Responsible AI

Special course spring 2023

Welcome to this special course on Responsible AI! This is the second edition of an " exploratory" course where we try to cover aspects currently missing from the AI and machine learning educations regarding responsibility and AI. We aim to keep the class small and interactive to learn as much as possible. Downstream, we hope to turn this into a permanent course in the curriculum.

Our course will meet on Wednesdays at 9-12; please check in later for the location.


Siavash Bigdeli (

Aasa Feragen (

Tentative Schedule (check in for updates)

1.2: Welcome, and Philosophy 1: AI ethics (Siavash) Building 303B, room Matematicum (second floor).


8.2: Philosophy 2: AI (Siavash) Building 322, room 105


15.2: Philosophy 3: epistemology (Siavash) Building 303, room 134 (Matematicum)


22.2: Fairness 1 (Aasa) Building 322, room 105


1.3: Fairness 2 (Aasa) Building 303, room 134 (Matematicum)


Technical papers

Opinion papers

8.3 Fairness 3 (Aasa) Building 324, room 161

You will be working on your projects, and Aasa and/or Siavash will be available in building 324, room 170 in case you need help. You should feel free to sit and work in room 170 -- but also to just top by when you need assistance.

15.3 XAI 1 (Aasa) Building 303, room 134 (Matematicum)

You will start reading and discussing in groups your first paper on Explainable AI: 

Koh et al, Concept Bottleneck Models, ICML 2020

Moreover, as preparation for your XAI project, you will try to reproduce the results from the paper on the CUB dataset using the code from the authors

22.3 XAI 2 (Aasa) Building 322, room 105


29.3 XAI 3 (Aasa) Building 303, room 134 (Matematicum)



5.4 Project work

12.4 Guest lecture by Marcello Pelillo Building 303, Auditorium 45 (9AM-11AM)

19.4 Privacy 1: Differential privacy (Siavash) Building 322, room 105

Material to read:

26.4 Privacy 2 (Siavash) Building 303, room 134 (Matematicum)

3.5 Generative AI and conclusion (Siavash and Aasa) Building 322, room 105


Course information

Course type: Specialized course for Bachelor, Master’s and PhD students with a technical background in deep learning.

Maximum number of students: 20


Schedule: 5A (9-12 Wednesdays)

Exam form: 50% group project assessment during the course, 50% 30-minute individual oral exam

Teachers: Siavash Bigdeli and Aasa Feragen

Sign-up: By email to Siavash Bigdeli ( – please note the limited seats

Scope and form: The course will consist of lectures, discussions, and practical exercises. It will be structured around four topics, all starting out with an introduction of established knowledge, moving to reading and discussing state-of-the-art papers, and finally a practical case implementation building on the visited methods.

General course objectives

In this course students will get introduced to ethical challenges in AI and tools to understand and examine them. Main topics of the course are on paradigms and limitations of machine learning (Epistemology), Fairness and bias, Explainable-AI, and Privacy. Current state-of-the-art topics and recent publications from relevant ML conferences and journals are selected and discussed in detail. Participants will implement prototypes of the presented algorithms and present their observations and results to the class.

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to build and enhance know-how on four major topics for responsible AI:


The course will consist of four parts: 

The first part of the course will be about the ethics of AI, epistemology of machine learning, model-fitting vs. artificial intelligence, Bayesian problems and limitations. Next, the fairness component will review classical algorithmic fairness algorithms and its limitations and potential solutions. We will learn about different paradigms of explainable AI such as saliency and prototype based methods, their use cases, as well as their validation. Finally, we will study differential privacy and federated learning.