Question 4.

Explain the classification of resources on the basis of origin and give one example of each.


On the basis of origin, resources can be classified as Biotic and Abiotic.

Biotic Resources are obtained from the biosphere. They have life or are living resources, e.g., human beings, fisheries, forests, etc.

Abiotic Resources include all non-living things, e.g., rocks and minerals.

Question 5.

Classify the resources on the basis of exhaustibility and give two examples of each.


On the basis of exhaustibility, resources can be classified as: Renewable and Non-renewable.

Resources And Development Class 10 Important Questions Pdf Download

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Question 10.

Distinguish between the following:

1. Potential and Developed Resources;

2. Stock and Reserves.


1. Potential Resources. Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilised, e.g.r Gujarat and Rajasthan have a lot of potential for the development of wind and solar energy, but so far they have not been developed fully.

Developed Resources. Resources which are surveyed and their quality and quantity have been determined for utilisation. The development of resources depends on technology and level of their feasibility, e.g., water resources used for hydel power generation or irrigation purposes.

The Resources and Development MCQs given below will help students to revise and recollect the important concepts in this chapter. These questions cover the Class 10 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ topics, such as types of resources on the basis of origin, exhaustibility, ownership or development status. Resources and Development MCQs also cover important topics related to Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, sustainable development, Agenda 21, and resource planning in India. Moreover, students can also find the CBSE Class 10 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ on topics such as land resources, conservation of resources, land utilisation, land degradation, conservation measures, classification of soils, soil erosion, and soil conservation.

CBSE Class 10 exam is a public exam and a crucial one for the students. If they want to move ahead to higher classes, they are required to get passing marks in these exams. To score good marks in the Class 10 exams, students are recommended to go through these important questions we have compiled. We have here the CBSE Class 10 Geography Chapter 1 Resources and Development Important Questions. These will help the students to brush up their knowledge about the subject.

Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh are rich in mineral deposits. Arunachal Pradesh has abundant water resources but lacks infrastructural development. Rajasthan is endowed with solar and wind energy but lacks water resources. The cold desert of Ladakh has a rich cultural heritage but it is deficient in water and infrastructure.

Effective questioning sessions in classroom require advance preparation. While some instructors may be skilled in extemporaneous questioning, many find that such questions have phrasing problems, are not organized in a logical sequence, or do not require students to use the desired thinking skills.

Questioning should be used to achieve well-defined goals. An instructor should ask questions that will require students to use the thinking skills that he or she is trying to develop. Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical system for ordering thinking skills from lower to higher, where each level requires a student's mastery of the skills below it. It is not essential that an instructor be able to classify each question at a specific level. The taxonomy is introduced as a tool which is helpful for defining the kinds of thinking skills instructors expect from students and for helping to establish congruence between the instructor's goals and the questions he or she asks.

Typically, an instructor would vary the level of questions within a single class period. For example, an instructor might ask the higher-level question, "How can style of writing and the thesis of a given essay be related?" If she gets inadequate or incorrect student response to that question, she might ask lower-questions to check whether students know and understand the material. For example, she might then ask, "What is the definition of thesis statement?" or "What are some characteristics of different writing styles?"

Resources are essential for the development of all countries and their people. If we continue to consume all our resources without their development taking place, very soon they will be exhausted leaving nothing for the future generation. Resource Development is the way to help improve the utility, quality, and quantity of resources, further helping with the conservation of the resources for using them in the future.

According to Chapter 1 of Class 8 Geography, resources that cannot be found easily at any given place have been classified as localized resources. This type of resource can be found only in a particular area or a local place, hence, is called localized. These resources are also observed to be unevenly distributed in different places around the world. Some examples of localized resources are silver, gold, and diamonds as they are found only concentrated in some specific areas.

This textbook provides a solid foundation in human resource management and development. I would consider adopting it for my class if the information was updated and brought into present day terminology and issues/challenges. I love the organization, key takeaways and may of the exercises. I also appreciate the cases and the connection between many of the concepts to practical workplace examples.

