Past seminars

Date: April 16, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Kumar Balasubramanian (IISER Bhopal)

Title: Self-dual Representations and Signs

Date: April 02, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Manish Mishra (IISER Pune)

Title: Types, covers and Hecke Algebras-II

Date: March 19, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Manish Mishra (IISER Pune)

Title: Types, covers and Hecke Algebras

Date: March 05, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: UK Anandavardhanan (IIT Bombay)

Title: Base change for GL(2)-II

Date: February 19, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Ravi Raghunathan (IIT Bombay)

Title: Tate's Thesis-II

Date: February 05, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Ravi Raghunathan (IIT Bombay)

Title: Tate's Thesis

Date: January 22, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: UK Anandavardhanan (IIT Bombay)

Title: Base change for GL(2)

Date: January 08, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Mahendra Kumar Verma (IIT Roorkee)

Title: The Problem of Symplectic Model-II

Date: December 18, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Mahendra Kumar Verma (IIT Roorkee)

Title: The Problem of Symplectic Model

Date: December 11, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Santosh Nadimpalli (IIT Kanpur)

Title: Introduction to Iwahori Hecke algebras-II

Date: November 27, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Santosh Nadimpalli (IIT Kanpur)

Title: Introduction to Iwahori Hecke algebras-I

Date: November 13, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Amiya Kumar Mondal (IISER Berhampur)

Title: Depth zero representations and their Hecke algebras

Date: October 30, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Sandeep Varma (TIFR Mumbai)

Title: Degenerate Whittaker Models-II

Date: October 16, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Sandeep Varma (TIFR Mumbai)

Title: Degenerate Whittaker Models-I

Date: October 02, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Venketasubramaniam CG (IISER Tirupati)

Title: Synopsis of Bernstein-Zelevinsky-II

Date: September 18, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Venketasubramaniam CG (IISER Tirupati)

Title: Synopsis of Bernstein-Zelevinsky-I

Date: September 04, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Shiv Prakash Patel (IIT Delhi)

Title: Work of Waldspurger on Shimura correspondence between PGL(2) and metaplectic SL(2).

Date: August 21, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Dipendra Prasad (IIT Bombay)

Title: Introduction to theta correspondence-II

Date: August 07, 2021 (Saturday)

Time: 4pm (IST)

Speaker: Dipendra Prasad (IIT Bombay)

Title: Introduction to theta correspondence-I