Rentbird finds nearly all rental offers in The Netherlands. You\u2019re guaranteed to discover the perfect pads and hidden gems others miss.","Rentbird weet vrijwel al het huuraanbod in Nederland te vinden. Zo ontdek je veel meer huizen die bij jou passen. O\u00f3k dat verborgen pareltje die anderen over het hoofd zien.":"Rentbird finds nearly all available rentals in The Netherlands, so you\u2019ll discover more houses that suit you, plus hidden gems that other home seekers overlook.","Rentbird werkte nog sneller dan verwacht. Wij hebben binnen een maand een woning geregeld in Amsterdam!":"Rentbird works even better than I expected. In only one month we found a new house in Amsterdam!","Reset je wachtwoord":"Reset your password","Reset wachtwoord":"Reset password","Review":"Review","Reviews":"Reviews","Schrijf een review":"Write a review","Schrijf een review en verdien \u20ac25!":"Earn \u20ac25 in 1 minute: write a review on Trustpilot!","Selecteer":"Select","Selecteer alles":"Select all","Selecteer je kortingsperiode":"Select your subscription","Selecteer ten minste 1 optie":"Select at least 1 option","Selfie":"Selfie","September":"September","Slaapkamers":"Bedrooms","Slimmer een woning vinden begint hier":"Discover how much fun home hunting can be","Sluit dit scherm":"Close this window","Sluiten":"Close","Social Media Creator & BTer (Bekende Tiktokker)":"Social Media Creator & FTer (Famous Tiktokker)","Social Media Manager & Meme Master":"Social Media Manager & Meme Master","Specifieke dagen \/ tijden":"Specific days and times","Specifieke woonwensen (zoals een tuin, bad of balkon)":"Specific wishes (like a garden, bath or balcony)","Stad":"City","Stap overslaan":"Skip step","Start betaling":"Pay now","Start huur":"Start rent","Stel een zoekopdracht in met realistische criteria. Bij het maken van een zoekopdracht krijg je een indicatie van het te verwachten aantal matches.":"Set up a search with realistic criteria. When placing a search, you get an indication of the number of matches to expect. Aim for at least a few matches per week.","Stel eenmalig jouw gepersonaliseerde reactiebrief op en reageer voortaan met 1 klik.":"Set up your personalized response letter once and respond with a single click.","Stel je eens voor: terwijl jij achterover leunt, speurt jouw persoonlijke team van makelaars dag en nacht het web af naar jouw perfecte woning.

Klinkt te mooi om waar te zijn, nietwaar?

Toch is dit precies wat Rentbird voor jou doet: onze zoekbot scant ruim 1.400 websites iedere minuut van de dag op nieuw woningaanbod. Nieuwe matches ontvang je vrijwel direct via WhatsApp of mail.

Ontdek net als 6.200 andere Rentbird-gebruikers de slimme, stress-vrije manier van woningzoeken.":"What if you had your own team of real estate agents scouring the web day and night, without breaks, to find your perfect home?

Sounds to goot to be true, doesn't it?

But this is exactly what Rentbird does! Rentbird scans more than 1,400 websites every minute for new properties. That\u2019s about 1,500 times a day. No house will pass you by!

Join 6,200 other Rentbird-users and find your next home.","Student":"Student","Stuur een blije selfie":"Submit a selfie photo","Stuur een selfie foto in en ontvang :amount!":"Send us a selfie photo and receive :amount!","Stuur je (leuke en persoonlijke!) reactie naar de verhuurder.":"Send your (fun and personal!) response to the landlord.","Stuur na het plaatsen van de review een mailtje naar met daarin je naam + mailadres waaronder je de review hebt geplaatst, en we storten het bedrag direct naar je rekening. Dat is makkelijk verdiend toch?":"After posting the review, simply send an email to with your name + email address under which you posted the review, and we will transfer the amount to your account. Easy money right?","Super fijne ervaring gehad met Rentbird. Dagelijks veel e-mails met relevante woningen die goed aansluiten bij mijn woningwensen.":"I had a wonderful experience with Rentbird. Every day I received many emails with suitable houses that matched my criteria perfectly.","Super handig als je niet elke dag veel tijd wilt besteden aan zoeken op verschillende websites. Met Rentbird kreeg ik direct een alert wanneer er een nieuwe woning online kwam. Hierdoor kon ik heel snel reageren. Het is me op deze manier gelukt om een nieuwe woning te vinden!":"Very useful if you don't want to spend a lot of time each day searching different websites for a new place. With rentbird I immediately received an email whenever a new appartment based on my search criteria was published, so I could react very quickly. I managed to find my new place this way!","Tablet met Rentbird aanmeldformulier":"Tablet with Rentbird signup form","Tarieven":"Pricing","Tarieven & 14 dagen niet goed, geld terug | Rentbird":"Pricing & 14 day money back guarantee | Rentbird","Te gek dat je een selfie foto wilt insturen. Wees zo creatief als je zelf wilt, maar houd wel rekening met het volgende:":"Great that you want to submit a selfie photo. Be as creative as you want, but keep the following in mind:","Te vaak geprobeerd. Wacht 1 uur en probeer het opnieuw.":"Too many attempts. Wait 1 hour and try again.","Telefonische beschikbaarheid":"Phone availability","Telefoon met Rentbird woningmatch emails.":"Phone with Rentbird match email","Telefoonnummer":"Phone number","Tenminste, zonder de hulp van Rentbird \ud83d\ude0f":"At least, without the help of Rentbird \ud83d\ude0f","Ter informatie: het bruto inkomen is het inkomen v\u00f3\u00f3r belasting. Het netto inkomen is het inkomen dat daadwerkelijk wordt uitgekeerd. Verhuurders vragen altijd om het bruto inkomen.":"Please note: gross income is the income before taxes. Nett income is the income that is actually paid. Landlords always ask to specify the gross income.","Terug naar Buurt kiezen":"Back to Choose a neighbourhood","Terug naar Huishouden":"Back to Househould","Terug naar Startdatum":"Back to Start date","Terug naar Woningdetails":"Back to Other details","Terug naar Woonplaats":"Back to Choose a City","Terug naar Woonwensen":"Back to Housing requirements","Terwijl jij lekker je ding doet, scant onze zoekbot ruim 1.400 verhuurwebsites op nieuw aanbod. Van grote huurplatforms tot websites van individuele makelaars.":"While you sit back and relax, your personal search bot scans 1,400+ rentalwebsites for new rental properties. From big housing platforms to lesser known websites of individual agents and landlords.","Tijdelijk":"Temporary","Toch kan het gebeuren dat je niet tevreden bent. Binnen 14 dagen kun je dan rekenen op onze Niet goed, geld terug garantie. Een terugbetaling aanvragen doe je eenvoudig zef door in te loggen op jouw account.":"However, if you're not satisfied for any reason, don't worry: within 14 days you can count on our Money back guarantee. Simply log in to your account to request the refund - no questions asked! \ud83d\udcb8","Toch vinden iedere dag tientallen huizenzoekers hun nieuwe huurwoning via Rentbird. Rentbird stuurt nieuwe woningen direct naar jouw mailbox, zodat jij altijd de eerste bent die reageert. Jouw reactie belandt bovenop de stapel en je hebt direct 3x zoveel kans om te worden uitgenodigd voor een bezichtiging.":"And yet, dozens of people find their new home every single day using Rentbird. That\u2019s because we send new property matches directly to your phone, so you can be the first to respond. That gives you as much as 3x the chance of securing that viewing.","Toon aanmeldingsbrief voor elke woning":"Show signup letter for every apartment","Tot 4 zoekopdrachten tegelijkertijd":"Up to 4 simultaneous searches","Tot :amount cash ontvangen? Plaats een review of selfie foto!":"Want to earn up to :amount in cash? Write a review or send us a selfie photo!","Totaal :housesCount woningmatches gevonden in de afgelopen 7 dagen.":"Rentbird found :housesCount matches in the last 7 days.","Transcriptie video":"Transcription video","Trustpilot verified":"Trustpilot verified","Tuin":"Garden","Twijfel je of verlenging de moeite waard is? Bedenk dan:":"Wondering if it\u2019s worth it? Here\u2019s what you need to know:","Uit":"Off","Uiteraard zullen we dit compenseren. Daarom voegen we gratis 7 dagen toe aan jouw lopende abonnement. Je hoeft hier verder zelf niets voor te doen.":"Of course we will compensate you for this. That's why we will add 7 days to your current subscription for free. You don't have to do anything to receive this.","Uitkering":"Claiming unemployment benefit","Uitkeringsgerechtigde":"Benefit recipient","Uitloggen":"Logout","Uitschrijven":"Unsubscribe","Uittreksel GBA (Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie)":"Extract from GBA (Municipal Personal Records Database)","Update zoekopdracht":"Update your search","Van jou":"Yours","Van jou partner":"Of your partner","Van jouw huisgenoot":"Of sharer","Vanaf nu worden de kosten voor WhatsApp-alerts automatisch afgeschreven.":"From now on the costs for WhatsApp-alerts will be automatically debited.","Vanwege een technische storing heb je enkele dagen minder matches ontvangen. Om dit te compenseren hebben we jouw kosteloos abonnement 7 dagen verlengd. Onze excuses voor het ongemak!":"Due to a technical outage you received fewer matches than usual the last few days. To compensate for this we've added 7 days to your subscription, free of charge. We apologize for the inconvenience!","Veel groetjes,

