All layers should resize at the same time (scaling) if you configured them to be responsive. The group will only group it but each layer may still have its local responsive configuration. Example, in your layer you can switch to behavior and configure it

First of all, I really love the beta of Affinity Photo!!! Just played around with it a little bit and noticed that it is not possible to resize the document with percentage values(or I missed it) - only with pixel value. For me this is a big thing because I'm always trying out sizes with the zoom and than resize the document according to it.

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I miss this option too. You can resize percentage wise by adding an asterisk and a fraction after the pixel value, for example if you want to scale down your image (according to your attachment) to 50 % enter 1280 px * 0.5 in the "Width" field. Not very convenient but maybe this is helpful :)

Those above might be working but there should be a more convenient way to downsize the image (just like the option in Export --> jpg). I would rather have this resize option in the main image adjustment menu, because for instance using unsharp mask after downsizing should be the way to go I think.

I agree with eobet on this. Every image processing software I've used until today had the option of resizing an image by percents. I never had the need to resize by yards or meters. Apart from that it would be very easy to add rescaling by percent. It's been four years since this thread was opened. I have no idea why Affinity doesn't bother to add this feature.

At 4x, the AI's guesswork starts to mean that you won't want to look too closely, as it's easy to notice unnatural artifacts from either ON1 or Topaz if you're looking for them. There's no denying that both images are more useful than the heavily-blurred version that was resized by traditional methods, though.

I really appreciate this article showing the comparison of resize results zoomed in for the several images. My 'long' lens is only 18-135mm. I frequently crop to 1/9 to 1/16 of my originals and then I notice noise a lot. Upscaling a noisy image is ugly. I own/use ON1 Photo Raw for general image adjusting, but I also own Topaz Sharpen AI. I like Topaz' handling of noise better for most images, with presets for reducing blur due to focus, motion, or noise. I often find that I stroke my image with Topaz first, save it, and then use ON1 for tone, color and resizing. Also, my results with raw images are often more pleasing to me than starting from a JPG. My Topaz Sharpen AI is v4.1.0, and I own it for ongoing use, but it is unfortunately not getting updated. Topaz tells me I have to pay to get their full Photo AI suite to get updates there and I'd then also have Gigapixel AI. I haven't yet been willing to pay for that.

Wow what. Adobe is by far the winner here. That is unless you want a very over-processed over-smoothed image. We are getting in to computer generated art at this point when looking at what Topaz is doing. No thanks. I don't agree with processing to the point of making it digital art. I only want to see the original data in the photograph resized, no new drawings, over-smoothing, etc. Sorry dpreview, you lost.

When editing a PowerPoint .pptx presentation in Impress, I cannot resize existing textboxes, as dragging the resize handles only moves the boxes instead of resizing them. When I create new textboxes, I can resize them with the same method just fine.

If the source license isn't removed first, and the new license is assigned to the user, the new license is used to resize the current Cloud PC. In addition, the original license is used to provision another, new Cloud PC for the user.

If there are no licenses in your inventory, the resizing will fail. Contact your procurement admin to request more licenses. After the license has been purchased and added to the inventory in the Microsoft 365 admin center, you can retry the resize operation. Licenses can be purchased from various channels: EA, CSP, MCA, and Web Direct.

Devices with a state of Resize not supported won't be resized. The status message and details can help you identify the issue. You can still proceed with a bulk resize even if you have devices in the list that are marked as Resize not supported.

If you converted a Windows 365 Enterprise license subscription by purchasing Microsoft Step-up Licenses, you can migrate your users to the new license and preserve all user data by performing a bulk resize for those users.

For example, let's say that you used a Step-up purchase to convert licenses from a Windows 365 Enterprise 2vCPU/4 GB/128 GB subscription to a Windows 365 Enterprise 4vCPU/16GB/128 GB subscription. In this case, follow the steps under Bulk resize Cloud PCs originally provisioned with group-based licenses. The Windows 365 2vCPU, 4GB, 128 GB is your base license, and the Windows 365 4vCPU/16GB/128 GB is your target license.

but the default example only shows how to resize it in one direction, either expand the window or shrink it. It would be more convenient if i can shrink/expand with one command, sort of like what i3wm does.

