Reopening Plans for Sept 2020

A Safe Reopening

We are planning to reopen the school on Monday October 12th, we have made some changes to the campus and also developed guidelines and protocols to ensure we keep our community safe.

For students in KG to Grade 4, who are able to return to school, we have organised a shifting system

This would mean that classes from KG to Grade 4 would be divided into two groups and students would attend school on alternate days.

So for example, students in group A would attend school on Monday and Wednesday and would stay and work from home Tuesday, Thursday.

Students in group B would attend school on Tuesday and Thursday and would stay at home and work online on Monday, Wednesday.

Friday we will alternate group A will start and attend on Friday 16th October. Group B students will attend on Friday 23rd October.

Students in Grades 5 to 8 attend school every day.

For students who are unable to return to campus we will run an online programme, with virtual meetings and work posted online.

To minimise contact parents and outside visitors will not be allowed on campus during school hours, with the exception of KG3 and KG4 parents who may need accompany their child if necessary.

The buttons below give more details about the different areas.

Health and Safety Guidelines

Mask Wearing:

Students must bring their own face mask to school each day.

We suggest masks be worn while traveling to and from school. In addition, masks will be worn at the follow times:

  • Upon arrival to and departure from school.

  • While moving around campus.

  • When entering and exiting classrooms.

  • Anytime it is not possible to practice social distancing.

  • Staff should wear a mask at all times and should not pull their mask down to talk.

Students will be taught how to look after their masks properly by the homeroom teachers and the school nurse during the first week back at school, with refresher sessions during the term. There will also be posters around the campus to reinforce these practices. A useful resource for proper use of masks can be found at this World Health Organization page.

Social Distancing

In general, KIS students and staff should maintain a safe physical distance from each other. If that distance cannot be maintained for any reason then masks must be worn.

Classrooms are set up with desks spaced apart. All teachers and teacher assistants will have to wear masks or face shields anytime they are working with students or students are in the classroom.

Handwashing and Hygiene

At KIS we have three outdoor hand wash points, including one with 4 sinks by the main gate. We also have warm water and the stations are stocked with soap.

In addition to hand washing the teachers will be provided with hand sanitizer and ensure that before entering the classroom, students have either washed their hands or have used hand sanitizer. Each classroom will have a hygiene kit which will include extra face masks, sanitizer, plastic gloves, a spray bottle of disinfectant and paper towels.

Students must wash their hands regularly, specifically:

· before entering the school;

· each time they prepare to enter the classroom;

· after using the toilet;

· before and after meals;

· after break;

· after PE.


When possible, classroom windows and doors will be partially opened to allow fresh air to circulate. Windows will be opened when students leave the class for lunch and break.

Cleaning Protocols

The following cleaning protocols will be in place:

  • Daily cleaning/disinfecting of all rooms after school ends. Cleaning/disinfecting will include use of disinfectant solutions with Dettol and bleach.

  • PreK/KG classrooms will be cleaned during every break with disinfectant.

  • Classrooms will be cleaned regularly. Students will be encouraged to help in this process

  • All playground equipment will be cleaned/disinfected immediately following all breaks and at the end of the school day.

  • Throughout the day, housekeeping will continuously clean/disinfect metal surfaces that are frequently touched (i.e. door handles, railings)

  • Bathrooms will be cleaned/disinfected twice daily with bathroom hygiene being actively encouraged by class teachers.

Our cleaners and kitchen staff have undergone cleaning and disinfecting training from Silk Road Hospital.

Arrival and Departure from School

Safe Morning Drop-off Procedures for Parents

Students should only attend school on their designated days.

Parents and students must wear a mask at all times during drop-off.

We will operate a one-way system.

  • Please enter the school road from main road D.A.R Sahara Street and continue forward in a one way direction. Please do not do U-Turns.

  • There will be no parking directly outside the school.

Painted boxes are marked on the pavement/sidewalk outside the school.

  • Students must line up in the boxes while waiting to enter the school.

  • On entry students will have a temperature check and sanitise hands. Students with a temperature over 37.5C will be sent home.

  • Students will go directly to their class.

Arrival times for Grades 5-8 during this period of using a shifting system will be from 7:30am - 8:00am

Arrival times for Grades Prep - Grade 4 during this period of using a shifting system will be from 7:30am - 8:00am

Arrival times for KG classes during this period of using a shifting system will be from 8:30am - 9:00am

Late Students - Must follow the entry procedures and will be taken to the classroom with a late slip.