Danielle - Team Rentbird":"Many greetings,

Danielle - Team Rentbird","Veel huizensites doen hetzelfde: ze laten je lijsten zien van huurwoningen. Op het moment dat je een woningadvertentie bekijkt, is de kans groot dat al duizenden andere woningzoekers dezelfde woning hebben ontdekt. Daardoor ben je dus vaak te laat met reageren en hoor je niks terug van de verhuurder.":"Many housing sites do the same thing: they show you ling lists of rental properties. Thousands of home seekers are scrolling through the same pages of listings at the same time. By the time you see a house that you like, chances are that many others have already discovered the same property. As a result, you are often too late in responding and don't hear back from the landlord.","Veel succes met de huizenzoektocht!":"Good luck with your search!","Veel succes met je zoektocht!":"Best of luck with your search!","Veel success gewenst met je zoektocht!":"Best of luck with your search!","Veel success met de huizenjacht!":"Good luck with your hunt!","Veelgestelde vragen":"Frequently Asked Questions","Verander je email":"Change your email","Verander je nummer":"Change your phone","Verander je wachtwoord":"Change your password","Verdien :amount met een positieve review op :platform":"Earn :amount by posting a positive review on :platform","Verdien :amount met het insturen van een selfie foto":"Earn :amount by submitting a selfie photo","Verdrievoudig jouw kans op de perfecte huurwoning":"Start for free with Rentbird","Vereiste documenten":"Required documents","Vereiste documenten voor nieuwe huurovereenkomst":"Required documents for new rental agreement","Vergroot jouw huurkans. Reageer direct.":"React as soon as possible to increase your chances.","Verhuizen voor werk of studie":"Moving for work or study","Verhuren jullie ook woningen?":"Do you also rent out homes?","Verhuurders plaatsen woningen hooguit op \u00e9\u00e9n betaald platform. Daarom vind je op Funda en Pararius samen slechts 46% van alle huurwoningen.":"Most landlords only use 1 paid platform. Through Rentbird you\u2019ll find a whopping 97% of all properties.","Verificatie code":"Verification code","Verleng mijn abonnement":"Renew my subscription","Verreweg de meeste klanten staan versteld hoe snel Rentbird hen helpt een woning te vinden. Dat blijkt ook wel uit de lovende reviews op Trustpilot.":"The vast majority of customers are amazed at how quickly Rentbird helps them find a home. This is evidenced by the raving reviews on Trustpilot.","Verstuur":"Send","Verstuur feedback":"Send feedback","Verstuur jouw aanvraag":"Send your request","Verstuur reset link":"Send reset link","Verstuurd via Email":"Sent through Email","Verstuurd via WhatsApp":"Sent through WhatsApp","Verwijder":"Delete","Verwijder alle zoekopdrachten":"Delete all search jobs","Verwijder je zoekopdrachten om geen emails meer te ontvangen.":"Delete your searches to stop receiving emails.","Verwijder zoekopdracht":"Delete search","Verwijderen?":"Delete?","Verzend":"Submit","Verzilver de korting in 3 eenvoudige stappen:":"3 easy steps to grab your discount:","Vind in no-time jouw volgende huurwoning in :city | Rentbird":"Find your next rental apartment in :city at lightening speed | Rentbird","Vind jouw huurwoning in 3 stappen: 1) Plaats jouw zoekopdracht 2) Bekijk woningmatches 3) Reageer, bezichtig en huur. 6.200+ Huizenzoekers gingen je voor!":"Find your rental home in 3 steps: 1) Place your search 2) Check rental matches 3) Respond, view and rent. Join 6,200 other Rentbird-users!","Vind jouw huurwoning in no-time met Rentbird.":"Find your next rental with Rentbird.","Vind jouw huurwoning razendsnel met Rentbird.":"Find your next home in no-time with Rentbird.","Vind jouw woning":"Find your apartment","Vind jouw woning supersnel met deze 5 tips":"Find your home super-fast with these 5 tips!","Vind net als 6.200 anderen razendsnel jouw volgende huurwoning.":"Find your next rental home, just like 6,200 others before you.","Vind passende huurwoningen op de automatische piloot":"Find the next perfect rental home","Vind voor iedere expat de perfecte huurwoning. 100% automatisch.":"Easily find rental homes for expats. 100% automated.","Vind voor iedere werknemer de perfecte huurwoning. 100% automatisch.":"Easily find rental homes for your employees. 100% automated.","Vind \u00f3\u00f3k razendsnel jouw perfecte huurwoning in :city":"Find your next rental home in :city at lightening speed.","Vind \u00f3\u00f3k razendsnel jouw perfecte huurwoning.":"Find your next rental home in no-time.","Vliegende start":"Hit the ground running","Voeg een zoekbuddy toe":"Add a search buddy","Voeg het Rentbird Whatsapp nummer toe aan je contacten om er zeker van te zijn dat je woning alerts ontvangt:

