In the main tab of configuration manager, we can start and stop Report Server service and at the same time we can find out Report Server edition, product version and other main information about SQL Server Reporting Service.

SQL Server Reporting Services provides us with several configuration settings. With these settings, we can customize the Report Server and adapt it to our business requirements. If you ask my opinion SQL Server Reporting Service is an advanced solution for reporting and business intelligence.

Reporting Services Configuration Manager Download

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and I could use some help. Basically I have a server which is running three instances of SQL, one purely for reporting services. My plan is to install two new instances of reporting services, each one using one of the two instances of SQL and then tearing down the old reporting services instance as well as the third instance of SQL.

I'm a bit confused by what I've been reading. Do I actually need to setup multiple IP addresses? All I'm really looking to do is have two different instance of reporting services, both resolving to the same host name, simply separated by virtual directory ... +

You can have multiple instance of reporting services on the same server. Run the SQL Server Setup program twice - first time specify , for example, Instance1 and the second time instance2 as the instance names. You only need to install SSRS (I assume that you have an existing SQL Server RDBMS you can use). When configuring the SSRS instances, you point them at the existing SQL Server RDBMS and you should end up with separate ReportServer and ReportServerTEMPDB databases - one for each instance

@sccm_buff = You had the same problem, was t after a SQL upgrade? Thanks for the detailed steps. I shall try the whole removal/reinstall of reporting services tomorrow or Wednesday. I may actually have a backup of my reports, I think may have done this before I upgrade from SCCM 2012 R2 to current branch last year. hopefully this won't be such a PITA (famous last words).

Something obviously went wrong here with my reporting services upgrade - I have a MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER folder (SQL 2008) but I don't have a MSRS 12.MSSQLSERVER directory (SQL 2014 ) as I would expect in the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server.

Changed the Reporting services service to use a dedicated AD service account.

Then changed the Report Server configuration to use that same account.

Did both of these without backing up the encryption key

You can define an Execution Account - that account will then be used for external access to resources, which is normally why you would set the service to use a domain account. This allows for using the built-in NT SERVICE\ReportServer account for reporting services service and leaves that account with minimal permissions at the OS level.

Thanks @jeffw8713 I spun up a new instance on same server + Reporting services, restored db, deleted encryption, re-added all connection strings, stopped previous reporting service, used same configs for new reporting service and VOILA!

To access reports in Configuration Manager, you need a reporting services point. When you run the reports in ConfigMgr, the Reporting Services connects to the Configuration Manager site database to retrieve data that is returned when you run reports.

Reporting provides you with a number of predefined reports that you can use as is or modify to meet your needs, as well as the ability to create custom reports. Configuration Manager includes over 450 report definitions in over 50 report folders, which are copied to the root report folder in SQL Server Reporting Services during the reporting services point installation process.

A Reporting Services Point role can be installed on a central administration site, primary sites, and on multiple site systems at a site and at other sites in the hierarchy. The reporting services point is not supported on Configuration Manager secondary sites.

By definition, the reporting services point is a site system role that is installed on a server that is running Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. The reporting services point performs the following tasks:

When you install SCCM reporting services point, you use a dedicated account which is nothing but the SSRS connection account. When you create this account in AD, provide it NO further domain access. Please do not make it a domain administrator. All it requires are regular, low rights. Make it a local administrator on SQL Server or the SSRS server at all costs. SCCM handles granting the rights required by SQL Server and SSRS.

You can download the latest version of SQL Server Reporting Services from the Microsoft Download center. Older versions of SQL Server would install the SQL server and the reporting services. However, with SQL Server version 2017 and later, you must download the SSRS installer separately and install it.

I am going to leave the install location to default, click Install. This begins the installation of Reporting Services. In the next section, we will look at the steps to configure the reporting services.

In this step, we will configure the reporting services for Configuration Manager. In the completion window of SQL Server 2019 Reporting Services, select Configure manually and customize settings and click Configure Report Server.

Similarly, click the Web portal URL and click Apply. This will configure a dedicated URL to access the web portal. Click the Exit button to close the report server configuration manager wizard.

At this point, no Configuration Manager reports are visible because we are yet to install SCCM reporting services point role. Once you install the reporting services point role, the reports will be visible in Configuration Manager console and web URL.

Typically, the first option is preferred in most cases while deploying the reporting services point role in an organization. Verify the Active Directory Forest and Active Directory Domain names and click Next.

On the Reporting Services point page, you configure the settings for Reporting Services. This step is critical because the majority of errors such as reporting services server instance blank, is observed here.

If you have installed and configured the reporting services correctly and if the report server database is successfully created, this step should be easy for you. Ideally, the Reporting Services server instance should be automatically populated to SSRS. If the reporting services server instance is blank, you might need to verify the account permissions and perform additional troubleshooting steps.

Review the reporting services point role configuration on Summary page and click Next. On the Completion window, click Close. This completes the reporting services point sccm installation steps.

When you install a new reporting services point for SCCM, you can use the following log files to troubleshoot the SSRS installation errors. The log files are located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs.

I have SSRS and SQL server 2008 running on same server. However sometime I found Reporting services configuration manager cannot find Report Server instance and it is affecting reports.The only way to resolve this is to reboot the server. This issue started happening after domain migration to a new domain.

Type mofcomp reportingservicesalt.mof, and then press ENTER. 

Note If the reporting services instance name contains an underscore (_), a dollar sign ($) or a number sign (#), you have to use method 1. Or you have to reinstall the instance. 

Note that you cannot use Reporting Services Configuration Manager to manage SharePoint integrated report servers. Prior to SQL Server 2012, SharePoint integrated reporting services instances were able to manage with it, but starting with SQL Server 2012, SharePoint integrated mode is managed and configured by using SharePoint Central Administration.

In addition to the rsreportserver.config file, there are two more configuration files: rsreportserverservices.exe.config and rsreportdesigner.config. You can read more about them at -us/library/ms157273.aspx and -us/library/bb630448.aspx.

However there are two versions of the configuration manager, 2016 and 2017, and both are called simple "Reporting Services Configuration Manager". But when it starts up, you will see if it's 2016 or 2017. You need to use the 2016 version. The 2017 one will not find anything.

The Report Server Windows service runs under the account you appointed when installingSQL Server Reporting Services. You can use this configuration tool screento change that setting post-install. As is the case with any of the SQL serviceaccounts it is recommended you use the appropriate configuration tool to changesecurity settings or stop services to ensure that any dependent settings are automaticallychanged as well.

I already have installed the full SQL Server 2008 R2 (SSMS,SSIS,SSRS,SSAS) on my machine before, today I installed (with out configuration) the SSMS & SSRS for 2008R2 on Administrator account with named instance. It was successfully installed. I can able to connect to the database through SSMS. But unable to do reporting services configuration connection, it showing "no report server found" error. Could you please help me.

I followed the article but after going through all the options in the configuration tool, i am not seeing my reports manager page or server page. I get this error and i think it may have something to do with my Initialization tab not being checked but greyed. Any ideas? Everything else except SharePoint Integration and Encryption Keys are Configured. Should Initialization be greyed out? The server status does show Initialized and service status is running but i cant see my report manager page. The sql account does have admin rights...cant figure out why i am getting this message. Please help! 2351a5e196

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