My Favorite Repeaters was a beta project that allowed users to select repeaters as their "Favorites" to create a self-curated list. That program has ended, and Beta 2.0 has begun. It is not currently available for testing. We hope to unveil it at HamCation Orlando 2024.

This thread can help you. Take a look at the sample .rp file I added there. The only difference is that instead of having the same repeater on two different pages, you have one repeater that needs to be updated when the page loads.


Repeater List Download

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The problem i have is that i want that value in the repeater to be stored. So that you can close the app/reopen app/go around in the different pages. And all the info will still stay inside the repeater.

New England Repeater Directory (NERD) is the most accurate and up to date amateur radio repeater database available in our region. The listings are a reflection of each system's true status, regardless of their coordination*.

This list is generated automatically from theUtahVHF Society Frequency Coordinator's database and is, by definition,theauthoritative, up-to-date list. This list also includes a few repeatersin adjacent states that, for purposes of frequency coordination, must betaken into account, owing to their potential impacts to Utah amateurs (signalsdocross state lines - even on VHF!) For more information about thehow and why of Frequency Coordination, visit the UVHFSFrequency Coordination Page. If you operate a systemthat is shown incorrectly, then that means that youneed to contact theFrequencyCoordinator and get correct information to him. This isthe same data that is used in the ARRL Repeater Directory and forthe UVHFS booklet! If the information is wrong here, it will alsobe wrong there!For a list of Wasatch Front Simplex Frequency Assignments, go to TheSimplex Frequency Assignments page. Please read the accompanying text.If you wish to obtain a file containing more data, a file in comma-delimitedformat is available here.If you  have any suggestions as to how this listmay be improved, please send email with your suggestions, following theinstructions on thefeedback page.Go to the Utah VHF Society HomePage$2022/8/17 RPL$

First is to create in Thingworx a service which generated the list as infoTable. The output is an infoTable where I am using explicit datashape object (means it not temporary created by the service) which defines the items what I want to see in the external data in studio (def scope should be the same or subset of the infotable fields)

I have the template repeater set to Dataset and I have added another column for the second parameter in my template. How would I access a value from the dropdown if its on the same window? So the path to the window component of the dropdown is Main/Overview/Root Container/Dropdown. What would I put in the dataset to access that value of the dropdown?

I'm trying to figure out why the flex repeater won't refresh what is displayed when the instances list changes. I have a flex repeater that starts out with 4 objects (the actual number of objects doesn't matter).

However, when I remove an item in the instances list, I get weird behavior. The actual instances list changes, but the number of views displayed in the repeater acts really weird, especially when the instance that is being deleted isn't the last one. It usually just removes all instances from the flex repeater.

Select the Listing you previously created for the Repeater meta field and find those repeater items you added to your post on the backend (cities and their images) are displayed in the form of a grid.

At the same time, it would be cool to have a centralized data location somewhere (i.e. when you click on the data, open a shared data set so that the same data can be accessed from different repeaters).

I agree. Since interface design is mostly about repeating elements, the repeater function would be appropriate for tables, lists, cards, and the like. A similar feature exists in Adobe XD (called Repeat Grid).

@Figma_Team - please support repeater (like Invision Craft Data plugin for Sketch), XD Repeat Grid, or similar functionality. Please note that having pre-defined data as in Craft plugin is convenient, but having custom data source is essential for corporate/enterprise UX design. Data source can be a plain text file as in XD, Google Sheets data table or something else, as long as there is a way to map a specific column to the specific content container in your data template.

In wordpress I often use the repeater field from the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to allow flexible layouts, and I am now trying to figure out what is the best way to achiev something similar with contentful.

I have some good news. After looking at requests from the community, we have decided to launch the Repeater app on the Contentful Marketplace. The Repeater app makes use of a JSON field to create a repeatable list of items.

Since 2017, the listings included in The Repeater Directory have been supplied by RFinder. RFinder offers an online subscription service to its worldwide repeater database (sold separately). ARRL does not curate the listings included in the Repeater Directory. We encourage frequency coordinators and repeater owners to review listings published in the annual Repeater Directory, and to submit corrections directly to RFinder.

You add a repeater() control within the area(Content) control of a page, and then you nest a field() control for each of the fields from the table specified in the SourceTable Property that you want to include. The order of the field controls determines the order in which they appear on the page.

A list is a characteristic element of the layout of pages of the type List and ListPart. You define the type of a page using the PageType Property. List pages are designed for using a single repeater() control, which must be defined at the beginning of the content area. If you include more than one repeater or another control like a group or grid, the page might not behave as expected. If you want to design a page that includes controls in the content area other than a repeater, then try using a Worksheet page type instead. For more information, see Pages Types and Layout.

To improve the visibility and readability of the list, you can set some properties at control and field level. For example, you can specify the width of a column using the Width Property. Or, you could set row indentation using the IndentationColumn Property and IndentationControls Property.

Currently, I am trying to set up a page template for the document_set metaobject, so that we can provide our customers with a link to a page that includes all of documents they need. Initially, my plan was to access the Metaobject list on document_set, and then iterate through it to display the text and thumbnails for all of the document metaobjects in the set.

In the process of setting this up however, I discovered a mysterious feature that I can't find information about anywhere. When I connected the dynamic source to my custom content block, I had the option to choose documents, which is the name of the Metaobject list that contains all of the individual document metaobjects I needed to list. When I added this dynamic source, the icon for the block changed to the cyclical arrows seen in the screenshot, and the preview showed two copies of the HTML code (one copy for each document I have in the document_set.documents list).

This is fantastic, as it implies that Shopify has identified the dynamic source as an array, and is automatically iterating through the list to output a layout block for each entry. My issue unfortunately is that I have NO IDEA how to reference the current object in the list and display its metafields.

I did some investigation to see what was providing this iterator functionality in the hope that I could find documentation. In the page source, the cyclical arrow icon is referred to as a "repeater", and the page template JSON for this block contains a key called "repeater" with its value set to "{{ metaobject.documents.value }}" (a reference to the Metaobject list I am trying to iterate over).

So although I can tell that this feature is called a "repeater", I can't find any info or documentation anywhere for how it works. It doesn't seem to be a part of the Expanse theme I'm using, and I suspect that it is an undocumented part of Shopify itself. Does anyone have any info on this special form of block generation for list metafields? If not then I can go back to my original plan to simply write a for loop iterator, but this feature seems much more elegant and I'd like to learn how it works.

I've been working with trying to iterate through the Metaobjects list reference from a metafield, and just was able to print out the proper data onto a liquid section. I had tried those dynamic sources through section blocks, but found it problematic.

I am putting up specific "slides" of a client's products on individual pages, and want that info to be dynamic per page. So I set up a page metafield name space and added a metaobject definition "slide" that has a number of entries the page metafield can select from. So the metafield "slides" was a list of metaobjects. I was able to pull those objects by iterating through the value key of that metafield array.

This page here was key to helping me figure out the nuances of those objects. Previously, just printing out "" showed a list of graphQL references that I couldn't even iterate through. I think the trick is seeing it as a LIST type (which may be your "repeater" suspect), and having to access the value (not values) of that list in order to access the data. e24fc04721

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