Safe Pick-up Procedures for Parents

To organise an orderly dismissal we plan for a staggered end to the day. Please make arrangements for your children to be collected on time

For Monday to Thursday we kindly ask:

  • KG to Prep pick up time is 2:40pm

  • Grades 1-4 pick up time is 2:50pm

  • Grades 5-8 pick up time is 3:00pm

Friday pick-up we kindly ask:

  • KG to Prep pick up time is 1:40pm

  • Grades 1-4 pick up time is 1:50pm

  • Grades 5-8 pick up time is 2:00pm

Students who have a sibling in an older grade level will leave with the older sibling.

Parents and students must wear a mask at all times during the pick-up process

We will operate a one-way system.

  • Please enter the school road from main road D.A.R Sahara Street and continue forward in a one way direction. Please do not do U-Turns.

  • There will be no parking directly outside the school.

Painted boxes are marked on the pavement/sidewalk outside the school.

  • Parents must line up in the boxes while waiting to enter the school.

  • Once at the gate your child will be released to you, please leave the area as soon as possible.

Early Dismissal: If students need to leave the school early, parents please inform the school in advance, once the adult has arrived and is waiting outside school we can arrange for the student to be collected from class.

Classroom Procedures

Class Bubbles

To minimise large interaction classes will be split into smaller groups up to a maximum of 15 students per group. This will be the class 'bubble' and there will be minimum interaction between different bubbles.

Each bubble will have an assigned classroom and specialist teachers such as music, art and science will move around each group, rather than the students changing classrooms.

Entering the classroom

Before entering, students should wash their hands at one of the handwashing stations and then will need to line up outside their classrooms using the markers on the floor, which ensure that they are following social distancing requirements. If students are not able to wash their hands at one the handwashing stations, then students must sanitise their hands prior entering the classroom with hand sanitiser

Classroom Layout

The layout of the classroom will ensure that all students are following social distancing requirements and are facing the front of the room. Desks and chairs are spaced at a minimum of 1m apart and each student will have an assigned seat.

All teachers and teacher assistants will have to wear masks or face shields anytime they are working with students or students are in the classroom. They should never pull them down when talking. Students in KG classes will not be required to wear a mask when in the classroom, but should wear a mask when moving around the school.


The school will provide an individual stationery pack for each student, which should be kept in the classroom.


Cleaning staff will clean the classrooms twice a day. In addition to this, older students will be asked to wipe their assigned desk and seat with cleaning materials provided, before leaving the classroom in a way that will ensure social distancing. Each class will have a hygiene pack consisting of spare face masks, sanitiser, plastic gloves, a spray bottle of disinfectant and paper towels.


Whenever possible windows and doors will be partially opened to allow fresh air to circulate. When students are not in the classroom windows should be opened.

Teachers will use this checklist and follow these protocols every lesson.

Snack, lunch procedures

Snack and lunch will be organised so that the different bubbles of students do not mix.

Please see this link for detailed staff protocols and arrangements

The Kitchen


The school kitchen will open providing snacks and lunch, however students will eat in dedicated eating zones following a rota to minimise interaction between class bubbles.

  • All students and staff will wash their hands before and after eating snacks and lunch.

  • Students will eat their lunch while socially distancing.

  • Cleaning staff will use the provided disinfectant to thoroughly clean the tables after students have eaten.

  • Safe guidelines are being developed by our school nurse for the kitchen staff.

  • Kitchen staff will wear masks and have completed additional hygiene training.

  • Kitchen staff will wear gloves when serving food.

Kitchen staff will follow these protocols throughout the day.

Educational Adjustments

Outdoor Play

A revised break schedule will be created to provide safe opportunities for outdoor recess. Students should wear masks and will be monitored by teachers.

PE Classes

PE classes will maintain regular schedules but with limited class sizes. Any sports equipment used in classes will be thoroughly disinfected before and after every class. Where activities allow for social distancing, masks will not need to be worn. Students will be required to wash hands upon arrival and at the completion of PE classes. The PE teacher will have a hand sanitising station.

Art/Music/Science and library rooms

The art room, music room, library and science lab will be used as additional classrooms to accommodate for classes being split into smaller bubbles of students. Rather than students moving from classroom to classroom, teachers of these subjects will rotate around the students’ classrooms.

Art Classes

  • Students must wash their hands before and after each use of shared art supplies.

  • No playdough, clay or plasticine can be used at this time.

  • Teachers will spray and wipe down surfaces used by students and community equipment with disinfectant before and after each class.

  • Students will wipe down their workspaces with paper towels given to them by the teacher at the end of each class

Music Classes

  • Music teachers will use their discretion when determining if students should remove their protective masks depending on the activity.

