If you can't find a file on your computer or you accidently modified or deleted a file, you can restore it from a backup (if you're using Windows backup) or you can try to restore it from a previous version. Previous versions are copies of files and folders that Windows automatically saves as part of a restore point. Previous versions are sometimes referred to as shadow copies.

Navigate to the folder that used to contain the file or folder, right-click it, and then select Restore previous versions. If the folder was at the top level of a drive, for example C:\, right-click the drive, and then select Restore previous versions.

You'll see a list of available previous versions of the file or folder. The list will include files saved on a backup (if you are using Windows Backup to back up your files) as well as restore points, if both types are available.

Restore Deleted

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Double-click a previous version of the folder that contains the file or folder you want to restore. (For example, if a file was deleted today, choose a version of the folder from yesterday, which should contain the file.)

Right-click the file or folder, and then select Restore previous versions.

You'll see a list of available previous versions of the file or folder. The list will include files saved on a backup (if you're using Windows Backup to back up your files) as well as restore points, if both types are available.

Hi Gaby, My application just become corrupted by making a new webpage by cloning another which never completed. Before I do any thing, is the version control used to restore to a previous time on the DEVELOPMENT side? Or is this a restore that Bubble will do for me?

You do have different types of restores. You have structural restore and database. This screenshot was for a structural restore to revert your app to wherever it was a chosen point in time. The database restores are a separate process and you can restore either dev or live databases (in the App Data tab)

Was this an app you deleted? I believe Bubble has some type of trash can where they can recover recently deleted apps, but I think they only do that if you reach out to them and on a case-to-case basis.

Mac. I just used markup to modify a file that's on DB, and now I'd like to revert back to before the markup. I've gone to the "Version history" screen, but I can't figure out how to restore the previous version. There's no button or link to press on the previous version(s). See screenshot.

You can ONLY recover and restore files that were previously edited to within 30 days for free users, or 120 for paid. So, if that files had been edited on 20th November and previously on 1st November you'd be able to do it.

Okay, I tried to get a situation similar to your case. I moved a .jpg image from one folder to another and checked the version history. It did not give me a restore option upon hovering, only the statement that the image was moved by user.

Finally I opened the file with a photo editor, made a minor change to it and saved (same name). This changed apperared in the version history, this time WITH and option to restore previous version available upon hovering.

Armed with this valuable information, I plugged in my TimeMachine backup (Mac), and checked to see if older versions of the file reside there. I was happy to see they were, and I restored the original file from there.

i have my free account and I deleted my files two months ago can I recover it. I can pay if needed or update my account to a distinguished but I want to recover all of them are almost 10 files and do not exceed 600 mb .

Is there any way to restore deleted backup job. I am missing some backup jobs from lastyear, So i wonna know if i can get it back. From backup summery report i can see that the back up completed but i cant find any job. And the retantion are set up correctrly.

@Scott Reynolds Wel i hope not, the retantion on hole SP are the same. We are not using tape, all jobs going to disk libraries. I was wondering if the any way to get deleted jobs back. I am talking about vm backup

Hi @Max_Bogdan, we can sometimes restore a base that has been recently deleted within the past couple of days - please write in to us in-app or at support@airtable.com as soon as possible so we can check on that for you.

Since this post popped up first in my search for restoring deleted bases, I'm going to add that it is now possible to restore deleted bases from the workspace trash up to 7 days after deletion if you are a workspace owner. 


To delete your Google Drive files, move them to the trash. Files in trash will be automatically deleted after 30 days. You can restore files from your trash before the 30-day time window. You can also permanently delete them to empty your trash. If you delete, restore, or permanently delete multiple files or folders at once, it might take time for you to notice the changes.

We can help you recover recently deleted files for a limited time if you use Google Drive with a consumer account (and not an account through your work, school, or other group) AND one of these is true:

So far, Monday does not have the ability to restore deleted files from files column. While browsing the file, it happens many time that you click the icon x and the file is suddenly gone. Since there is on confirmation step, your file could be lost easily.

I would love to see Monday has the ability to restore deleted files


just deleted a file from the Files column by mistake.

It was stupid of me to accidentally delete that important file, but even more stupid that I cant get that file back from the recycle bin.

Is there any new updates on this? Can the file be found somewhere now?

I realized I was using an old version of Joplin that didn't have the command palette, so I upgraded to 1.8.5. In that version, Command+Shift+P works but "restoreNoteRevision" doesn't appear as one of the commands. I also don't know how to find the note ID, since the note is deleted.

I accidentally deleted a changeset and now I can't do anything. Fortunatley, I know the files that changed, so I saved them to a location outside my workspace. My plan was to switch my workspace back to the previous changeset, then copy and paste the new files back in to the workspace.

Realised now what I did years back. I was running out of PC disk space more than 10 years ago, before I bought the NAS. I copied some of the photo big folders to DVD disks and then deleted these big folders from the PC hdisk.

After using it and modifying it for weeks, I think that bat file is 90% there to do what I wanted it to do. But the other day I deleted it, thinking it was the 2nd file I created. Checked the drive, cannot find the bat file now.

I have cleared the recycle bin some weeks ago. I have not cleared the bin since I deleted the bat file. Cannot find the recycle bin in Mycloud. Used iBeesoft-Data-Recovery but it does not show Mycloud in its directory. How can I get to the recycle bin? Many thanks!

Got it! You made my day! Many many thanks! Not just helping me this time but also in the future when I need to recover some deleted files. Then I know where to go to.wd network folder2892731 74.6 KB

I accidentally removed the entire directory of my source code...with a nice rm -r. I know, really bad; but fortunately, I had a git repo in the containing directory. Thus, git has a huge list of unstaged changes of deleted files. For example:

But as I understand that will restore the file to it's state at the last commit. I don't want to go back to the last commit but instead go back to right before the delete operation. I can look in the gitk and see my files as they were before the delete; thus this must be possible.

git won't have stored any changes that were never added or committed. The best you can do is git checkout that deleted directory, and you'll get it back in the state it was in when things were last committed.

The local uncommitted changes you are seeing is probably the uncommitted deletion, i.e. git sees that you've deleted a bunch of files, but you haven't committed the fact that they are deleted yet, so git says 'hey, there are some changes (in this case, deletions) you haven't committed.'

Two days ago, I deleted five Java files in Eclipse IDE and now I need them. I tried to restore them from the local history. I restored only two of them. When I right click on the other files and then click restore from local history, I get the error message No additional members found in local history. How can I restore those three files?

Go to Eclipse Menu Bar , and click Edit, and then click Undo Delete Resource. Each time you click "Undo Delete Resource" it brings back resources that have been deleted. I am not sure if you can recover deleted resources, if you try to recover after the machine has been restarted since you deleted your resource.

When you see the "No additional members found in local history" messagewhile trying to retrieve the files after right-clicking a parent folder or package,try right-clicking the next immediate parent folder or package in the project (or the project itself as mentioned above).When I right-clicked the next immediate parent folder;I was able to restore deleted files in a similar situation.

Is there a way to recover or undo a deleted map from the Maps folder in a Project? It seems from my limited experience that when I try and delete a map that exists in a layout I get a warning, but if I accidentally delete a map that doesn't have a layout or I delete the wrong one, I don't get any "Are you sure" warnings and the map is just gone. e24fc04721

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