apache server is serving your web pages as expected, type 7_ in your web browser. The browser will display a page that looks similar to the one below. For your information, the Apache server runs on port 80 by default.

Now Lets try to run some PHP code using our Apache server. For that you need to create a php file in the htdocs directory of Xampp. htdocs is generally located in /opt/lampp/htdocs/. Create a php file with the name myphp.php with the following code:

Press y + Enter. Then enter a new password and re-enter this password again to confirm.14______________________________________________________________15_______________________________________________________________16______________________________________________________________

You can use these instructions to create OpenSSL CSRs and install all types of DigiCert SSL certificates on your Apache server: Standard SSL, EV SSL, Multi-Domain SSL, EV Multi-Domain SSL, and Wildcard SSL.

If Apache doesn't restart with SSL support, try using 8__________________ instead of 9_______________. If SSL support only loads with 10__________________, we recommend you adjust the apache startup configuration to include SSL support in the regular 11_______________ command. Otherwise, your server may require to manually restart Apache using 12__________________ in the event of a server reboot. This usually involves removing the and tags that enclose your SSL configuration.

Ensure that everything is functioning correctly. Open your browser and navigate to 13____________________________ and you should see the welcome page, which means your XAMPP server is working properly.

XAMPP can be tested on your own by creating PHP file and testing it with the Apache server. So we have successfully installed XAMPP server on your Ubuntu instance. Thanks for reading! I hope it was informative for you!

Using this guide, learn how to set up Apache as a reverse proxy server on CentOS 7 to redirect HTTP traffic to an ASP.NET Core web app running on Kestrel server. The mod_proxy extension and related modules create the server's reverse proxy.

Run dotnet publish from the development environment to package an app into a directory (for example, bin/Release/{TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER}/publish, where the {TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER} placeholder is the Target Framework Moniker (TFM)) that can run on the server:

Copy the ASP.NET Core app to the server using a tool that integrates into the organization's workflow (for example, SCP, SFTP). It's common to locate web apps under the var directory (for example, var/www/helloapp).

A proxy server forwards client requests to another server instead of fulfilling requests itself. A reverse proxy forwards to a fixed destination, typically on behalf of arbitrary clients. In this guide, Apache is configured as the reverse proxy running on the same server that Kestrel is serving the ASP.NET Core app.

Proxies running on loopback addresses (, [::1]), including the standard localhost address (, are trusted by default. If other trusted proxies or networks within the organization handle requests between the Internet and the web server, add them to the list of KnownProxies or KnownNetworks with ForwardedHeadersOptions. The following example adds a trusted proxy server at IP address to the Forwarded Headers Middleware KnownProxies in Startup.ConfigureServices:

The VirtualHost block can appear multiple times, in one or more files on a server. In the preceding configuration file, Apache accepts public traffic on port 80. The domain is being served, and the * alias resolves to the same website. For more information, see Name-based virtual host support. Requests are proxied at the root to port 5000 of the server at For bi-directional communication, ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse are required. To change Kestrel's IP/port, see Kestrel: Endpoint configuration.

Logging can be configured per VirtualHost using ErrorLog and CustomLog directives. ErrorLog is the location where the server logs errors, and CustomLog sets the filename and format of log file. In this case, this is where request information is logged. There's one line for each request.

The security configuration in this section is a general configuration to be used as a starting point for further customization. We're unable to provide support for third-party tooling, servers, and operating systems. Use the configuration in this section at your own risk. For more information, access the following resources: 5376163bf9

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