Maria João MELO

Maria João Melo is a Full Professor at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology-NOVA University of Lisbon, and a researcher at LAQV-Requimte and IEM at NOVA.

After a PhD in Physical Chemistry (1995), specifically in Photochemistry, she decided to apply her expertise towards conservation of works of art. As Italy is a leader in this area, she chooses to do her PostDoc in Florence (1996-98), working at the Italian Research Council (CNR). She became an expert in infrared spectroscopy applied to cultural heritage and started research on the photodegradation mechanisms in polymeric systems, predicting performance lifetimes.

Her current research subjects are focused in the study of the molecules of colour in Art, namely the photophysics and photochemistry of historical dyes. This knowledge is applied in the development of new conservation methodologies of Medieval Illuminations and of Contemporary Art.

Her present challenge is to strengthen her interdisciplinary research and approach, at the frontiers of the social and natural sciences, promoting public engagement. 



Ciência Vitae

Web of Science

Google Scholar



NOVA School for Science and Technology