+31 970 065 203 74":"Add the Rentbird phone number to your contact list to ensure that you receive our rental alerts on WhatsApp:

+31 970 065 203 74","Voeg het Rentbird telefoonnummer toe aan je contacten om er zeker van te zijn dat je woningalerts via WhatsApp ontvangt:

+31 97006520374":"Add the Rentbird phone number to your contact list to ensure that you receive our rental alerts on WhatsApp:

+31 97006520374","Voer een nieuw wachtwoord in":"Enter a new password","Volg de verdere stappen om jouw abonnement af te sluiten":"Follow the on-screen instructions to activate your subscription and get instant matches","Volgende":"Next","Volgende pagina":"Next page","Voor alleenstaanden":"For singles","Voor een redelijk prijs heeft Rentbird me heel wat moeite bespaard. Ik hoefde niet meer zelf door alle verschillende websites te zoeken. Door Rentbird heb ik een apartement gevonden! Hopelijk heb jij er evenveel profijt van!":"For a relatively economical price, Rentbird took away the hassle, of going through hundreds of different sites. It helped me find an apartment, and hope it will help you too!","Voor het eerst op mezelf":"Living on my own for the first time","Voor het eerst samenwonen":"Moving in with my partner for the first time","Voor mij is het het 100% waard geweest om de zoektocht niet actief te hoeven doen. Al heb ik op heel wat moeten reageren voordat het lukte, ik weet toch zeker dat Rentbird me heel wat stress, tijd en teleurstelling heeft gescheeld.":"Rentbird was 100% worth it. I loved not having to actively search for houses myself. I did need to respond to a lot of listings before I got a house. But, withouth rentbird it would have taken more time, energy and stress.","Voor stellen of delers":"For couples \/ roommates","Voornaam":"First name","Voorwaarden":"Terms and Conditions","Vorige":"Previous","Vorige pagina":"Previous page","Vragen over een woning vinden en huren":"Questions about finding and renting a property","Vragen over hoe Rentbird werkt":"Questions about how Rentbird works","Vragen over mijn abonnement":"Questions about my subscription","Vrouw":"Woman","Vul bruto jaarinkomen huisgenoot in":"Fill in gross income of sharer","Vul de robot-check in":"Please proof that you are not a robot","Vul de werksituatie in van de woningdeler met het hoogste inkomen.":"Fill in the work situation of the sharer with the heighest income","Vul een geldige geboortedatum in.":"Enter a valid date of birth.","Vul een geldige reden in":"Select a reason","Vul het inkomen in van de woningdeler met het hoogste inkomen.":"Fill in the income of sharer with the highest income","Vul je overige voorkeuren in":"Fill in your other preferences","Vul je rekeningnummer in zodat we het bedrag kunnen overmaken.":"Enter your bank account so we can transfer the money.","Vul je telefoonnummer in":"Enter your phone number","Vul je telefoonnummer in en ontvang notificaties via WhatsApp":"Enter your phone number and receive notifications via WhatsApp","Vul jouw bruto jaarinkomen in":"Fill in your gross annual income","Vul jouw e-mailadres in":"Enter your email address","Vul jouw gegevens in om jouw matches te ontvangen":"Fill in your final details to send your request","Vul jouw partners bruto jaarinkomen in":"Fill in your partner's gross annual income","Vul jouw werksituatie in":"Fill in your work situation","Vul jouw woonwensen in":"Enter your housing requirements","Vul jouw woonwensen in en chill.":"Enter your housing requirements","Vul startdatum in":"Fill in start date","Vul woonwensen in.":"Set requirements and we\u2019ll do the work","Waar kunnen we jouw woningmatches heen sturen?":"Where can we send your rental alerts?","Waar wacht je nog op?":"What are you waiting for?","Waarom Rentbird?":"Why Rentbird?","Waarom handmatig zoeken als het automatisch kan?":"3x your chances of finding a home","Waarom handmatig zoeken als het ook automatisch kan? Plaats direct een zoekopdracht en ontvang iedere dag 5 matches GRATIS.":"Why search manually when you can automate it and receive 5 matches a day for FREE?","Waarom heb je je uitgeschreven?":"Why did you unsubscribe?","Waarom het via Rentbird w\u00e8l lukt":"Frustrated with your rental home search? It doesn\u2019t have to be so hard!","Waarom je met Rentbird wel een woning gaat vinden":"Why are you going to find a home with Rentbird?","Waarom je zou verlengen? Simpel: iedere dag vinden tientallen huizenzoekers hun nieuwe huurwoning via Rentbird. Gun jezelf ook een stressvrije manier van woningzoeken.":"Why renew? Every day dozens of people find their new home through Rentbird. We believe you deserve a simple, stress-free way of house hunting","Waarom zou ik betalen voor Rentbird?":"Why should I pay for Rentbird?","Wacht dus niet langer en schrijf die review hier!":"What are you waiting for? Write your review here!","Wachten op betaling":"Waiting for payment","Wachtwoord":"Password","Wachtwoord vergeten?":"Forgot your password?","Wanneer je je aanmeldt voor een woning is het belangrijk dat je aanmelding eruit springt en toch alle benodigde informatie bevat. Je kunt deze template gebruiken als een beginpunt en deze automatisch kopieren wanneer je ge\u00efnteresseerd bent in een woning.":"It's crucial to craft a compelling application letter when seeking to rent an apartment. To streamline the process, you may utilize this template as a starting point and customize it according to your needs.","Wat als ik een woning wil delen?":"What if I want to share an apartment?","Wat als ik ontevreden ben?":"What if I am not satisfied?","Wat andere woningzoekers zeggen over Rentbird":"What other home seekers say about Rentbird","Wat anderen zeggen":"What others say","Wat anderen zeggen over Rentbird":"What others say about Rentbird","Wat beschrijft het beste jouw huidige situatie?":"What best describes your current situation?","Wat extra tips:":"Some more tips:","Wat gebeurt er als mijn abonnement afloopt?":"What happens when my subscription ends?","Wat is de inkomenseis?":"What is the income requirement?","Wat is de reden dat je opzegt?":"What's the reason for you cancellation?","Wat is de reden voor jouw verhuizing?":"What is your reason for moving?","Wat is je geboortedatum?":"What is your date of birth?","Wat is je geslacht?":"What is your gender?","Wat is jouw \/ jullie gezamenlijk bruto maandinkomen?":"What is your (combined) gross monthly income?","Wat jammer dat je wilt opzeggen! We gaan je hier uiteraard bij helpen.":"\ud83d\udc94 We're sorry to see you go!","Wat mede-huurwoningzoekers zeggen over Rentbird":"What fellow rental apartment seekers say about Rentbird","We gaan nu jouw persoonlijke zoekbot configureren!":"We are now setting up your personal search bot!","We hebben":"We have found","We hebben :count nieuwe woning gevonden!":"We have found :count new listing","We hebben :count nieuwe woningen gevonden!":"We have found :count new listings","We hebben geen betaling ontvangen.

