Mila Crippa

Mila Crippa is a PhD candidate in Heritage Science at the NOVA School of Science and Technology and the Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV-REQUIMTE), Lisbon.

In 2017 she obtained a Master’s degree in Techniques for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage from Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy. Before joining NOVA University, Mila gained experience in an art research Institute, the KIK-IRPA in Brussels (BE), and the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge (UK) where she investigated the materials and techniques used in modern paintings and medieval illuminated manuscripts with imaging and spectroscopic techniques.

In her PhD project Mila is studying the use of lac dye in textile dyeing in collaboration with Dominique Cardon and Diego Tamburini (The British Museum, London). More specifically, the project will explore the variety of sources from which lac dye reds are extracted, historical recipes and modern know-how on dyeing with lac dye and the analytical characterisation and identification in works of art.



Ciência Vitae

Web of Science

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NOVA School for Science and Technology