Don’t Forget To Be The Way You Are: How to Create a Meaningful and Sustainable Research Identity
If you are looking for a tutorial on building your research brand, this is not the tutorial for you. If, however, you are an early career or PhD researcher looking for a way to talk about and represent who you are and what you do, this tutorial may well be what you are looking for.
This tutorial will help you to build three key elements of your research identity: the name you use on your publications, the titles and abstracts you give your publications, and your research character (including research topic, overarching interests, specialities and how your research intersects with other interests in your life).
We will address each element of your identity separately, working through a practical exercise with each. At the end of the tutorial you will have selected an author name for yourself using evidence based strategies, you will have some idea how to write paper titles and abstracts that reflect not just venue and content, but who you are as well, and you will have a clearer idea of the elements that make up your personal researcher identity.
Target Audience
This tutorial is aimed at PhD, post-doctoral and early career faculty members. This course is for you if want to create a research identity, and be seen as a unique researcher, without trivialising your work or pretending to be someone you are not.
Course outcomes
By the end of this tutorial you will have:
- A publication name you have selected using evidence-based strategies
- A 100 word research bio that describes who you are and what you do
- An understanding of how to write paper titles and abstracts that reflect your work, your identity and your selected publication venue