Weet je zeker dat je hebt betaald? Neem dan contact met ons op":"We haven't received a payment.

Are you sure you made a payment? If so, contact us here","We hebben het best mogelijke appartement binnen ons budget kunnen huren. In een wijk waar we altijd al wilden wonen. Het stond alleen op de website van de makelaar en niet op Funda of Pararius. Het was alleen mogelijk om dit appartement te vinden op Rentbird Bedankt!":"We have rented the best possible apartment in our budget, in the area we dreamed of. It was presented only on the agency website and neither on funda or pararius, so it was only possible to find this apartment on rentbird. Thanks!","We verifi\u00ebren je betaling":"We're verifying your payment","We vinden het enorm vervelend dat Rentbird even niet heeft gewerkt zoals je van ons mag verwachten. Namens het hele team onze oprechte excuses daarvoor.":"Our sincerest apologies on behalf of the entire team that Rentbird did not work as you can expect from us.","We weten het: in deze markt lijkt het vinden van een huurwoning haast onmogelijk. Woningzoekers reageren vaak met honderden tegelijk op een woning, terwijl de verhuurder hooguit de eerste 5 tot 10 reacties bekijkt. Lig je niet bovenop de stapel, dan kun je een bezichtiging wel vergeten.

Rentbird geeft je een voorsprong op de concurrentie. In tegenstelling tot een traditionele makelaar, die handmatig woningen voor je zoekt, gebruiken wij slimme zoekbots. Onze bots houden ruim 1.400 huizensites dag en nacht in de gaten en sturen nieuwe woningen binnen enkele seconden naar je telefoon. Daar kan geen leger van makelaars tegenop!

Met Rentbird ontdek je nieuwe woningen dus eerder dan andere woningzoekers, kun je sneller reageren en wordt je vaker uitgenodigd voor bezichtigingen.

Niet voor niets hebben duizenden mensen zoals jij al een woning gevonden via Rentbird en worden we uitstekend beoordeeld op Trustpilot.

Benieuwd hoe het werkt? Bekijk de video hieronder (deze duurt slechts 1 minuut):":"We know: in this market, finding a rental property seems almost impossible. Home seekers often respond by the hundreds, while the landlord only looks at the first 5 to 10 applications. If you are not on top of the pile, you can forget about a viewing.

Rentbird gives you a much needed competitive edge. Unlike traditional real estate agents, who manually search homes for you, we use smart search bots. Our bots monitor over 1,400 home sites day and night, find hidden gems others miss and send new homes via WhatsApp or email within seconds. No army of real estate agents can beat that!

So in short, with Rentbird you discover more homes and respond faster than other house seekers, and are invited to more viewings.

Not for nothing have thousands of people like you already found the property through Rentbird. We also have an excellent rating on Trustpilot.

