Paula Nabais, won a project for a Junior Researcher contract in the 2021 highly competitive Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus promoted by FCT, at LAQV@REQUIMTE, the Portuguese Research Centre for Sustainable Chemistry (Cultural Heritage thematic line). She is a heritage scientist with expertise in the study of organic colorants and the use of analytical techniques for the characterization of artworks.

She has been instrumental in the success of several national and international projects, proving her great team leadership and project management skills.More recently, in 2020 she was invited to participate in a COST Action that aims to rewrite the history of Europe through textiles (EuroWeb), being selected to integrate the Portuguese management committee, managing the entire Portuguese team and funding, while also becoming the Vice-Leader for Working Group 2 “Clothing Identities”.

She is the Principal Investigator for REVIVE project. Her  interdisciplinary background is crucial to the project, uniting arts, history and sciences for the discovery of historical formulations to be (re)invented in modern applications.



Ciência Vitae

Web of Science

Google Scholar



NOVA School for Science and Technology