
A Historiographical Aesthetic in Contemporary Singapore and Malaysia

June Yap

Published 2016, SIRD (Strategic Information and Research Development Centre) Malaysia



  • Introduction (Beachhead) 3
  • Malaya 12
  • Land 37
  • Art 53


  • Evidence 75
  • Representation 97
  • Affect 119
  • Testament 149


  • Legacy 165
  • Iconoclasm 174
  • Corruption 195
  • Poetry 201
  • Catachresis 217


  • Linchpin 273
  • Transcendence 283
  • Ends 290
  • Beginnings 302
  • In Retrospect (Seascape) 326


Ahmad Fuad Osman 262

Amanda Heng 76, 120

Anurendra Jegadeva 104

Chong Kim Chiew 159

Green Zeng 3

Hayati Mokhtar 37

Ho Tzu Nyen 32, 68, 90, 175

Jason Wee 132, 137, 202

Koh Nguang How 82, 170, 329

Loo Zihan 156, 243

Ming Wong 254

Nadiah Bamadhaj 122

Ray Langenbach 153, 246, 295

Seelan Palay 144

Tan Nan See 222

The Artists Village 67,167

Vincent Leong 238

Wong Hoy Cheong 141, 227-8, 284, 293

Yap Sau Bin 229, 236

Yee I-Lann 77, 251

Zai Kuning 43, 169, 278

Zulkifli Yusoff 210, 219

Historiographical Aesthetic

6-10, 32, 54, 69-71, 95-6, 119, 149-151, 195-7, 212- 6, 268-9, 273, 315-8, 320-2, 324-5, 326-8

Historical figures, historians, theorists

Alain Badiou 214, 310-1, 317, 319, 321, 322-3, 329, 333

Alfian Sa’at 201, 208

Boris Groys 86, 305, 307, 318

Chen Kuan-Hsing 260, 277-8, 283-4

Cheo Chai Hiang 178, 184

Cherian George 41, 99

Chia Thye Poh 146

Chin Peng 135

Chua Mia Tee 85, 94

Clifford Geertz 10

E.H. Gombrich 109

Equator Art Society 61, 87

Félix Guattari 9, 143

Fong Chong Pik 89

Francis Fukuyama 290, 300, 302, 322

Friedrich Nietzsche 275-6, 288

Gayatri Spivak 95

Giorgio Vasari 100, 191, 196

G.W.F. Hegel 9, 29, 57, 70, 101, 201, 275-6

Hal Foster 149

Harold Bloom 213, 214-215, 217, 221, 229, 249, 253, 262, 267

Hayden White 29, 75, 119, 275-6

Jakob Burckhardt 107, 151, 275-6

Jacques Rancière 150

Jean-Luc Nancy 214, 307

John Clark 53, 62, 97-98, 112, 277, 289

Josef Ng 100, 154, 245

Kuo Pao Kun 99, 169, 278

Kwok Kian Chow 65, 82

Lai Chee Kien 59

Lai Teck 90

Lawrence Grossberg 10, 165, 324

Le Mayeur 63

Leon Battista Alberti 108

Lim Chin Siong 4-5, 26, 35

Lim Tzay Chuen 181

Lucretius 213-4, 268-9, 312, 322

Lu Xun 189

Martin Heidegger 307

Munsyi Abdullah 32, 52, 220

Nanyang artists 53, 63, 332

Patrick Flores 58

Paul Gilroy 259

Peter Osborne 7

Poh Soo Kai 12, 13, 19, 26

Redza Piyadasa 112, 116, 225-6, 228, 232-6, 238, 241, 249

Said Zahari 4-5, 19, 25, 92, 208

Stamford Raffles 31

Stuart Hall 11

Teo Soh Lung 19, 134, 136, 138, 202

Richard Wright 261

Tang Da Wu 167, 179

TK Sabapathy 53, 54-55, 58, 166, 249

Vincent Cheng 134, 139, 144

Wang Gungwu 12-13, 28