Wondering how it works? Watch the video below (it only takes 1 minute):","We zijn altijd op zoek naar manieren om Rentbird nog nuttiger te maken voor woningzoekers. Jouw mening is enorm waardevol. Heb jij tips of zie jij verbeterpunten? Laat het ons vooral weten door simpelweg deze mail te beantwoorden!":"We are always on the lookout for ways to do better. Therefore, your thoughts are extremely important to us. Do you have any suggestions on how we might improve our service? Simply hit reply and let us know!","We zullen al je zoekopdrachten verwijderen zodat je geen emails meer ontvangt.":"We will delete all your searches.","We zullen je abonnement be\u00ebindigen en je ontvangt je aankoopbedrag terug. Houd er rekening mee dat:":"We will immediately end your subscription. You will receive a refund. Keep in mind that:","We zullen je abonnement direct be\u00ebindigen en je ontvangt je aankoopbedrag terug.":"We will immediately end your subscription. You will receive a refund.","We zullen je missen":"We will miss you","Wees andere woningzoekenden te slim af":"Outsmart other home hunters","Weet je het zeker?":"Are you sure?","Weet je zeker dat je deze zoekopdracht wilt verwijderen?":"Are you sure you want to delete this search?","Welke documenten moet ik aanleveren bij de verhuurder?":"What documents should I submit to the landlord?","Werksituatie":"Work situation","WhatsApp":"WhatsApp","WhatsApp-alerts":"WhatsApp-alerts","Wij hebben al 6.200 Rentbird-gebruikers geholpen in het vinden van hun nieuwe woning.":"We\u2019ve helped 6,200 Rentbird users find a home in just a few months.","Wij hebben in enkele maanden tijd al 6.200 Rentbird-gebruikers geholpen in het vinden van hun nieuwe woning.":"We\u2019ve already helped 6,200 Rentbird users find a home. They\u2019re now chilling happily in their new place, feet up...","Wij houden iedere minuut 1.400 verhuurwebsites in de gaten. Dat scheelt je uren per dag met handmatig zoeken.":"We monitor 1,400 rental websites every minute. To do this manually would be impossible \u2013 a full-time job several times over.","Wij zijn alleen tevreden als jij dat bent":"We are only happy if you are","Wij zochten dagelijks op veel verschillende sites en reageren op heel veel woningen, die steeds al verhuurd blijken te zijn. Via een kennis ontdekten we Rentbird. We hoeven nu niet meer op constant op verschillende websites te zoeken. Dat werkt echt een stuk effici\u00ebnter!":"We've been searching every day on various websites and responded to many housing ads, but often they were already rented or we didn't get a response at all. Through a friend we found out about Rentbird. Now, instead of searching endlessly, we just check our email when a new notification comes in. It's so much more efficient!","Wijzig aanmeldbrief":"Edit application letter","Wijzig de taal":"Change the language","Wijzig je email":"Change your email","Wijzig je telefoonnummer":"Change your phone number","Wijzig je wachtwoord":"Change your password","Wijzigingen opgeslagen":"Changes saved","Wijzigingen opslaan":"Save changes","Wil je deze woning bekijken en direct reageren?":"Want to instantly view this home?","Wil je echt opzeggen?":"Do you really want to cancel your subscription?","Wil je een nieuwe zoekopdracht plaatsen of je abonnement opzeggen?":"Would you like to place a new search or cancel your subscription?","Wil je een nieuwe zoekopdracht plaatsen?":"Would you like to create a new search?","Wil je nog :amount extra cash verdienen? Plaats dan een review!":"Want to earn an extra :amount in cash? Post a review!","Wil je toch afzien van deze verlenging? Geen probleem! Antwoord gewoon op deze mail en we zullen het aankoopbedrag terugstorten.":"Didn\u2019t want to renew? No problem! Just reply to this email and we will refund your subscription fee right away.","Wil je toch de huidige zoekopdracht plaatsen? Houd er dan rekening mee dat je (vrijwel) geen matches ontvangt en de kans op het vinden van een huurwoning zeer klein is.":"Do you still want to post the current search? Keep in mind that you will receive (almost) no matches and the chance of finding a rental property is very small.","Wil je toch geen gebruik meer maken van Rentbird? Zet dan jouw abonnement stop voordat deze wordt verlengd. Dit kun je eenvoudig doen via":"If you\u2019ve decided not to stay with Rentbird, cancel your subscription before it auto-renews. You can do this easily via","Winst en verliesrekening laatste 3 jaar":"Profit and loss account for the past 3 years","Wist je dat een verhuurder gemiddeld slechts vijf tot tien reacties per woning bekijkt? En dat op een betaalbare woning vaak meer dan 100 huizenzoekers reageren? Geen wonder dat je zo vaak mis grijpt.":"Most landlords only view the first 5 to 10 responses they get from prospective tenants. And since many homes (especially the more affordable) get 100+ people chasing them\u2026 it\u2019s easy to see why you might not have been successful so far.","Wist je dat je tot 4 zoekprofielen tegelijk kunt aanmaken? Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld in meer woonplaatsen tegelijk zoeken.":"Did you know that you can create up to 4 search jobs? This way you can search in multiple cities at the same time.","Woning is geschikt voor studenten":"Home is suitable for students","Woning met bad":"Home with bath","Woning met balkon":"Home with balcony","Woning met tuin of dakterras":"Home with garden or roof terrace","Woningalerts liever via WhatsApp ontvangen?":"Prefer to receive rental alerts via WhatsApp?","Woningdeler werksituatie":"Sharer work situation","Woningmatches ontvang je direct via WhatsApp of mail. Hierdoor belandt jouw reactie bovenop de stapel bij de verhuurder en maak je veel meer kans om uitgenodigd te worden voor een bezichtiging!":"The second we find a home that meets your needs, you\u2019ll receive a notification via WhatsApp or email. This way you\u2019ll be the first to respond, your application will end up on the top of the pile, and you\u2019ll have a much higher chance of getting a viewing.","Woningzoekers die klant worden bij ons hebben vaak al maanden (of langer!) op de ouderwetse manier gezocht naar een woning. Vaak zijn ze behoorlijk gefrustreerd of zelfs wanhopig voordat ze Rentbird uitproberen.":"Home seekers who become clients with us have oftentimes searched for a property for months (or longer!). They\u2019ve become frustrated or even desperate with the old way of searching before they try Rentbird.","Woonwensen":"Housing requirements","Zeg abonnement op":"Cancel subscription","Zet WhatsApp-alerts aan":"Turn on WhatsApp-alerts","Zij gingen je voor.":"They went before you.","Zit ik ergens aan vast?":"Does this tie me to anything?","Zo ontdek jij als eerste het nieuwste aanbod en belandt jouw reactie bovenop de stapel bij de verhuurder!":"That way you will be the first to discover the latest offers and your response will end up on top of the pile, resulting in many more invitations for viewings!","Zoals aangegeven per mail hebben jouw Rentbird abonnement automatisch verlengd. Dit betekent dat je onbeperkt woningmatches blijft ontvangen via WhatsApp of mail!":"As stated in our previous email we have automatically renewed your subscription. This means that you will keep receiving rental alerts through WhatsApp or email!","Zodra je matches hebt ontvangen via WhatsApp of mail zijn deze ook hier te zien.":"As soon as you have received matches through WhatsApp you will see them here.","Zodra we een passende woning hebben gevonden, ontvang je deze match enkele seconden later via WhatsApp of mail. Eindeloos scrollen op websites is daarmee verleden tijd.":"The instant we find a match, we\u2019ll send it to your phone. No more scrolling!","Zodra we een passende woning hebben gevonden, ontvangt de expat deze match enkele seconden later in de mail. Eindeloos scrollen op websites is daarmee verleden tijd.":"As soon as we've found a suitable rental home the expat will receive the listing in his or her inbox.","Zodra we een passende woning hebben gevonden, ontvangt de werknemer deze match enkele seconden later in de mail. Eindeloos scrollen op websites is daarmee verleden tijd.":"The instant we find a match, we\u2019ll send it to your, or your employee\u2019s, inbox. No more scrolling!","Zoek je met een partner of huisgenoot? Stel dan e-mail alerts in voor je zoekbuddy.":"Are you searching with a partner or roommate? Then set up email alerts for your search buddy.","Zoek naar huisdiervriendelijke woningen":"Search for pet friendly homes","Zoek naar woning met bad":"Search for a home with bath","Zoek naar woning met balkon":"Search for a home with balcony","Zoek naar woning met dakterras":"Search for a home with roof terrace","Zoek naar woning met tuin":"Search for a home with garden","Zoek ook naar kamers":"Also search for rooms","Zoek ook naar lootwoningen (sociale huur)":"Also search for raffle houses (social rent)","Zoek ook naar vrije sectorwoningen van woningcorporaties (soms met betaalde inschrijving)":"Also search for 'vrije sector' listings from woningcorporaties (sometimes requires a payment to sign up)","Zoek ook op websites waar je moet betalen om te reageren":"Also search on websites where you need to pay to respond to listings","Zoek op plaats":"Search a city","Zoek specifiek woningaanbod":"Search for specific listings","Zoekbot activeren":"Activating your search bot","Zoekbot is geactiveerd":"Your search bot is activated","Zoekbot is successvol getest":"Test is succesful","Zoekbot testen":"Test search bot","Zoekbuddy email":"Search buddy email","Zoekopdrachten":"Search jobs","Zoekprofiel":"Search profile","Zoekprofielen":"Search profiles","Zorg dat je alle benodigde documenten alvast klaar hebt liggen.":"Make sure you have all the necessary documents ready in advance.","Zorg dat je er razendsnel bij bent, zodat jouw reactie bovenop de stapel belandt.":"Respond at lightning speed to make sure your application ends up on top of the pile.","about-us.karsten.title":"Social Media Manager & Meme Master","amsterdam.Waarom het via Rentbird w\u00e8l lukt":"Why you will find a house via Rentbird","beloning :amount":"reward :amount","betrouwbare websites":"websites","common.TeamRentbird":"Team Rentbird","common.back":"Back","common.back-to-my-rentbird":"< Go back to My Rentbird","common.button.back_to_my_rentbird":"< Go back to My Rentbird","common.button.send":"Send","":"Next","common.close":"Close","":"Contact","common.details":"Details","":"Email","common.faq":"FAQ","":"Male","common.gender.other":"Other","common.gender.woman":"Female","":"How it works","":"Info","common.labels.rather-not-say":"Rather not say","common.login":"Login","":"Man","common.matches":"matches","":"Menu","":"Name","":"Next","common.or":"or","common.other-gender":"Non-binary","":"Phone number","common.pricing":"Pricing","common.privacy":"Privacy","common.rentbird":"Rentbird","":"Reviews","common.roommate":"Roommate","":"Save","common.submit":"Submit","common.terms":"Terms","":"Tips","common.validation.invalid-email":"This is an invalid email address","common.validation.invalid-numeric":"This field must be a number","common.validation.required":"This field is required","common.woman":"Woman","dagen":"days","":"Hey home hunter, you signed up for Rentbird, that\u2019s awesome! 