To obtain student feedback about the quality of the discussion and to identify issues that may need follow-up, you can save the last five minutes of class for students to write a Minute Paper. Ask them to respond to some or all of these questions:

Employee development programs are a great way to increase engagement and build long-term career paths at your company. Here are a few questions to help you learn how your candidates have used training and development to increase employee retention and productivity.

Surveyors may conduct pilot tests or focus groups in the early stages of questionnaire development in order to better understand how people think about an issue or comprehend a question. Pretesting a survey is an essential step in the questionnaire design process to evaluate how people respond to the overall questionnaire and specific questions, especially when questions are being introduced for the first time.

At Pew Research Center, questionnaire development is a collaborative and iterative process where staff meet to discuss drafts of the questionnaire several times over the course of its development. We frequently test new survey questions ahead of time through qualitative research methods such as focus groups, cognitive interviews, pretesting (often using an online, opt-in sample), or a combination of these approaches. Researchers use insights from this testing to refine questions before they are asked in a production survey, such as on the ATP.

Recognising this basic fact, the various countries of the world nowadays, are attaching a lot of importance towards the development of Human resources. Human Resources or the Size of Population of a country is both an asset as well as a liability to Economy. Population, as an important resource, has the following advantages and disadvantages.

Question 5.

Importance of Human Resource Development. [May 2017]


Recognising the importance of Human resources, a number of countries of the world are giving importance to the development of Human resources.

Importance of Human resource Development:

The significance and importance of Human Resources development for a country can be stated as below.

1) The development of human resources in a country contributes to the productive utilisation of physical resources in the country.

Question 7.

Explain the education system in India.


By contributing to the development of human resources in the country, education system is an important system that contributes to rapid economic development. However, in India educational system is not well developed since expenditure on education is not considered as an investment in Human resources. In terms of public expenditure on education, India ranks 86 among 106 countries.

Question 12.

Human Resource Development


The term human resources development refers to process of developing and improving the skills, talents, abilities and capabilities of human beings. It refers to the process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have skills, education and experience which are critical for economic and political development of a country.

Question 16.

Human Development Index


The concept of Human Development was introduced in 1990. It is an important index or indicator that measures the extent of development of Human resources in a country. It is the average of achievement in 3 areas of Human development / Human life namely

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Social Science Chapter wise Important Questions and Answers

? Please share links of Social Science Chapter wise Important Questions and Answers with all Class X Students


01 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Important Questions and Answers: -the-rise-of-nationalism-in-europe-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

02 Nationalism in India Important Questions and Answers:  -nationalism-in-india-important-questions-and-answers-1.pdf

03 The Making of a Global World Important Questions and Answers:  -the-making-of-a-global-world-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

04 Print Culture and The Modern World Important Questions and Answers:  -print-culture-and-the-modern-world-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

05 The Age of Industrialization Important Questions and Answers:  -the-age-of-industralization-important-questions-and-answers.pdf


01 Resources and Development Important Questions and Answers:  -resources-and-development-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

02 Minerals and Energy Resources Important Questions and Answers:  -minerals-and-energy-resources-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

03 Water Resources Important Questions and Answers:  -water-resources-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

04 Lifelines of National Economy Important Questions and Answers:  -lifelines-of-national-economy-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

05 Agriculture Important Questions and Answers:  -agriculture-chapter-wise-important-questions.pdf

06 Manufacturing Industries Important Questions and Answers:  -manufacturing-industries-important-questions-and-answers.pdf


01 Power Sharing Important Questions and Answers:  -power-sharing-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

02 Federalism Important Questions and Answers:  -federalism-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

03 Gender, Religion and Caste Important Questions and Answers:  -genderreligion-and-caste-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

04 Political Parties Important Questions and Answers:  -political-parties-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

05 Outcomes of Democracy Important Questions and Answers:  -outcomes-of-democracy-important-questions-and-answers.pdf


01 Development Important Questions and Answers:  -development-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

02 Sectors of the Indian Economy Chapter Wise Important Questions:  -sectors-of-the-indian-economy-chapter-wise-important-questions.pdf

03 Money and Credit Important Questions and Answers:  -money-and-credit-important-questions-and-answers.pdf

04 Globalisation and the Indian Economy Important Questions and Answers:  -globalisation-and-the-indian-economy-important-questions-and-answers.pdf


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