Scientific Research

for the
Limb Difference Community

A place for exchanging ideas and new research findings in the fields of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Artificial intelligence



This site was established by a research group located in the Department of Psychology and School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering at University of Essex (UK) working in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence & robotics with the great passion of learning about humans and their abilities.

Our dedicated research group is interested in understanding the role of bodily experiences (e.g. touch perception, movement) and their loss in developing mental images of our own self and of other people. Through novel research studies, we hope to better understand the psychology behind living the world with limb difference, leading the way for further cutting edge research in various scientific research fields.

To participate in current research projects we have running, please click on the following link:


Browse our current studies below and let us know what questions you would like to see answered in research studies in the "Interactive Section"

Online Studies

In-person Studies

Interactive Section

Postal address:

Department of Psychology University of Essex

Wivenhoe Park, Colchester,

CO4 3SQ United Kingdom

Follow us on:

Twitter: @res4limb_diff

Instagram: res4limb_diff

Facebook: Scientific Research for the Limb Difference Community