In this video we\u2019ll give you 5 tips to find a new home super quickly using Rentbird!

Maybe you\u2019ve been looking for a new place for a while and you\u2019ve noticed that it takes an insane amount of time to keep track of all of those rental websites.

Or maybe, just like many other home hunters, you\u2019ve \\frustrated because the houses you see online often turn out to already be reserved.

Or worse, you replied to a listing only to hear\u2026 nothing. Not even a rejection. Just\u2026 silence.

The problem is, there\u2019s just too much competition.

A place that has been listed for only 5 minutes has often already been seen by thousands of people.

And the good ones receive hundreds of applicants within the first day.

All while a landlord only checks about 10 to 20 applicants.

So you\u2019d actually have to stare at your screen day and night, and consistently check multiple rental websites to be early.

At Rentbird we figured this could be done in a smarter way.

Because lot\u2019s of the time consuming searches can be automated.

Rentbird uses search bots to do this. These intelligent bots keep an eye on over 1400 websites, day and night.

This way, no property will go unnoticed and you\u2019ll even discover those hidden gems that other home hunters miss.

The Rentbird search bots are really good at 2 things.

1) Finding almost all rental places in the Netherlands, and 

2) Sending you the listings that match your wishes, super fast.

What Rentbird can\u2019t do, however, is reply to these listings. That is your task.

And you gotta keep in mind: speed is everything.

Our analytics show that users who reply quickly and proactively are more than 3 times more likely to get a new place.

Those successful users open their Rentbird matches quicker and more often. And they also reply instantaneously to the listings they like.

In other words: Rentbird really works, but it does require you to be proactive as well.

That\u2019s why we\u2019re giving you 5 tips to find a new place to live, super fast, using Rentbird.

Here we go!

Tip 1) Draft an email template and get all of your documents ready.

In order to reply quickly, you need to be prepared.

Write down a neat reply email in which you tell a little bit about yourself and show you are interested in this rental property.

You also gotta make sure you\u2019ve got all required documents ready to go. Such as your salary and a landlord notice.

Underneath this video you\u2019ll find a ready to go email template and a list of documents that landlords often want to see.

Tip 2) Create accounts on popular rental websites, such as housing associations

In every area there are people that rent out places, usually housing associations, who offer private rental sector houses for relatively low rental prices.

These parties often work with a website that requires you to log in to be able to reply.

To be able to reply quickly it\u2019s useful to already make these accounts. Because when one of these parties offers something new, all you gotta do is log in to reply.

Under this video you\u2019ll find the housing associations per region we recommend you already make an account for.

Tip 3) Turn on notifications on your phone

Instead of checking your email all day long, you can enable notifications specifically for the emails that Rentbird sends you.

This way you\u2019ll get a notification whenever there\u2019s a match.

This is really useful, and after you find your new place you can simply turn these notifications off!

Under this video we\u2019ll explain how to enable these notifications on several phones and email providers.

Tip 4) Try to reply within 1 to 2 minutes

Obviously, all of these preparations are only useful if you actually reply quickly.

Do you see a house you like? Copy and paste your email template and send it to them right away!

Tip 5) Have you checked out a place and you like it? Let them know right away!

It helps being the first to say you want the place, especially if many others also want the same house.

But of course, it is important to make the right decision, so if you\u2019re in doubt, sleep on it for a night.

But if you can totally picture yourself living there, be sure to be fast.

Well here you have them, the 5 tips that\u2019ll help you to be prepared. These tips significantly increase your odds of getting the rental house you like, so get on it today.

