The reverse() method of Array instances reverses an array in place and returns the reference to the same array, the first array element now becoming the last, and the last array element becoming the first. In other words, elements order in the array will be turned towards the direction opposite to that previously stated.

The reverse() method is generic. It only expects the this value to have a length property and integer-keyed properties. Although strings are also array-like, this method is not suitable to be applied on them, as strings are immutable.

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In case you want reverse() to not mutate the original array, but return a shallow-copied array like other array methods (e.g. map()) do, use the toReversed() method. Alternatively, you can do a shallow copy before calling reverse(), using the spread syntax or Array.from().

The reverse() method reads the length property of this. It then visits each property having an integer key between 0 and length / 2, and swaps the two corresponding indices on both ends, deleting any destination property for which the source property did not exist.

In doing so, I'd also like to try and rebrand opaque result types, or at least the underlying mechanism, to something I'm calling 'reverse generics'. I think viewing this all from a slightly different perspective helps a lot in understanding the concepts involved.

The first step is already possible in the language, but for the second step we need some new syntax. I will use a caret (^) as prefix for reverse generic type parameters. This means that the generic type parameter T from the example will change to a reverse generic type parameter ^T.

Before we go to the reverse example, let's explain what a reverse generic type parameter is. A reverse generic type parameter is similar to a normal generic type parameter, the difference being who decides what the concrete type of the parameter will be. With normal generics, the caller selects the concrete type for the parameter, but with reverse generics the callee selects the concrete type.

With a normal generic function we normally say that the function is generic over its generic parameters. However, with reverse generics it's not the function itself that is generic. With reverse generics it is actually the caller of the function that will become generic. The following can be said about our examples:

The same is true for reverse generics, but remember that with reverse generics it's not the callee that is generic, but it's the caller that is generic. This means that if the compiler has enough information, it is the caller function that can be specialized. If the functions are defined in different modules, then the caller function cannot be specialized, because the compiler does not know which concrete type will be returned from the callee function. (note: For simplicity I'm not taking inlining into account here)

Note that when makeCollection is called with an Int element, it will return an Array of Ints, but when makeCollection is called with a String element, it will return an Array of Strings. This does not correspond with what we said earlier, that reverse generic types don't change. Well, this is a little bit more nuanced. The reverse generic types are fixed with respect to the normal generic types of the function. So, for every call to the makeCollection function where T == Int, it's still the case that the concrete type of the returned C is always the same. This means that the following works properly:

Instead of adding the concept of reverse generic type parameters, the proposed opaque result types syntax uses the 'some' keyword to basically declare an anonymous reverse generic type parameter. After the 'some' keyword, the constraints of the result type follow. Our earlier example of the makeCollection function without where clause can easily be translated into the proposed syntax for opaque result types:

The proposed opaque result types syntax is a little more succinct compared to the reverse generics syntax, but due to that the declared type is anonymous, it has some limitations when it comes to expressing additional constraints. It is not possible for example to refer to the type in a where clause. To solve this, some suggestions are made, like using an underscore to refer to the type, or making it possible to use angle brackets on protocols to define additional constraints. More discussion takes place here: Protocol shorthand for combined protocol and associated type constraints without naming the constrained type

I think this causes the most confusion for people (at least it did for me). Without having an understanding of the underlying mechanism and also not being able to name and place the actual types in their context makes it hard to see what we're actually talking about. Therefore, I think that first introducing a concept that has explicitly named type parameters, like the described reverse generics system, will provide a better foundation and easier to understand system for users. As a second step, the concept of anonymous generic types could be added on top of it.

Final note: This thread is meant to be informational and it is not the intention to move the discussion. Other people have come up with ideas and syntax proposals similar to what I've called 'reverse generics'. All ideas can be found and discussed in the appropriate threads.

The reverse() function can reverse a large variety of regular expressionpatterns for URLs, but not every possible one. The main restriction at themoment is that the pattern cannot contain alternative choices using thevertical bar ("|") character. You can quite happily use such patterns formatching against incoming URLs and sending them off to views, but you cannotreverse such patterns.

Normally, you should always use reverse() to define URLswithin your application. However, if your application constructs part of theURL hierarchy itself, you may occasionally need to generate URLs. In thatcase, you need to be able to find the base URL of the Django project withinits web server (normally, reverse() takes care of this foryou). In that case, you can call get_script_prefix(), which will returnthe script prefix portion of the URL for your Django project. If your Djangoproject is at the root of its web server, this is always "/".

This section will discuss reverse culture shock -- the psychological, emotional and cultural aspects of reentry. While the phenomenon of culture shock is increasingly well known (and relatively well prepared for in the foreign affairs community), reverse culture shock is not as recognized and understood. This is due in part to the fact that people are returning home. So why should "returning home" result in culture shock?

It may be helpful to think of Reverse Culture Shock in terms of the culture shock one experiences when moving overseas. Many of the same events and circumstances that create stress when adapting to a foreign culture also create stress in the return trip. Craig Storti, in his book, The Art of Coming Home, notes that both stresses - culture shock and reverse culture shock - tend to follow the U-curve pattern explained later in more detail.

As with culture shock, many aspects of reverse culture shock are subjective, therefore each person will have a unique experience in readapting to his or her home culture. Research does, however, indicate some common patterns existing among most sojourners' reentry experiences. While reading about these common patterns, remember to keep an open mind about reverse culture shock and the various ways it may affect you and your individual family members. Issues specific to spouses and kids are also included at the end of this section.

As with cross-cultural adaptation stress, change of routine and a lack of familiarity contribute significantly to reverse culture shock. As you've settled into your foreign location (sometimes staying outside the United States for as many as three tours / 8 or 9 years), you've spent less time in your home culture. Upon return, not only is home different from what you are now used to, but it may be different from what it was when you left, and different from what you expect it to be like.

How do all of the stresses of reverse culture shock manifest themselves in the repatriate? Often the same way they do in initial culture shock. Aside from the obvious frustrations, returnees may experience a number of mental/emotional side-effects, such as criticality, marginality, overexertion/exhaustion, and resistance/withdrawal/self-doubt/depression.

The reverse culture shock W-curve was developed by John and Jeanne Gullahorn. Upon arrival in the "home" culture, the returnee experiences a "honeymoon" period where all that is grand about home seems to shine through. Visits with old friends and family are refreshing, and you may notice some exciting changes. The honeymoon period doesn't last long, though, as cultural differences and the stresses of reentry continue to mount. For people not expecting reentry stress, the challenges can be even more severe, plunging repatriates into the pit of reverse culture shock. As returnees cope with the cultural differences of their home culture and manage the logistical tasks, they climb up the slope of re-adaptation and again regain their psychological stability. As with initial culture shock, the duration of this phenomenon varies from person to person, but the phenomenon itself is prevalent among returning members of the foreign affairs community. To view more information about Reverse Culture Shock, follow these helpful links: 006ab0faaa

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