Yes, I do use this fantastic trick in multiple places currently. Thank you for sharing it!

However, I still wish Coda had a more elegant way to handle this, especially considering that the graphs do resize and fit themselves quite well when viewed on a mobile device.

I just upgraded to CC 2015 and am reloading older versions of almost all the programs. In Photoshop CS6 I could paste an image onto a layer then grab one of the corners to resize it. In CC 2015 there is nothing to grab to resize the image. Nothing! How am I suppose to resize the image and play with it unless I can grab the corners and shrink and expand? Help!!!

Now that I think about it, this does not need a feature request, you can check tiling status by monitoring the state property on the gdk toplevel surface. A resize signal only really makes sense for simple widgets without any complex sizing requirements. GtkDrawingArea fits that use case, so it already has that signal.

As an aside, note that on the web, using window.onresize is not really a great method to do this for individual components either because they could be sized/positioned with CSS or have their size modified with Javascript, and the window event will fail to indicate when that happens.

If you use a "-interpolate" setting of 'Nearest', you will essentually get theequivelent of a Sample Operator. Similarly many of theother Simple Interpolation Methods,will equate to using the equivelent Interpolated Resize Filters. But there are a number of Interpolationmethods such as Mesh that have no equivelence asa resize filter.

The function resize resizes the image src down to or up to the specified size. Note that the initial dst type or size are not taken into account. Instead, the size and type are derived from the src,dsize,fx, and fy. If you want to resize src so that it fits the pre-created dst, you may call the function as follows:

I wanted to resize images to make them small enough so that 4 images will all appear in a row but when I go into the editor, double click on an image and drag so that each image is small enough to all fit in a row, once I close the editor it appears as if nothing changed at all (aka original size). Can anyone help me?

I am trying to follow this to resize/expand the ZFS pool used in my LXD setup. However, I am unable to get the path of image file. I tried lxc storage list, but it show only the following.




| lxd | | zfs | lxd | 3 |


I tried your solution, but it worked only partially. The output file now has smaller frames (great!), but I still cannot get rid of the border: it looks like adding my clip (with larger frames) to the new project (with smaller frames) resizes (scales down) my original frames preserving borders. Probably I have done something wrong in the 3rd step of your answer, even before applying the SPR filter - should I add my clip to the new project in a special way, maybe?

I had a similar problem that my favicon.png was not scaled. Other images were scaled with resize(). I resaved and replaced the favicon.png and suddenly resize() worked. Possibly it was due to an embedded color profile or meta tags in the .png

Maybe this is just because Linux doesn't work well with the interface and there's nothing that can be done but I wanted to check and see if there's a way to resize windows so it's usable. It's kind of a mess to work with right now.

Yeah, it's the weirdest thing . . . never really had issues with Eclipse based software but I've always run them in Windows, not from Linux. I don't have an issue making a custom layout but if I can't resize windows, this becomes hugely problematic very quickly! Not being able to snap things in place seems odd too. I guess it's just not behaving like my past experiences with eclipse software, but I don't have this issue with the windows version.

I don't necessarily have an issue with customizing the perspective . . . if I can easily move things around or even be able to resize the windows . . . but if I can't resize the windows, I'm not entirely sure what to do about it. I'm almost at the point where I want to set everything up in windows and then transfer it to linux to build . . . heh.

I have a dual monitor setup. My canvas lives on the left monitor, and I combine tool config and results on the right monitor. I've noticed that it's incredibly difficult to resize the config vs results window size. This is because you have to hover over EXACTLY the right part of the divider until the resize icon appears, as below:

The difficulty arises because the target zone, over which the cursor changes from an arrow to the resize tool, is only 1 pixel wide. If you have a high resolution screen, or a slightly fiddly mouse, it's almost impossible to successfully hover over the correct place. Please consider increasing the width of the hover zone to facilitate window resizing. I hope I've explained this adequately, please let me know if I need to amend. Thanks! 006ab0faaa

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