We wish you lots of luck on your quest to find your perfect place!","di":"tue","do":"thur","eenmalig":"one-time","":"Therefore, you are receiving this property match via email. We will attempt to send new matches via WhatsApp as usual.","":"Due to an error with WhatsApp, we were unable to send this alert via WhatsApp.","emails.ask-for-review.closing":"Team Rentbird","emails.ask-for-review.get-a-reward":"Did you know that as a happy Rentbird user, you can earn up to :amount in cash?","emails.ask-for-review.greeting":"Hi :name,","emails.ask-for-review.intro":"You recently canceled your subscription with Rentbird. We hope you were satisfied with our service.","emails.ask-for-review.looking-forward":"We look forward to receiving your review and selfie photos.","":"Write a review","emails.ask-for-review.steps.selfie":"Submit a selfie photo","emails.ask-for-review.subject":"\ud83d\udcb0 Earn up to :amount with your review and selfie photo!","emails.ask-for-review.thank-you":"On behalf of the whole team, thank you for choosing Rentbird!","emails.bad-feedback-follow-up.after-14-days.subject":"One month Rentbird for free","emails.bad-feedback-follow-up.subject":"Your Rentbird experience","emails.bad-feedback-follow-up.within-14-days.subject":"Your refund is on its way","en":"and","en je aankoopbedrag terug te ontvangen.":"and get a refund.","en ontvang":"and receive","errors.invalid-gender":"Enter a valid gender.","geen woningalerts meer worden verstuurd":"you will not receive rental matches after this date","general-landing-page.title":"Hand over the search for the ideal rental property.","hr.Mis nooit meer een woning":"Never miss another rental listing","huurwoningen in":"rental homes in","in de laatste 30 dagen":"in the last 30 days","incl. 50% Black Friday korting":"With 50% Black Friday discount","incl. GRATIS WhatsApp-alerts":"with FREE WhatsApp-alerts","inschrijfkosten":"registration fee","is wat klanten Rentbird als oordeel geven":"happy customers rate Rentbird","je account en zoekprofielen worden verwijderd.":"Your account and search profiles will be deleted","je geen matches meer zult ontvangen.":"You will no longer receive matches by email","jouw account":"your account","jouw zoekprofielen worden verwijderd":"your search profiles will be deleted","keer per dag":"times","klanten":"customers","korting":"discount","locale.en":"English","":"Nederlands","":"American English","ma":"mo","maand":"month","maanden":"months","mails.bad-review-follow-up.after-14-days-help-requested":"Hi,


\nIt's disappointing to hear that Rentbird has not met your expectations so far.

At your request, I have added 1 month of free Rentbird usage to your account so you can give Rentbird another chance!


\nYou also asked for help in optimizing your search query and cover letter. Could you indicate what challenges you are facing? For example:

- you receive few matches

- the matches you receive are not relevant

- you often reply but get no response from agents

- something else?


\nYou can let me know by replying to this email or via Whatsapp at the phone number +3197006520266.


\nI'd love to hear from you!


\nBest regards,

Danielle - Customer Success Manager at Rentbird","mails.bad-review-follow-up.after-14-days-no-help-requested":"Hi,


\nIt's disappointing to hear that Rentbird has not met your expectations so far.

\nAt your request, I have added 1 month of free Rentbird usage to your account so you can give Rentbird another chance!

\nI am also available if you need help optimizing your search query and cover letter. In that case, just send a reply to this email, or Whatsapp me at the phone number +3197006520266.


\nGood luck with your search!


\nBest regards,

\nDanielle - Customer Success Manager at Rentbird","mails.bad-review-follow-up.within-14-days-help-requested":"Hi,


\nIt's disappointing to hear that Rentbird has not met your expectations so far.

\nYou have asked us to refund the purchase amount. The refund process has been initiated and will appear in your account within 7 days. In addition, I have added 1 month of free Rentbird usage to your account so you can give Rentbird another chance!


\nYou also asked for help in optimizing your search query and cover letter. Could you indicate what challenges you are facing? For example:


\n- you receive few matches

\n- the matches you receive are not relevant

\n- you often reply but get no response from agents

\n- something else?


\nYou can let me know by replying to this email or via Whatsapp at the phone number +3197006520266.


\nI'd love to hear from you!


\nBest regards,

\nDanielle - Customer Success Manager at Rentbird","mails.bad-review-follow-up.within-14-days-no-help-requested":"Hi,


\nIt's disappointing to hear that Rentbird has not met your expectations so far.

\nYou have asked us to refund the purchase amount. The refund process has been initiated and will appear in your account within 7 days. In addition, I have added 1 month of free Rentbird usage to your account so you can give Rentbird another chance!

\nI am also available if you need help optimizing your search query and cover letter. In that case, just send a reply to this email, or Whatsapp me at the phone number +3197006520266.


\nGood luck with your search!


\nBest regards,

\nDanielle - Customer Success Manager at Rentbird","matches":"matches","multi_image_upload.error.allowed_filetypes":"Only png,jpg,webp and jpeg files are allowed","multi_image_upload.error.max_file_size":"You can upload up to :size","multi_image_upload.error.max_files":"You can upload :amount files maximum.","multi_image_upload.error.min_files":"Upload at least 1 file","multi_image_upload.files_selected":":amount files selected","multi_image_upload.label":"Click or drag photos here","multi_image_upload.upload_button":"Upload photos","":"Long letter","":"Short letter","my-rentbird.response-letter-link":"Response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.attributes.amount-of-children":"Number of children","my-rentbird.response-letter.attributes.amount-of-roommates":"Number of roommates","my-rentbird.response-letter.attributes.going-to-live-with":"This field","my-rentbird.response-letter.children.label":"How many children?","my-rentbird.response-letter.content":"Set up your personalized response letter and reply with just one click! You only need to set up this response letter once. Fill in your information below, choose the desired template, and you're good to go!","":"Your date of birth","my-rentbird.response-letter.edit-letter":"Edit response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.edit-long-response-letter-label":"Long response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.edit-response-letter-label":"Your response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.edit-short-response-letter-label":"Short response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.edit-variables-link":"Generate response letter","":"Email","my-rentbird.response-letter.firstname.label":"First name","my-rentbird.response-letter.gender.label":"Your gender","my-rentbird.response-letter.generate-message":"Automatically generate a response letter based on your data!","my-rentbird.response-letter.generate-new":"Generate a new response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.heading":"Personalize your response letter and reply with one click","my-rentbird.response-letter.income.gross-per-month":"Gross per month","my-rentbird.response-letter.income.label":"Your gross income","my-rentbird.response-letter.language-switch-label":"Choose your language","my-rentbird.response-letter.lastname.label":"Last name","":"Alone","":"Who are you going to live with?","":"With child(ren)","":"With partner","":"With partner and children","":"With roommates","my-rentbird.response-letter.moving-date.label":"Moving date","my-rentbird.response-letter.moving-timeframe.asap":"Immediately \/ as soon as possible","":"From a specific date","my-rentbird.response-letter.moving-timeframe.label":"When do you want to move?","":"No specific date \/ I'm not in a hurry","":"You have not yet generated a response letter.","my-rentbird.response-letter.partner-current-job.label":"Partner work situation","my-rentbird.response-letter.partner-date-of-birth.label":"Partner date of birth","my-rentbird.response-letter.partner-firstname.label":"First name partner","my-rentbird.response-letter.partner-lastname.label":"Last name partner","my-rentbird.response-letter.partner.income.label":"Partner's gross income","":"one easygoing dog","":"Which pets do you have","my-rentbird.response-letter.pets.label":"Number of pets","my-rentbird.response-letter.pets.multiple":"Multiple, which are","my-rentbird.response-letter.pets.none":"None","":"One, which is","":"Phone","my-rentbird.response-letter.roommate-current-job.label":"Work situation roommate","my-rentbird.response-letter.roommate-firstname.label":"First name roommate","my-rentbird.response-letter.roommate-lastname.label":"Last name roommate","my-rentbird.response-letter.roommate.income.label":"Housemate gross income","my-rentbird.response-letter.roommates.label":"How many roommates?","my-rentbird.response-letter.submit":"View personalized response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.write-your-own":"Write your own response letter","my-rentbird.response-letter.your-response-letter":"Your response letter","nav-menu.have-questions":"Questions or remarks?","":"Select language","nieuwe woningen":"new listings","of":"or","of meer":"or more","offboarding-feedback-flow.back-to-rentbird":"< Go back to My Rentbird","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.after-14-days.form.title":"Yes, I would like to make use of the free 2 months of Rentbird.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.after-14-days.list.1":"You will receive an additional month of Rentbird for free.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.after-14-days.list.2":"I will personally assist you in optimizing your search query. With some adjustments to the search query, it's often possible to receive more matches and viewings.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.after-14-days.list.3":"I will help you with improving your response letter.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.body":"Thank you for providing your feedback. We sincerely regret that your experience with Rentbird was not optimal.