  • Teachers will spray and wipe surfaces touched by the students with disinfectant and students will wipe down the objects with paper towel given to them by the teacher at the end of each class.

  • Teachers will spray and wipe down community equipment (instruments, etc.) with disinfectant after each class.

  • Classes maybe adapted to focus more on music appreciation, composition and theory.


The library will be repurposed and used as an additional classroom to accommodate smaller groups. Students will have a selection of books brought to them in a book basket chosen by the librarian and class teacher with selections rotated on a regular basis.

Returned books in the book basket should be left untouched for 3 days. On day 4, books are wiped down using alcohol wipes and can then be returned to use.

After School Activities (ASAs)

After school activities will be suspended until it is deemed safe to do so. This will be regularly reviewed.

Field trips

There will be no scheduled field trips during the first term. This will be reviewed again in December.

Medical - unwell staff / students

Unwell staff or students

Student and staff who show COVID19 symptoms should not come to school or, if at school, will be sent home. These procedures will be applied rigorously.

  • Stay home when you are sick: you’ll be more vulnerable to get any virus when you will have a reduced immune system.

  • Be extra aware if you suffer from fever, cough, respiratory symptoms such as, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

  • The school will send back home anyone home who has a fever (above 37.5 ℃) or who is exhibiting other signs of illness (also without fever). Students will wait in the dedicated care room before being collected by parents or guardians.

  • The school Nurse will check the temperature of each person entering the campus.

  • Students with mild symptoms can return to school only if they have been symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication. If symptoms worsen we strongly recommend medical advice and would encourage parents to look at medical resources giving advice on when to consult a doctor or seek emergency medical care.

  • Students who have been at home with any illness should report to the nurse on return to school.

Students and staff who think they may have been in contact or exposed to a person with COVID

  • Inform the homeroom teacher and principal. The school will ask a series of questions and begin contact tracing.

  • Stay at home and monitor for symptoms.

  • The school will monitor those in the bubble for symptoms.

A member of the household tests positive to COVID

  • Inform the homeroom teacher and principal. The school will ask a series of questions and begin contact tracing.

  • Stay at home, self quarantine, monitor for symptoms.

  • Students and staff must not return to school until 14 days after the infected person is symptom free for 48hrs.

  • The school will monitor those in the bubble for symptoms.

A student or staff member tests positive for COVID 19

1. Parents and staff must inform the homeroom teacher and principal. Failure to inform the homeroom teacher and principal may lead to the dis-enrollment of the student, or immediate termination of employment contract for staff members. This decision will be taken at the discretion of the administration team.

2. The school will begin contact tracing (The CDC defines close contact as someone who is within 1.5 meters of someone for 15 minutes or longer.) and inform the local health authority. The school will directly inform community members that have been in contact with the ill person and the school nurse will provide medical advice.

3. An email will be sent to all parents and employees, notifying them without stating the name of the ill person that someone has been sent home with COVID symptoms.

4. If a student or employee is tested COVID positive all students and staff in the class bubble will be asked to remain at home to self-quarantine for 14 days.

5. If at any time, the leadership and COVID teams feel there is an unsafe situation on the campus we will take the necessary steps to inform our community and help ensure the health and safety of our students and employees, including asking groups to quarantine or to close the campus fully if needed and move all students to our online learning platform.

6. The student or staff member must have a negative COVID-19 test before returning to school.

7. Additional disinfection will take place across the whole school.

Access to Campus

In line with our aim to reduce the number of adult contacts with students, no parents or external providers will be allowed on campus during school hours unless for a specific reason. Any appointments such as this must be scheduled with the office. KG3 and KG4 parents may quickly escort their children to the classroom if necessary but must be wearing a mask.

Scheduling a meeting with the administrative team or teacher

Please schedule a face to face meeting after school hours or alternatively we can arrange for a virtual meeting.

School admission tours and external providers will be scheduled out of school hours and will follow social distancing protocols.

The gallery of photos shows some of the adaptations we are making to the school campus.

To ensure a safe campus we are:

  • recruiting an additional nurse

  • recruiting additional cleaners

  • training for all cleaners and kitchen staff by Silk Road Hospital.

  • creating a dedicated isolation room called the waiting room.

  • Creating lunch zones and a staggered lunch schedule.

  • Creating play zones so that class bubbles do not mix.

  • placing hand sanitising stations, pedal bins around the school and in each class.

  • foot pedal taps on the sinks

  • hygiene kits for each classroom

  • floor markings and signage around the school.