Eye See You! Helpful Eye Care Tips

If you work in front of the computer all day long, you should rest your eyes frequently. Your eyes tend not to blink when you are staring at the computer screen. This can cause dry eyes and other eye stress. Revision Supplement Reviews Look away every ten minutes or so and blink to rest your eyes.

Knowing your families history when it comes to eye disease can really be beneficial to you. Many eye problems are hereditary and can be taken care of beforehand if the condition is known by your eye doctor. The sooner it is diagnosed, the sooner treatment can begin, and that will make a considerable difference.

Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet; especially carrots and sweet potatoes which provide beta carotene (Vitamin A). Salmon is high in Omega 3's and broccoli, brussels sprouts and bell peppers are good sources of Vitamin C. These anti oxidants can help prevent macular degeneration and blindness.

Getting a your eyes tested and checked regularly is vital to preserving your eyesight. Obviously, if you think there is something wrong with your eyes, you should go in right away. However, even if you think you are fine, you need to be checked out. Some issues are not obvious, even to the sufferer. That is why you need to visit the optometrist regularly. Many eye conditions and issued can be treated if caught early.