Our team works tirelessly every day to make Rentbird as effective as possible, even though we realize that we won't succeed in 100% of cases in the current housing market.

With your consent, I would like to try to improve your experience with Rentbird. Therefore, I am pleased to offer you the following:","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.form-thanks-message":"Thank you. We will contact you within 2 business days!","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.intro":"Hi :name,","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.outro":"If you'd like to take advantage of this, please let us know through the form below. I'd be happy to assist you with this!

Warm regards,


Customer Success Manager","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.receive-personal-help-label":"I would like to receive personal assistance in optimizing my search query and response letter.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.within-14-days.form.title":"Yes, I would like to take advantage of the refund and the free month of Rentbird.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.within-14-days.list.1":"We will refund your purchase (if you haven't already requested a refund).","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.within-14-days.list.2":"You will receive an additional month of Rentbird for free.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.within-14-days.list.3":"I will personally assist you in optimizing your search query. With some adjustments to the search query, it often becomes possible to receive more matches and viewings.","offboarding-feedback-flow.forgive-us.within-14-days.list.4":"I will help you with improving your response letter.","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.rating.cancel-button":"Go back to My Rentbird","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.rating.confirm-button":"Cancel subscription","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.rating.extra-comments-label":"How can we improve your experience?","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.rating.title":"How satisfied are you with Rentbird?","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.reason.cancel-button":"Go back to My Rentbird","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.reason.confirm-button":"Cancel subscription","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.reason.options.dont-want-to-auto-renew":"I'm still looking but don't want to auto renew","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.reason.options.found-a-house-through-another-channel":"I've found a home through another channel","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.reason.options.found-a-house-with-rentbird":"I've found a home with Rentbird \ud83d\ude42","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.reason.options.other-reason":"Other reason","offboarding-feedback-flow.steps.reason.title":"What's the reason for you cancellation?","offboarding-feedback-flow.subscription-stopped":"Your subscription ends at :date. We won't charge you again.","open":"expand","over":"in","":"We couldn't find a payment.

Are you sure that you've paid? Contact us here","per jaar":"per year","per maand":"per month","regio ":"region ","reviewwizard.details.heading":"Fill in your details so we can send you the reward.","":"Email","reviewwizard.details.label.experience_text":"Briefly describe your experience with Rentbird","":"Name","":"City you are moving to","reviewwizard.details.label.search_period":"How long did your search via Rentbird take?","reviewwizard.details.placeholder.search_period":"Search period","reviewwizard.details.uploaded_photos":"Uploaded photos","reviewwizard.final_step.success":"Thank you for submitting your photos! After checking your photos, we will refund :amount to your payment account within 14 days.","reviewwizard.instructions.heading":"Earn :amount by uploading a selfie","reviewwizard.instructions.step_one":"Place a review on :platform","reviewwizard.instructions.step_two":"Earn :amount by uploading a selfie","reviewwizard.instructions.steps_label":"The steps","":"First click the link to :platform and write a review.","":"Great that you want to write a review on :platform","":"Link clicked","":"I've posted the review","":"1. Go to :platform and place a review.","":"2. 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Send us your happy selfie!","reviewwizard.selfie.rule_four":"See the examples below for inspiration!","reviewwizard.selfie.rule_one":"Upload one (or more!) photos of yourself holding a set of keys.","reviewwizard.selfie.rule_three":"Make sure there is enough (day) light.","reviewwizard.selfie.rule_two":"You can take the photos in your new home, or in your current home if you haven't moved yet.","reviewwizard.selfie.rules_list":"Be as creative as you like, but keep the following in mind:","reviewwizard.selfie.sample_photos":"Example photos","reviewwizard.step_1":"Instructions","reviewwizard.step_2":"Review","reviewwizard.step_3":"Selfie","reviewwizard.step_4":"Details","reviewwizard.step_5":"Done!","slaapkamer":"bedroom","slaapkamers":"bedrooms","sluiten":"collapse","sterren":"stars","tot \u20ac:maxRent,-\/maand":"up to \u20ac:maxRent,-\/month","uit":"out of","uitschrijven":"unsubscribe","van de":"out of","vandaag":"today","veelgestelde vragen":"frequently asked questions","verander":"edit","verwijder":"delete","via deze link":"with this link","vindt Rentbird gemiddeld per dag voor woningzoekers":"a day per home seeker","voor":"for","vr":"fri","waar Rentbird actief is":"where Rentbird is active","week":"week","weken":"weeks","wo":"wed","woningmatches gemist":"missed property matches","woningmatches in je mailbox.":"of rental listings via WhatsApp or email.","woonplaatsen":"cities","worden door Rentbird gemonitord":"monitored by Rentbird","wordt iedere website gescand door de zoekbot van Rentbird":"per day Rentbird bots search every website","zijn door Rentbird geholpen in hun zoektocht":"found new homes with Rentbird","zoekprofielen":"search profiles","\u201cRentbird maakte het v\u00e9\u00e9l gemakkelijker om een woning te vinden\u201d":"\u201cRentbird made it s\u00f3 much easier to find an apartment\u201d","\u20ac1.500 tot \u20ac3.000 bruto":"\u20ac1.500 to \u20ac3.000 before taxes","\u20ac25 verdienen in 1 minuut? 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